205. A world that only one person remembers (5)


Rin lit a bonfire on the ground where there had been a fierce battle just before and sat down in front of it. It was such a fierce battle that the land was so damaged that it was not suitable for rest.

However, there was no strength left to move anywhere else, so Rin took a breath and sat down to rest.

Fatigue that melts away the power of the whole body that I haven’t felt in a long time.

After making Sharqal his limbs, he actually thought it would be easy. No matter how coolika you are, there are things you can do and things you can’t do.

Even if the opponent was Coolika, I thought it would be easy since this side’s power is so out of standard.

In some ways, the word “absolute existence” was a perfect match for Coolica.

No matter how strong the opponent is, no matter what kind of existence they have.

When it comes to dealing with him, if you don’t do your best, you can’t help but be bitten quickly. Rin exhaled as she recalled the crazy-eyed Kulika who had come close to her nose alone while pushing the army with her short body.

Still, he won in the end.

That was important.

The two powers that came into his army today could be called the strongest power that could be obtained on the continent.

‘Let’s keep our minds straight.’

In fact, it could be said that if Rin’s spirit did not break down, the conquest of the continent itself would not be a problem.


Still, Lynn didn’t think she was lucky at all. Rather, he had no choice but to realize that his killing of everyone on the continent was half-confirmed.

“Did you say it was a treasure trove…”

Lynn relaxed a bit and slowly got up again. There was no time to rest like this. I was thinking of going to the warehouse of the gods that Kulika was protecting.

First of all, if there is something that can be used as power, I have to get something.

The road was not difficult.

Most of the beasts in the forest were already obeying Rin, and the biggest wall, the warehouse keeper, was his.

Inside the large cave, it was creating a different atmosphere from the stuffy air that the demonic forest gives.


Inside, there were more great things than I thought. There were things that he could use, but there seemed to be a lot of things that would suit his friends.

But that didn’t mean he called out his academy friends. The moment I saw them, I was worried that my heart would be uncontrollably broken.

As he began to think like that, an unusually cold loneliness began to blow into Rin’s empty heart. In the end, Lin couldn’t stand it and stretched out her hand.

Appearing there, Daniel McLain wearing the uniform of Aios Academy.

Rin carefully embraced him, who was still staring at the air with empty eyes because of the sun god’s curse.

“It’s cold.”

Daniel was cold, like a wax figure. Still, I didn’t let him go. Daniel McLean’s collection and touch, which still remained, provided the girl with the only comfort.


I carefully call his name.

Of course, he knew that the answer would not come back, but even so, Rin was heartbroken.


Then, suddenly, a realization flashed through Rin’s mind. It was an insight and a moment of enlightenment.

Afterwards, if Daniel returns, he will have all the memories of now. Cursed, but not dead.

Then I thought that there was something I could do to Daniel McLain besides simply destroying the world and bringing it back.

Sharkal had been living for a long time and expressed that his heart was asleep, and in fact, Rin was the same.

The girl’s heart, who had to create an unwanted tragedy with her own hands, showed no reaction other than a tiny beating.

For now, I started running again.

“Everyone, Daniel.”

Lin carefully sat Daniel down. There was one box because it was a treasure trove, and Daniel made a good chair without hurting his buttocks.

After taking a deep breath, Rin wondered what to say first, but soon realized that there was no need to do so.

There was no need to rush.

Anyway, I still had plenty of time.

Daniel MacLean was always with him.

“Daniel, listen carefully from now on. The Squadron is a more dangerous organization than you might think. When I annihilated the village of Dobeliya, I found the Scavenger’s stronghold there. Also, shockingly, their leader is…”

“It wasn’t difficult to find the pirate lord than I thought. Since Elgrid used to be the center of trade, many pirate officials came to see it when it was destroyed. Pirates and Reapers have a rather special relationship. The drug that destroyed Sen was also procured by them…”

“Was Sharkal’s staff really destroyed by his self-destruction? I’m checking right now, but I don’t think that’s it. You said that after Sharkal self-destructed in the 1st episode, the Maiden of Time has arrived. I think she hid her wand somewhere. This cane is more than I thought…”

Destroying the world, information that can be obtained because it has been destroyed. The girl began to unravel the secrets of the world she had discovered, one by one.


in the burning forest.

There was no corpse left, but the city of elves who lived under the huge tree Yggdrasil was completely destroyed.

At the center of it all, Lynn summoned Daniel.

Rin opened her mouth with a trembling figure that could not be seen as a girl who had been dealing with the forces of the end.

“Daniel… Yggdrasil was not just a tree. She is a life, she has a soul. Also, don’t worry about Artemis’ imprint. It’s said that it’s not just Miss Eris, it’s a pattern that’s been passed on to other watchmen over the centuries. Fortunately, she… is not the end.”


Rin is getting thinner as the days go by. The dark circles in her eyes signaled that she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in days.

Now I can’t sleep even for an hour a day. The act of taking the lives of many innocent people was violently destroying the girl.

Nevertheless, Lynn forced Daniel McLain to summon him. I didn’t want to show anything like this at all, but I still had something to say.

“This is Akuris, the city of water. I remembered it from the last time I was engraved with Artemis, but if Ares is my next end, I thought there would be an end after Ares. So I am looking for it now.”

Daniel McLain’s eyes were still staring into the air. Rin thought it would be good if we could just make eye contact, but he knew that it was a futile wind.

She continued to open her mouth.

“Kulika said that an ordinary god could not destroy the continent. That’s right. The goddess of death and the sun god are the most prominent high-ranking gods. So, this time, I looked for people who worshiped Poseidon, the god of water and sea…. No one has the imprint of Poseidon.”


Leaving behind the giant dragon, Lynn summoned Daniel McClain. Autumn has arrived when the days are getting colder.

The girl’s eyes grew more and more blurred, and it seemed difficult to even stand. He even said that if someone saw him, he should put him on the hospital bed right away.

Nevertheless, the girl said.

“This is the land of dragons. Daniel, it is said that the dragon Shakalim served by the dragons is sleeping, but that’s not the case. he’s awake I’m terribly disappointed with the Yongin, so I’m just pretending to be asleep. I know Jane, the Dragon Goddess, so find her.”

In round 0, they also crossed the borders of dragons and occupied the land of dragons. However, at that time, they did not wander around like they do now, but sent the army of the end to destroy them, so they did not know these details.

“To prevent the apocalypse that follows, stopping the meteorite is the first priority. And wouldn’t Shakalim, the dragon god, help with that? I also thought that Yggdrasil might be able to help stop the meteorite.”


“Daniel, can I tell you something?”

“I’m having a hard time… People’s screams always ring in my ears. I don’t want to kill you, but I have to…”

“Please, Daniel. Just once, let me hear your voice Please Daniel… please.”


A brown land swaying with torches.

In this place where many tools used by the short dwarves are lined up, Rin carefully brought out a white dagger in front of Daniel.

It was a sealed dagger entrusted to Coolika by the Goddess of Time. But Rin took out another dagger of seal from her bosom.

look exactly the same.

“Daniel, look at this. Besides the Dagger of Seal that Kulika had, the Dwarves also had another Dagger of Seal. I’m not sure because I can’t talk to the Goddess of Time anymore, but you can confirm it. She hasn’t told us everything yet. Is it a promise with other gods?”

He quietly stroked the dagger with his finger.

“If there are two daggers, wouldn’t that mean there are two endings? Could it be that the earliest apocalypse and the apocalypse that follows may be the end? I found a boy who said he received a pattern from the god of lightning, but it wasn’t. It seems that there are no more people who have received the pattern of the higher gods.”

Lynn kept her head down and muttered in a whisper.

“If really me and Ares are the only ends, why were we chosen?”


In the midst of the end of the world, a small village was here.

Starting with the human kingdom, the elves’ Yggdrasil, the beast kingdom, the dwarven cooperative, and the temple of dragons. Even though all the countries were destroyed, only this place was still alive.

It was a village where you do not know when and where the end will come, but people nevertheless lived with full of vitality and caring for each other.

It wasn’t just one specific race.

Humans and elves smile and help, beastmen and dwarves build houses together, and dragons distribute food to everyone.

It was truly a place where all races came together.

And in such a place, there was a little girl weaving clothes to prepare for the coming winter.

She was a child who thought she would be 10 years old now, but the girl was working hard while her mother was away.

And a woman passing in front of him.

A robe that contains the traces of the years and storms of how much suffering it has endured. The man walking blankly behind me was wearing a school uniform, which was also worn out to the point that I had to throw it away right away.

The girl, who had always been taught to share with others, couldn’t stand it when she saw that.

“sister! What are those clothes!”

“……Did you call me?”

Rin cautiously turned her head and looked at the wild girl. The girl who made eye contact with Rin was surprised, but Rin was so broken that she would believe that it was a zombie summoned by a necromancer.

The beauty that encompassed the academy has already changed to crumble, shoulders are droopy, and hair is heavily damaged.

I thought that clothes were not the only problem, but there was nothing she could do other than clothes, so the girl spoke boldly again.

“It will be difficult to survive the winter with such clothes. I’ll give you some secretly, so choose.”


“Hurry up. Will it be very cold here in winter too?”


It wasn’t wrong.

Daniel couldn’t stand the hard winter because he was wearing summer clothes. Rin could have left him in the dark, but lately, Rin and Daniel have always been holding hands and walking together.

“Then, I beg you.”

Lin accepted the girl’s offer and picked out clothes.

Daniel has always thought that black suits him, so Lin matched the inner shirt to the robe with black.

“……good night.”

After changing clothes, Rin smiled slightly as she saw Daniel’s much cleaner appearance. It was the first time he had laughed since returning, so his lips trembled as if he had hardened.

The clothing store girl saw it and brought something with a bright smile and handed it to her.

“Sister, wear this! It’s a couple robe!”

“Couple robes……”

“My brother seems to be sick, so please do your best!”

And then the girl who often walks back to the stall. Rin threw away the robe she was wearing and carefully put on the one the girl gave her.

The same black robe as Daniel’s.

This time, it wasn’t an awkward smile, but a soft smile that melted the frozen nerves on Rin’s lips.

But then.

“Joe, it’s the end aaa! Disaster has come!”

Returning to the clothing store, the girl’s mother’s terrified cry echoed. The girl tried to boast of the good she had done to her mother, but it came back.

“I’m really sorry.”

Rin’s apology was blown away by the strong wind that winter was just around the corner.

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