At this moment, Zhang Qiu Dan felt that Wang Rui's smile was worthy of a beating!

Zhang Qiu Dan brought Prince Rui back to the camp, she originally wanted to torture him like a slave!

So, how could she beg Prince Rui? Facing Prince Rui's smiling face, Zhang Qiu Dan tried to threaten him, "I'm going to tell Liu Zhenfeng that your bomb is just a packet of biscuits, let's see how he will deal with you!"

"Go!" Wang Rui made a please gesture with his hand. "You should know very well that if I didn't appear just now, you would have become Liu Zhenfeng's toy. If you want to become Liu Zhenfeng's toy, then go and expose me!"

Of course, Zhang Qiu Dan didn't want to become Liu Zhenfeng's toy, but she also didn't want to humbly beg Prince Rui!

She looked at Wang Rui with a dark face. "Don't forget, we are on the same boat now, if anything happens to me, you're dead for sure!"

Wang Rui laid down in the tent, completely unconcerned. He put his head on his hands and smiled contentedly, "They killed me, so they definitely shot me directly. But when they killed you, do you think they would let you, who looks so beautiful, go?"

Prince Rui's words almost made Zhang Qiu Dan cry. "You bastard, you can still say such words at this moment, although we are not very close friends, but we are classmates, do you want to see me being humiliated by those beasts, and are you still human? Since you want me to beg for you, then I will beg you, help me!"

Zhang Qiu Dan was truly frightened to death. Once her brother Zhang Ben was killed by Liu Zhenfeng and his men, he would be no match for them.

If that was the case, she, with her beautiful figure and good figure, would definitely become the toy of Liu Zhenfeng and the others!

In order to not turn into a toy, Zhang Qiu Dan could only beg Prince Rui for help while crying!

Even in the face of Zhang Qiu Dan's plea, Wang Rui was still unmoved. He felt that the time was right, "To be honest, although I don't think I killed your boyfriend Liu Shangjie, but I do have a fault in that matter. If you can forgive me and don't resent me, I'll be happy to help you …"

"In your dreams!" Before Wang Rui could finish his words, Zhang Qiu Dan glared at him. "That matter, no matter what, I will never forgive you!"

After receiving such an answer, Wang Rui's face became gloomy. Zhang Qiu Dan's failure to forgive him meant that he was unable to complete the mission which was arranged by the mysterious table. The only outcome for him was death!

Seeing that Wang Rui's face had turned ugly, Zhang Qiu Dan realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She had said those words in a moment of desperation.

Now, she hurriedly changed her words!

"I forgive you, that matter is already over. I don't care anymore. Can you help me now?"

"..." "Damn it!" Wang Rui cursed in his heart with a dark face!

Even though Zhang Qiu Dan had said the word 'forgive', the mysterious table did not shake, reminding Wang Rui that he had completed the task.

At this time, Wang Rui realized that the forgiveness on the mysterious watch was perhaps Zhang Qiu Dan's sincere forgiveness!

Zhang Qiu Dan had just said that she would never forgive Wang Rui no matter what. Therefore, it was almost impossible for Wang Rui to complete the mission arranged by the mysterious table!

Wang Rui's heart turned to ashes, he felt that he was dead for sure.

But then he thought about it, the mission arranged by the mysterious table had no time limit.

Perhaps, he still had a chance of survival!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Rui turned around and looked out of the tent, the dark skinned Liu Zhenfeng led a group of people into the forest, and around the camp there were also seven or eight boxing squad members. From time to time, these people would look towards Zhang Qiu Dan's tent, and it was clear that they stayed in the camp to stop Zhang Qiu Dan from leaving!

While Wang Rui was thinking about what to do, the robust Zhang Ben appeared in the forest.

As Zhang Ben walked towards the camp site, the swarthy Liu Zhenfeng suddenly jumped down from the tree and stopped him.

Seeing Liu Zhenfeng, Zhang Ben was a bit happy. He was about to say something, but Liu Zhenfeng said first, "Xin, I like your sister a lot. Let her follow me from now on!"

Zhang Ben frowned and stared at Liu Zhenfeng. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, everyone in our camp has to do a lot of things on their own every day, and your sister can't do anything to help. Everyone is very unhappy with her existence, and if she warms up my bed, everyone will be willing to admit that she's one of us. Of course, I won't force her, so if she doesn't want to warm my bed, then let her leave our camp."

In this strange island full of danger, there was no way he could survive by himself!

Even with Zhang Ben and Zhang Qiu Dan, it would still be difficult for them to survive on this strange island!

Zhang Ben glared at Liu Zhenfeng and asked, "Are you going against me?"

"No!" Liu Zhenfeng laughed, "I admit that you are the leader of our team, but now, you are going against everyone!"

While Liu Zhenfeng was speaking, more than a dozen members of the boxing squad appeared in the forest. They all stared at Zhang Ben. They were all standing by Liu Zhenfeng's side!

Zhang Ben was furious, but his anger was meaningless.

The corners of Liu Zhenfeng's mouth curled up as he continued, "If you agree to my request, you will still be the leader of our team!"

While Wang Rui was observing the situation in the camp, Zhang Ben and Liu Zhenfeng appeared. They were heading to the largest tent in the camp.

"Your brother is back." Wang Rui said to Zhang Qiu Dan, "But I think your brother …"

"Brother!" Hearing that her brother had returned, Zhang Qiu Dan rushed out of the tent and ran towards Zhang Ben.

However, when she was close to Zhang Ben, Zhang Qiu Dan noticed that her brother's expression was extremely ugly. She couldn't understand what was going on, so she stopped and pointed at Liu Zhenfeng. She was scolded by Zhang Ben before she could open her mouth to complain, "What are you screaming for, go back inside the tent!"

"Brother, Liu Zhenfeng, he …"

"Don't say anything. If you want to stay in the camp and be protected by everyone, you have to pay a price!"

"How could this be …" Zhang Qiu Dan's eyes were filled with despair. She could not believe that her brother, Zhang Ben, would say something like that.

"Also, tell your classmate to scram, our camp doesn't accept outsiders!" Without any hesitation, Zhang Ben walked into the tent. Zhang Ben loved his sister dearly, and in his opinion, letting his sister follow Liu Zhenfeng was better than being expelled from the camp.

Of course, Zhang Ben knew that Liu Zhenfeng was a bad guy, and he didn't want to make such a decision.

But he didn't want to die. He didn't have the courage to break with all the other boxers!

In order to survive, he had no choice but to sacrifice Zhang Qiu Dan …

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