abduction. secretary and dean’s office


About a month has passed since I was resurrected.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been at peace.”

I’m at Aos Academy now.

After the resurrection, I returned to my hometown and rested, and entered the 4th year of Aeos Academy.

It was possible, but the help of May’s cousin, the dean, made the forced transfer possible.

In addition, there is a record that I attended 3rd grade, so according to the record, it was corrected that I took a leave of absence and then returned to school.

Of course, there is no choice but to speak, but I am not going to care. The dean can take responsibility for that.

The academy was a place of love and hatred for me, so I had the desire to graduate. Returning after a month had the intention of running away from home.

It was because Sen slowly began to seduce him openly.

After being resurrected, I, who was devoured, lost the virginity I had kept even though I returned three times.

But, of course, Sen and I didn’t have that kind of relationship.

He could never do such a thing to his younger sister, Sen.

In her own words, since she is older now, she calls her older sister, but that is bullsh*t and she can never lay a hand on Sen anyway.

“Ugh, now it must be like living a little more.”

It’s horrifying to think of those days when my lower leg was tingling and it was difficult to walk. I knew for the first time in my life that that part of a man can swell.

I honestly thought I was falling.

I’m only going to talk about it to the extent that I really thought I was going back to the Goddess of Death.

Anyway, a month’s camp-like life is over. Everyone can’t stay in our house all the time, so we decided to do our own thing and get together again.

The date is two months later.

We decided to get together again when the academy’s summer vacation began.

Everyone felt sorry, but if I don’t take a break, it’s really hard for me.


After a long time, I put on my school uniform and went out of the dormitory. It wasn’t the same room I had used before, but it was on the same 3rd floor.

Students who have not yet slept in the hallways, students who have been busy from early in the morning, and students who are walking with a toothbrush in their mouth, etc. A familiar sight unfolded.

‘Even if the grade is different, everyone acts the same.’


It’s really nice to have an ordinary day like this.

I haven’t made any friends yet, and I know it’ll be hard to get involved in a relationship that’s already been built up to the 4th grade.

Still, I wanted to make a friend to eat with.

as a man

On the last day of leaving for the academy, Rin’s warning was still ringing in my ears. We whispered in your ear as we hugged you tight with your bare skin wet with sweat.

‘If I increase it more, I really die.’

‘Cause I know it’s no joke

And because I know that dying involves not only me, but also the other party.

“The kid is so scared.”

As Rin, who destroyed the world for me and killed me, I understand that her obsession has become too much.

Still, shouldn’t we be able to act a little further away? Because Rin also has her own dream.

I managed to convince Rin with that as a weapon.

Rin started studying to become a doctor during the two months away from me. If it was Rin now, she would pass the exam without too much difficulty.

Doctors who can handle healing magic freely are not common.


About two months until vacation.

Having become a free body, I moved forward to listen to the first period. The students glanced at me consciously of seeing me for the first time, but they decided not to care.

At times like this, if you do something that stands out, you will only be branded as a strange person.

At first, I was going to keep quiet until my interest in me diminished.

during the second period lecture.

It was unintentionally drawn to the attention of the students.

-Daniel McLain student. Please come to the dean’s office immediately.


A broadcast suddenly called me.

I remember that such a function did not exist 3 years ago, but the academy has developed in many ways.

“Student Daniel.”

The professor calls me with his eyes wide open.

I was a professor who was there three years ago, but when he first saw me, he said it was the first time he was a returning student.

“The dean is calling, so go.”

The eyes of the other students are sharply fixed, and gossip is heard.

“what? Why are you calling me all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. Transferring to the 4th grade is unusual.”

“His name was Daniel.”

“I heard that bad habits are gradually being abolished, but it seems that they still have left behind.”

“But aren’t you a commoner?”

Students who think of me as special because I have a huge backbone. But the important thing is that it was true that he actually had a huge back, so it was difficult to deny it.

It was because the 3rd princess, Elise, was looking after me, starting with the dean.


I leave the classroom thinking about why he suddenly called me. My footsteps in the corridor gradually accelerated and I arrived at the dean’s office on the top floor.


No need to knock.

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Just kick in the door and say a word right away.

“I definitely want you to refrain from special treatment as much as possible…”

Unknowingly, the afterwords are cut off sparsely, and at the end, the strength in the body is slightly relaxed.

“I cut my hair like the old days, how is it?”

May, with her long hair cut short as in the old days, was standing in the dean’s office.

“You, you… why are you here?”

“yes? do i work here Dean’s secretary.”

“No, he said he quit!”

Did I come to the academy after hearing it?

Obviously, I heard that Eve said that he resigned while yelling at the professors as he moved to find me.

But Mei shrugged her shoulders and answered.

“The dean’s secretary is at the dean’s discretion. The dean says he will hire me again, but the other professors are teasing me.”

“…Is it okay to live like that?”

My only job was a sherpa guiding through the forest by myself, but I knew how absurd Mei was now.

“Well, I had a lot of conversations with the professors. As I became an adult, my abilities grew a bit. After a long conversation, we were finally able to return to work.”

What the hell is going on in that long conversation?

I bet she would have actively used her princess status as Elysee.

Understanding the situation, I forcibly turned my gaze away.

“Hey, where is the dean?”


Mei walks away with the sound of shoes. Without realizing it, my strength began to fade, and it was a habit that I developed after being resurrected.

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Just like the myth that if you ring the bell and feed the dog, the dog will salivate even if the bell rings later.

When I looked at them, I heard a habit of losing strength to my body without realizing it. There was no point in resisting, so it was intended to save power.


The door is locked.

“Because it’s 2nd, 2nd period. I’ll just go!”

“yes. I’ll have to go back around 5 o’clock.”


“The dean went on a business trip for a while. There must have been some talk about the competition with the Palace Academy.”

“Okay, so keep your distance.”

Mei sneaks up to me and puts her legs between them. I tried to step back, but suddenly I was pushed against the wall. Where the hell did you learn this?


May’s brown hair tickles my cheek.

Mei bit my ear and smiled and whispered.

“Do you know why I worked so hard on birth control?”


It was such an outrageous statement, but honestly, I was curious.

For a month of living a life of mischief, May was always on the lookout for birth control. While learning related magic from the witch Adriana.

By the way, Eris was the complete opposite of Mei.

To make a half elf…

I will spare my words.

“Hey, are you going to work?”

I tried taking a picture, but Mei replied with a giggle.

“When all the kids are pregnant, no one can do anything with you for about ten months.”


“Then I can only keep going for ten months.”


he’s really great

Unknowingly, I turned my head and looked at Mei. The distance that the bridge of the nose and the bridge of the nose are likely to touch. Mei smiled bashfully and kissed her lips.


“That expression is so good.”

“Ah, okay, calm down for a moment! Do I have to take a lecture? Do you remember last time I couldn’t go on a school trip alone because my grades were low?”

“I’m the dean’s secretary, so what does that matter? You can graduate unconditionally.”

“That’s corrupt…!”

Mei immediately covered her mouth with her mouth. No matter how many times I’ve done it, she trampled on my mouth very skillfully.


After the intense kiss, Mei’s hand was already pointing down.

“hey! hey! I’m really going to get mad!”

Pak and push Mei.

I thought I would be able to rest for about two months, but wouldn’t it be no different from when I was living at home?

But despite my rebellion, Mei untied her tie and took off her suit and smiled.

“Aren’t the dean’s office and the position of secretary more exciting than I thought?”

“Say something…!”

My words couldn’t go any further.

The only thing I could say was that the sweet scent of May’s candy had permeated my body.

It was not until the 6th period beyond the 5th period that I was able to return to the classroom.

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