After being scolded by Zhang Ben, Zhang Qiu Dan returned to the tent in a daze.

She fell to the ground, unable to understand how her brother could have said such a thing.

When Wang Rui heard Zhang Ben's words, a member of the boxing squad walked over and asked him to leave the camp.

There was no point in continuing to stay in the boxing team's camp, Wang Rui wisely decided to head out.

But, he couldn't complete the task which had been forgiven by Zhang Qiu Dan. Could he only wait for death?

After leaving the boxing team's camp, Wang Rui didn't go any further, instead, he wandered around the camp, wondering how he was going to complete the motherfucker mission that was arranged by the mysterious watch.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for this task.

Therefore, Prince Rui decided to wait until the moment the opportunity appeared!

In the camp, Zhang Ben was still the leader. He was in the tent, having a meeting with the members of the boxing team.

If he wanted to survive on such a strange island, he would have to come up with a series of plans.

"I believe many of us know Chen Shengnan, right?"

"That's the guy from the scouting party?"

"That's right!"

"Is she on this island?"

"Yes, I met her in the forest earlier."

Zhang Ben looked at the people in the tent and said, "Chen ShengNan has a treasure map in her hands. It's very possible that the treasure map contains a way to leave this strange island!"

"Will she be so kind as to reveal the treasure map to us?" Liu Zhenfeng was puzzled. "It could be a trap!"

"Yes, this could be a trap!" Zhang Ben nodded and said, "But we can try to work with them. If they discover something wrong, we can take care of it in time. After all, this is an opportunity to leave the island!"

After Zhang Ben expressed his thoughts, the members of the boxing team began their discussion.

Afterwards, they raised their hands to vote on whether to cooperate with Chen Shengnan.

Zhang Qiu Dan was temporarily not qualified to participate in such a meeting. Of course, she was not in the mood for such a meeting.

She felt that she had been scolded by Zhang Ben just now, but when she met him again, Zhang Ben didn't say anything and just looked at her coldly.

Such a cold gaze made it hard for Zhang Qiu Dan to believe that it was her brother. That person was clearly a stranger!

Zhang Qiu Dan cried for a whole day, until nightfall, when a female member of the boxing team came into the tent with food and drink to comfort her. "Your brother had a reason for doing this, and you have to understand him, after all, he was lucky to be alive on this strange island."

Being comforted, Zhang Qiu Dan's heart became warm.

After crying for a whole day, she had long been starving and had no strength left in her body.

Seeing Zhang Qiu Dan gulp down the food and drinks, the female member of the team left the tent with a strange smile.

Not long after she had eaten her fill, Zhang Qiu Dan felt the food in her stomach spreading to her limbs and bones.

A wave of sleepiness hit her consciousness.

Zhang Qiu Dan felt something was wrong. She grabbed her arm, trying hard not to fall asleep!

Another strange feeling attacked her. Zhang Qiu Dan's entire body was trembling. She bit her lips to prevent herself from screaming.

She realized that she must have been drugged by that beast Liu Zhenfeng!

Having been comforted by that girl just now, Zhang Qiu Dan was slightly grateful to her in her heart. She had never thought that she would actually be the villain!

Zhang Qiu Dan was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, but she could not do so now. Footsteps could be heard outside the tent, and Zhang Qiu Dan quickly grabbed something in her hands.

The curtain of the tent was lifted. Liu Zhenfeng, with his swarthy skin, walked in with a mischievous smile.

"You beast!" Zhang Qiu Dan shouted at Liu Zhenfeng.

"Go ahead and curse!" Liu Zhenfeng crossed his arms in front of his chest as he looked at Zhang Qiu Dan with a smile. "Soon, you will beg me to do it!"

"Come on, come here if you dare. Even if I die, I won't let you get away with it. If you dare to come here, I'll perish together with you, you beast!" Zhang Qiu Dan held up a black object. That thing looked like an explosive!

The interior of the tent was dimly lit, so Liu Zhenfeng could not see what it was.

He didn't think that Zhang Qiu Dan had a bomb in her hands, but when he thought about the earlier threat from the bomb, he became a little fearful.

Zhang Qiu Dan suddenly stood up. She rushed towards Liu Zhenfeng and pulled down a rope attached to the explosive package!

What Zhang Qiu Dan did seemed like she was going to perish together with Liu Zhenfeng. Such a scene scared Liu Zhenfeng so much that he quickly turned around and ran away!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Qiudan quickly rushed out of the boxing team camp and disappeared into the dark forest.

Liu Zhenfeng waited for a while, but the explosives did not explode. He realized that he had been cheated!

Annoyed and exasperated, he brought a few people with him and quickly entered the forest to search for Zhang Qiu Dan.

After running for a short distance, her legs gave way and she fell into a pile of vines. Although the fall was very painful, she clenched her teeth to prevent herself from shouting out loud.

The sound of footsteps could be heard as Liu Zhenfeng led his men in a search around the area.

Lying among the dense vines, Zhang Qiu Dan's consciousness became more and more blurry, and the peculiar feeling from her body made her feel more and more uncomfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, there were footsteps getting closer and closer. Zhang Qiu Dan was startled. She was about to run away, but was stopped by a pair of hands. Wang Rui's voice appeared. "Why did you run out?"

After leaving the boxing team camp, Wang Rui wandered around the perimeter, waiting for an opportunity.

He had witnessed Zhang Qiu Dan escape from the camp with Liu Zhenfeng and his men searching for her in the forest.

After seeing Liu Zhenfeng and the others back to the camp, Wang Rui walked up to Zhang Qiu Dan.

Zhang Qiu Dan didn't answer Wang Rui's question, she crazily threw Wang Rui onto the grass, and tightly entwined him like an octopus!

Wang Rui could clearly feel that Zhang Qiu Dan's body was burning hot as if she was having a fever.

He suspected that Zhang Qiu Dan had been given some drug by someone!

Wang Rui didn't want to have sex with Zhang Qiu Dan in a place like this.

But at this moment, Zhang Qiu Dan's power was beyond imagination!

She was like a beast controlled by desire!

After a long time, Zhang Qiu Dan's consciousness became clearer, but she did not separate from Wang Rui!

Zhang Qiu Dan had a bad feeling about this. She thought she was going to die. It was all because of Liu Zhenfeng, her brother Zhang Ben, the female member of the team, and the other members of the boxing team!

She grabbed the clothes on Wang Rui's chest, her expression crazed and calm, "Wang Rui, help me kill them, you have to help me kill them, otherwise I will never forgive you!"

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