After rendezvous with Leena, we moved to another location so no one could find us.

"Can I stay here?"

Looking around, I say.

This is a meadow that Rowga usually uses to walk with me and do special training.

If it's here, no one will see it, and if it's this wide, it's easy to deal with.

"Even so, you were with me."

"I've been out with Leena since this morning."

I was a little surprised when there was a rustle at the rendezvous point, but apparently that's why.

That's exactly what I gave back, "well," and Leena cut to the point.

"Show me the lowga quickly"

Leena tells me, and I reply, "Okay," and then I show up Rowga before Leena and the others.

Rowga showed up in front of us, but he still has an unwell look.

"How are you feeling?

♪ I don't know how you change ♪

Ask Lowga if the condition will still change even if she has a mid waist.

"True. You're not feeling well."

"Looks like it."


I explained it beforehand, but I actually feel it again with Leena.

"He's been doing this since this morning."

"I wonder what the hell happened to you."

Looking at the lowga and I add an explanation, Saya breaks her knee next door, spreads her hands to stroke the lowga, and gives a 'come on' signal.

When I saw it, Rowga tried to go under Saya, but I had a bad feeling about it earlier.

"Come on, not too close to Rowga is......"

My hunch was brilliantly centered at the time I was about to say it.

The moment he tries to get to Yaya, Rowga rushes at a fierce speed.

Maybe you even put some force into your legs trying to walk over, slower than just now, but fast enough from a regular person.

My stomach is going to be hard as it is, but with one hair, I got my hands between my stomach and my lowga.


Don! and build a blunt collision sound, and Rowga starts to hold his nose down with his forefoot all the time on the spot when he collides with my hand.

Phew, it was dangerous.

If you look at the danger averted, you are speechless and in a state of suspension at all moments of events.


You'll be panicking in your head, but this is all you'll know.

He said he was dead for sure.

"You should be careful because this is what happens"

I didn't think you'd get thrust. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! and snort hard.

I can't help it, when I think that intense body contact reaches me in the next step, that's usually enough for my hair.

♪ My nose's bent ♪

"Better not move too badly, dude."

Still holding my nose to the stuffy Rowga, that's what I'm saying, and Leena, who was watching the whole thing, was making her face snap.

"This is more serious than I ever heard."

"You know what's causing this?

Listening to the cause, Leena observes Lowga carefully as she bends forward.

"Surely, as you said, without trauma, there is no change in magic."

As she whines to herself, Leena growls hmm and thinks about the cause.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, so why don't you ask Rowga"


"It's not just the way you look, you can't judge."

That's what they said, and I became the interpreter and threw some questions at Rowga.

The question is, is there somewhere painful, or is there sudden pain?

After some questioning, Leena looks even more disturbed.

"...... still, that's all I got"

But you know what, Leena talks about it even though she's worried.

"What the hell is that?

I was curious. When I asked Leena, Leena made the final decision as to whether she could think of anything else.

"Perhaps Rowga is trying to 'evolve'"


Something like Poke-On.

"A monster changes into a tougher figure the higher the level. Evolution gives you the power of a different stage from before evolution, which varies from race to race, but every monster is a common path to take as they grow stronger."

As she explains, Leena gazes at Rowga again.

"It's strange now that I think about it. I saw the status but how come Rowga doesn't evolve when he's so level. Evolution is a phenomenon that's bound to happen in raising levels."

"Why what?

When I asked, Leena responded with a look at Rowga.

"I refused to evolve myself. And Rowga, who has become too strong, can no longer contain evolution, and phenomena like these are happening now"

"Really? Rowga?"

“...... yes”

When asked, Rowga nodded small after a little silence.

Apparently, evolution really caused this.

In short, because of his continued refusal to evolve, Rowga said he couldn't stand the compulsion of evolution and was causing phenomena like now.

Now the level of Rowga is 113.

At this level, evolution has come a long way. Should I say that I endured well on the contrary?

When I heard what I was saying, I thought it was interesting, but I shrugged the slightest question here.

"Then why is Rowga refusing to evolve?

"That's where I get hooked, too. The sign of evolution is that monsters can be perceived beforehand. So there's no way I'm refusing because I don't know."

Leena agrees with the allegation.

Sure, then I don't see why Rowga refuses to evolve.

Besides, if you knew from the beginning, Rowga would have been silent for a long time after you found out it was evolution.

Why the hell did you do that?

"Why were you keeping your mouth shut, Rowga? Talk to me honestly."

I tell Rowga to ask why, but Rowga stays motionless and silent with her nose held down.


Then the mouth of Louga, who was silent, slowly opened.

“If I evolve... I can't go into that house anymore...”


I round my eyes for an unexpected Rowga answer.

"Is your house that doghouse?

“I feel that when I evolve, my body grows bigger. So if this evolves, you can't go home”

So, you kept quiet about me, but you didn't evolve?

Because of the unexpected lowga, I was having trouble reacting.

"Hey, Rowga, what are you saying?

"Tell me about it, too"

I don't understand the situation. Otherwise, Leena has asked for an explanation.

"Apparently, he hated evolution because once it evolved, he wouldn't be able to get into the doghouse"

"In the kennel?

"Is that all?

Neither of them seemed to come too pinned for this reason, tilting their necks.

Well, I know you think so, but this would be important from Rowga.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

In response to what he's been lying about, Rowga is dripping down his face and squirming.

After all the inconvenience, I was even lying. Does that mean this guilt couldn't stand Rowga?

Did Rowga want to go home to that house so much? To that house.

Is it so important about us?

I was kind of glad to think so, and I smiled and gently laid my hands on the soggy lowga's head.

"Nothing, you didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to be able to go home."

With that said, I stroke Rowga's head as it is.

You clapped out at me speaking in a soft tone, and Rowga said, "Huh?" with a weird voice.

“You're not mad?"

"You have no reason to be angry."

No one likes to lose their home.

You don't blame me for that.

"If that's the case, I'll take care of it, so don't worry, you'll evolve"


Otherwise, we won't be able to live normally.

Hearing my words, Rowga was relieved or her complexion came back slightly.

“Okay! I evolve!"

You made up your mind, Rowga was going to stand up.

After all, you're the only lowga with good health.

I felt dyed by this hectic voice I had heard for a long time.

"... eh? What happened in the end?

Along the way, I couldn't hear Rowga. Leena asked me to explain again.

"Rowga has decided to evolve."


"The problem is I'll do something with my skills."

When I heard that, the understanding seemed to follow, and later I began to stroke Rowga's head with joy "Good, Rowga".

If you're evolutionary, I wonder what you can do if you create skills that make your opponent smaller or something.

If you change your appearance or something, do you manage to delude yourself?

Thinking about countermeasures, Leena said a word of shock about whether she was still unconvinced.

"Evolve, but you can get it back, can't you?



The moment I heard it, Rowga, who was caressed briefly with me, hammered her voice and turned to Leena with a surprised look.

Oh, what did you just say?

"Can you go back?

"Oh, if you train, you can go back even after it's evolved. What Rowga doesn't know is that ordinary monsters don't do that, and they're falling out of standard knowledge because it's something they don't originally need."

"Then why does it have such a function?"

"It's a little Metron-like hobby. It feels like a hidden command. It means it's funny."

Hidden commands... are something that he (Metron) might think about.

Well, you wouldn't bother to remain weak in a world of weak and forceful eating, but I didn't know there was such a system.

No, if there is, I'm glad that's...

"Tell me first..."

I'm sorry, I can only hear you, so I don't really understand the conversation.

Leena, who missed the timing because of it, turns a sorry blind eye.

If I had told you earlier, I wouldn't have been so smug.

The problem seemed to be solved, but somehow my mind was complicated and I felt like I couldn't solve it.


"Bye, Rowga. Evolve."


We also know the cause and the solution, and at last Rowga challenges the evolution he was enduring.

We watch quietly at a short distance, watching the evolution of the Rowga.

What the hell kind of evolution do you make?

While I was wondering, staring at Rowga without blinking, Rowga shook up with a pull and body whether he was focusing on his body.


When a loose voice in between sounds in the brain, suddenly the body of the lowga starts to emit light.

The light is not so dazzling, and the light wrapped lowga gradually changes its appearance.

Small objects of light grow larger and change shape when they look at them.

Eventually the enlargement stops, the light disappears, and the figure of the evolutionary lowga becomes dew.


Seeing the post-evolutionary lowga, that's what I said first with my first voice.

Things are changing, but this is the most impressive thing.

That's not true. Leena's the same way, even though there's a time difference, we're both like, "Whoa!" "You've grown huge," he says, surprised by the size.

"Awwww!! (I could evolve -!!)"

Evolution succeeds and Rowga rejoices as she howls.

You're one or two times bigger than before.

Too big, my face turning up at some point.

It was about the size of a huggable arm in front of me, and this is about the size of a cross that I can ride up.

Is it as good as the yellow flower that turned into a fox?

Kind of feels like you've grown up from a kid.

"Are you feeling all right now?

Yeah, I'm fine.

As I walked over to Rowga, I asked, and Rowga replied well.

And it has changed not only in size, of course, but elsewhere as well.

The tail and torso areas are particularly so, but the overall amount of hair is high.

When I stroke Rowga's face, I have a fuzzy feeling that I've never felt in Rowga before.

This is pretty soft. It feels good to touch it.

As I stroked, I raised my voice a little "ooh," and I saw it. Otherwise, Leena started touching the torso area from the side.

"Furry soft."

"Nice touch."

As they stroke their torso, the two are thriving on the new furrows of the lowga.

When I checked the status again, it said [Diawolf] where it said [Silverwolf].

Does that mean it evolves and changes its name?

Doesn't mean I have more skills. Though it would be dramatically up in capability.

After checking the status, I began to think that I was watching Rowga.

But if you look closely like this......

"Mostly, you look like a wolf."

“Wolf from the beginning."

Is it a bride around there? To what I said, Rowga snapped quickly.

Well, it sure is.

Because I've always been, it kind of makes me seem like someone else.

It's very reliable to have a very brave atmosphere, which is different from the loving atmosphere.

You look happy if you show it to Xia Lian.

Looking at the evolutionary lowga, I thought so.

I'll show you a try when I get home, or maybe you'll be happy. I like him like this.

"Still, Rowga, you've gotten so cool. It's like a wolf."

"You sure look like a wolf"

“So wolves!"

Rowga bites again quickly at the words of the two whining as they indulge in the furrows.

However, they do not hear Rooga, so they are not particularly concerned and are nodding.

Anyway, I didn't even know Leena had seen the status earlier.

If you look at it from time to time, will the image settle?

It was originally zero wolf feeling, well, when it comes to having no choice, you can't help it.

"But this is good, right?"

"It's going to be a reliable watchdog"

That's why he's a wolf!

To the two sympathizers, Rowga protested all the time, but it wouldn't pass on forever unless it let me through.

Well, anyway, I'm glad we evolved.

After that, the undo training was a successful success.

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