206. A world that only one person remembers (End)

Popping popping.

The sound of stepping on the eyes is impressively heard in my ears. Looking at the white snow, I recall the memories of returning to the entrance ceremony in March.

Now, a year has passed and February.

It didn’t quite fill a year, but it didn’t matter at all.

Looking at the snow piled up on the thick coniferous trees, I put a hood on my robe, wondering what would happen if snow fell on Daniel’s head.

Daniel still didn’t say a word or look at Rin, but it’s fine now.

“I couldn’t hear your voice until the end. I probably won’t even make eye contact with you anymore.”

Lynn whispers.

She smiled very carefully, placing her hand on Daniel’s cheek.

“It’s okay though. I wish I could have saved you.”


Small eyes touch Rin’s nose.

When I looked up at the sky, snow was falling from the sky of Hayeon, which was hidden among the conifers.

“It’s snowing…”

Thinking it was a good idea to put the hood on in advance, Rin turned around leaving Daniel alone. Because I had to go this way alone now.


The time has come to put an end to the world that I thought would never end.

The only remaining village in the distance.

A place that has not yet been properly named because it is a village created by refugees who have lost their hometown and lost their families.

There, people were waiting for Rin, ready to die to protect the end of humanity.

As if it was a limitation and did not want to move any more, the creaking legs headed forward through the strong winter wind.

Now, it was time to completely destroy the world.


It was a poorly paired barrier.

Sharkal or Kulika. It was a city like a pile of straw in front of a typhoon that could be destroyed too easily if only one of them was summoned.

Lin didn’t summon his army, he simply headed for the city.

“The end is coming!”

“Revenge the one you love!”

“Avenge your friend!”

“Revenge the country!”

“Revenge of the Servant!”

People in the city began to shoot arrows at Rin while shouting prearranged slogans.

An arrow that cuts through the wind and flies.

The arrow that lightly grazed his shoulder lightly tore the robe he was wearing and passed by.

Despite the close situation, Rin did not show any resistance or reaction.

Pak! Fak Fak!

Eventually, arrows pierced the shoulder and thigh. There was pain, but not severe. Because I’ve been through so much pain since I’ve come this far.

To Rin, this was nothing.

“Doesn’t the apocalypse call the army?”

“It’s your chance! chance! shoot! If you shoot now, you will definitely get hit!”

“The darkness has abandoned that bitch!”

“Damn it bitch! I’ll kill you! Today, I will kill you and solve the grievances of all the ghosts on the continent!”

The flying arrows continued to pierce Rin. Originally, it wouldn’t be strange to die, but Rin, who had been active as an apocalypse for a long time, was already quite out of the human category.

Unlike the first time, the rain of arrows that flew sparsely stopped quickly as if there was a drought. Since it was an improvised village, there was no choice but to lack weapons.

Then, this time, people grabbed swords and spears and started running out.

“Kill! Kill it!”

“you can do it! We are defending the continent!”

“Please die! please! please! please!”

“My parents are dead! My pregnant wife died! The first daughter is dead! Dog bitch! Because of you, I am the only one left!”

Their hearts all understand.

Until now, Rin also had work to do, so she tried not to get hurt as much as possible.

because it wasn’t anymore

I accepted their anger completely with non-resistance.

hooked! Fu-wook!

A sword stuck in Rin’s chest.

Rin showed no resistance, but people surrounded her and stabbed their swords into her without the slightest hesitation.

hooked! hooked! hooked!

‘Ah, Rob…’

The robe that Daniel and he matched with becomes tattered and stained with his own dirty blood. Rin slowly closed her eyes in sorrow.

I wanted to apologize to them.

For those who have just worked hard, he has become a very severe disaster.

I wanted to apologize, explain that this was actually the case, and make excuses.

‘I don’t deserve that.’

No matter what you say, they can’t be comforted, and if you say these words now, it’s actually just an excruciatingly cruel excuse that you were also a victim.

Rin accepted all the pouring swords and spears, hoping to bring some peace to their hearts.

And at the end.

“I wish you infinite blessings in your life in the future.”

With a girl’s wish that is no different from a prayer.

The darkness that rose from Rin’s feet engulfed everyone.



The darkness doesn’t cover properly.

The weapons stabbed in front could not be moved if left alone, so he pulled them out through the darkness, but as if that was the limit, the darkness no longer listened to him.

I thought there was no pain, but the execution of the villagers hit Rin harder than expected.

Thanks, the ability doesn’t come out properly. The swords and spears still attached to their backs had no choice but to be left alone.

With that in mind, Lin came to Daniel.

The truth is, I just wanted to end this world by myself, but I came to the end of the end. Wanting to see Daniel once more, Rin forcibly dragged her immobile body back to this place.

Looking at Daniel’s hood, which was lightly covered in snow, Lin smiled a little.

What should I say?

I’d really imagined this situation where everything was over hundreds of times, but when it came to reality like this, I couldn’t think of anything to say.

When I opened my mouth, a thick lump of blood tried to come out, so I forced myself to swallow it and then opened my mouth again. I didn’t know what to say, but when it started, it just kept pouring out in disorder.

“If you return now, you will be moved to a different location instead of the moment you were expelled, and the curse of the sun god will be lifted. That’s because the goddess of time made a promise to me.”

“Actually, I put a little selfishness into the time zone. sorry. But I want you to look at that.”


“There you are, Daniel.”

“Did I do well?”

“I do not know. I don’t know if what I did was for the best.”

“Even if it was a world that would eventually perish, I killed everyone. all their family, lovers and friends. Everyone on this continent suffered the pain of parting because of me.”

“I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry, I guess I’ll be punished now.”

vision blurs

Suddenly, thick snowdrops were running down Rin’s white cheeks.

“I don’t want to break up with you. Daniel, me too… I want to go with you. Back to the time when I had a chance again. I want to laugh and talk with you once again, I want to hug you, and I want to talk with you. me too……”

“me too……!”

Unable to even think of wiping away the endless tears, Rin slowly stretched out her hand.

Daniel still has no answer.

I wanted to touch him one last time.

I just wanted to feel the touch of his skin.

In the end, Rin’s hand couldn’t reach Daniel because of the red blood that soaked his hand. He thought that he, who had killed everyone on the continent, should not touch Daniel carelessly.

Contrary to Lynn, who was horribly defiled, Daniel MacLean’s appearance was clean enough to look holy.

but only.

Ironically, for Rin, who was soaked in continental blood. It was the only part that was not stained with blood.

“Daniel, let me ask you one favor.”

The darkness that surrounds the body with no power at all. Still, he was careful not to touch Daniel.

Darkness finally settles into Rin’s body to help her. Even so, at most, lean forward and lift your stilettos.

Lips and lips touch.

For the girl who destroyed the continent, this was the only undefiled part.

After kissing her first love boy for the first time, the girl flopped down like a doll with a broken thread.

“Can you give me this much?”

The answer is, of course, no.

I was worried about what to do if I was offended.

Rin said as if running away from the strong cold wind.

“Forget me.”

are you listening

“Please forget me and live happily.”

Will you listen to my last request?

“Forget about me, who will become a ghost and disappear, becoming a non-existent existence.”

blurred vision.

Feeling a loss of consciousness, Rin gave strength to her trembling lips and smiled.

I can’t put my feelings into words right now.

If you say this, Daniel will never forget himself.


Finally I can catch you in my eyes,

I’m so glad

moonlit night.

The girl who was squatting on the roof and covered with a blanket felt that time had stopped for a moment.

Is it because I’m watching the moon with the man I love with a blanket?

It was Rin who wanted this time to last forever, so there was a sense of alienation, but it wasn’t too bad.

‘Did time really stop?’

The boy next to him had the ability to stop time, so he thought he had similar thoughts.

‘I think Dyna unnie is flirting too much with the blanket.’

Rin suddenly felt sorry for Dyna, who was waiting for her brother to bring a blanket at home. In addition to that, at Daniel’s house, Kulika said he was waiting for him hungry.

‘too bad.’

Lynn thought so, but smiled and tried to tell Daniel when he went down.


Daniel McClain was weeping bitterly.

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