abduction. a cozy day

Life at the academy was going smoothly, if at all. If there was one thing that was difficult, it was about Mei calling it all the time.

“Kiya, hasn’t it been a while since you’ve seen the scenery from the rooftop like this?”

May, leaning against the railing and eating candy, had a smile that matched the setting sun. To the point where I stare blankly without even realizing it.


“Is not it? I like the scenery here, so it seems like I’m working as a secretary without leaving the academy.”

“No, not that.”


I give an honest answer to May who sneakily saw me.

“You are pretty.”

“……Wow, what is it all of a sudden?”

Her face, which had been reddened by the setting sun, heats up even more, and Mei covers her mouth with her hand. A face that contrasts with the coercive image I showed you last time.

Slowly turn your gaze back.

Continuing from the academy, passing through the high wall, Elgrid is still lively even as the evening approaches.

The students were chatting happily saying that they would go out to the city to shop or eat out after the lecture was over. Merchants welcome such students.

There were people selling souvenirs with unique appearances or performing street performances because they came from other countries by boat.

Looking at it like this, I realized again that I liked the city of Elgrid more than I thought.

At that time, Mei next to me tapped my shoulder and asked in a pouty tone.

“Why don’t you talk. What is it all of a sudden?”


honestly after being resurrected.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that he had lived a mindless life.

Living with the flow like that, I don’t think I was able to say what I really needed to say. No, rather, it seems that I entrusted my body to them and simply settled for comfort.

“Because you’re pretty.”

let’s not hide

Don’t be rude to those who treat you honestly.

In order not to give anxiety to the girls who chose me, just in case.

Also, don’t let the girls who rescued me even from death feel lonely.

I carefully laid my hand on top of May’s hand holding onto the railing.


Mei’s eyes were slightly wet. I already know that she is a woman who pretends to be strong on the outside but secretly cries a lot.

“I wanted to do it here, but I’ll be patient.”

“Yeah, not like that.”

In fact, it’s a relationship that we’ve done everything to make it happen, but it seemed like it was the first time we’d ever expressed natural affection in such a cozy atmosphere.

Maybe Mei was thinking the same thing as me, and she was looking at me with her face slightly lowered.

The calming sunset light had a warmth that made the body drowsy, and in Elgrid, after the chaotic winter, spring with the scent of flowers that made me want to close my eyes was lightly stepping out.

The back of Mei’s hand that I could feel through the palm of my hand was finer than I thought, and I hadn’t let go of it for a long time.



It must have been a good atmosphere.

Something sweet like naturally melted caramel, to be honest, it was the feeling of an ideal relationship that I was thinking of.

Mei liked it too.

But who is she

Isn’t she the empress who calmed the academy with her fists and took control with her fists? Our empress said that she would go one step further and would sleep with me today.

Of course, conditions bet.

simply to sleep. Since I had been firmly promised not to do anything else, I gave my permission.

“Heh heh.”

Mei walks down the hallways of the men’s dormitory with a gun-shot gait. I was on my way to my room while changing into my pajamas in my own room.

“That’s why I think we were dating when we were students.”


do not deny

Actually, I was thinking the same thing.

It was already bedtime, so the hallway was dark, and the students were all in the room. The sound of our footsteps is probably the same as the patrolling supervisor.


At that moment, a male student with his head sticking out at the sound of the door opening from behind. As if she had just woken up, she looked at me with her shaggy hair and half-closed eyes.


The guy who had been staring at us hurriedly closed the door and shouted.

“Mi, sorry! I’ll pretend I haven’t seen anything!”




Mei and Mei looked at each other without saying anything for a moment. I was serious for no reason, so I tried to call the friend again, but May stopped me with a laugh.

“Hey, didn’t he just mistake me for a student?”


“No, you were talking nonsense. I’m sorry. I think I misunderstood you because you wake up and you’re out of your mind, and you’re wearing pajamas?”

Hearing things like that makes me look like a student. I just graduated, so it’s only natural in a way.

“And I’m the dean’s secretary, right? Students rarely see my face.”

A secretary who works in the dean’s office or just stands behind the dean to assist him. I don’t give lectures every day like other professors or give lectures in front of the whole school like the dean.

When I thought about that, I really thought that the boy just mistook May for a girl from another floor.

“Originally, female students often come to the boys’ dormitory to play.”

“Yes, I know all too well.”

Because of that, when I was in the academy, there were a lot of bad rumors going around. Every once in a while, they came into my room.

“Oh, it really reminds me of my school days.”

Mei, immersed in memories for no reason, rushes in and crosses my arms.

“If you’re going to receive it like this, what will happen if you accept it a little earlier?”

“At that time… because I could never accept this kind of situation.”

How do you relate to a lot of women? Isn’t it like spitting on my own face that was cursing Ares?

“Is not it. We have captured Daniel MacLaine’s brilliance.”

I’m not saying it’s wrong, so keep your mouth shut.

Satisfied with the response, Mei pushed her body closer and we headed to the room.

“It’s nothing like the old days.”

It’s not that it’s not much different from the room I used to use when I was in 3rd grade, but it’s not decorated, so the furniture in this dormitory is just lying there.

“Aren’t you supposed to put a picture of your lover on your desk or something?”

Complaints pouring out while looking at the sloppy desk. However, I had no intention of taking pictures.

I’m sure there’s going to be a storm raging no matter who’s photos I hang up, but I think I’d hate myself too much to post them all.

“Wash first.”

“uh? to do?”


May makes a playfully anticipatory expression. I knew he was trying to make fun of me without being serious, so I just ignored it and went into the bathroom.

As I wash my hair with foam on my hair, the bathroom door opens and Jeolla’s Mei comes in with a smile.

“Let’s wash together.”

“Wow, did you lock the door?”

“yes? It’s easy enough to figure out.”

When I glanced at it, I just smashed the doorknob rather than plucked it. He’s good at putting mana around his body, so he often behaves ignorantly like this.

“If you tell me it’s vandalized, I’ll fix it.”


Mei, who was attached right away, grinned.

“Didn’t you say you wouldn’t do it today? I’m not really going to do it either.”


“Be patient.”

The foamed body is really slippery.

It was a time to think.

Anyway, we endured well in the bath and we lay in bed together. Turning off the lights, Mei had been making a childlike request for an arm pillow, so I granted that as well.

Because it’s not that difficult.

“It’s like a real dream.”

Mei turned and looked at me blankly. I’m sure I used the same shampoo, but strangely, that one has a more fragrant scent. Is it mixed with salaeeum?


May poked my cheek with her finger.

He doesn’t show any reaction because he’s already experienced it a few times.

It’s their way of realizing that I’m really back again, or something.

“I honestly never thought this day would come.”


May burrows into my arms and wraps her hands around my waist. The soft and cozy warmth and touch relieves tension in the body.

“I really, never thought this day would ever come.”

Mei’s voice trembled slightly. As I said before, I am usually confident, strong, and tough.

“So good.”

Mei whispers as she puts her forehead on my chest.

I sighed and lifted the duvet.

“Woah, what is it? suddenly?”

May flinched in embarrassment. I put my arms on both sides to prevent her from escaping and said.

“I lost.”


“I can’t stand it.”

As it is, I reach for her pajamas. Seriously embarrassed, Mei puts her hands together differently than usual to prevent me from peeling it off, but she can’t stop me with her power.

“Wait a minute! You didn’t seduce me?! I was thinking of just sleeping like this today!?”

“That was the most tempting.”

“No, wait! Now, hold on!”

The moment May, whose face was flushed like a ripe peach from embarrassment, tried to push me away.


The walls are ringing.

The student next door must have woken up because of us. Come to think of it, I thought this dormitory had no soundproofing. I can often hear singing in the next room.

“Look, look. Can’t you?”


Mei, who calmed me down for a quick sleep, nodded my head in response.

“I have to be patient.”

“uh? huh? Go to sleep… Huh!”

“Would you like to have something in your mouth?”

“You, G, really stop…! ha ha! Hey, quilt! Get a blanket… Hmmm!”

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