My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

This is what happens when miracles overlap.

... Well, what's going on?

I asked Rowga to go after the burglar who stole my wallet from my old man, but this was a miscalculation.

With a little regret, I see Rowga.

Slow, limitless slow.

He's walking me in the lead, but if he walks normally, he's going to skip it.

"... hey, Rowga"

“What's wrong?"

"Really, what's going on today?

I don't care.

I'm worried, Rowga responds to this again with an unheeded voice.

Apparently, he's still strong enough to give it back properly.

"If you don't feel well, you don't have to."

“How did you see it?”

No, I don't think I'm feeling well about how I saw it.

Like a company employee whose hindsight is unemployed, I don't feel the mood. You have a blatantly dark expression.

How can I perceive this figure as healthy?

Ask for it ourselves. What is it, but honestly, we're starting to feel faster looking for it ourselves in the dash.

You thought the same thing I did, and my old man talks to me next door in a hissy voice.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay? If we keep this up, they'll steal the money before we find the killer."

"I know."

I don't know what happened, but let's not dare to achieve the purpose in front of us now.

The Rowga one comes from that.

"Rowga, can you make your way a little faster? If we keep this up, we're gonna get away with this."


Suddenly he said that, and Rowga looked back at him as he walked.

“Well, let's not go any faster."

Me tells me, Rowga puts her foot into trying to get there a little faster.

Now, will we make it before we can get away?

"To tell you the truth, I'm fast enough not to be suspicious around you properly -"


That's when I was about to warn you... - Rowga rushed through the street at a fierce speed.

As soon as I heard the out-of-power hanging, I noticed that Rooga disappeared, Byung!! and the sound of the wind rings.

...... That. No, I said hurry....

"That's too much of a rush..."

I was left behind, overflowing my mouth by accident.

Maybe no one saw Rowga run.

All, "What!? The wind now!?" And I'm just amazed that no one has noticed Rowga.

"Oh, man. What's happening now..."

The old man seems to be one of those people who didn't realize it, and he asks me in disgust.

This... really sucks.

From what Rooga's doing now, that's what I felt.

Rowga is, even in me, an intelligent, brilliant dog, a wolf.

There's no way that Rowga would do such a strange imitation.

Maybe it has something to do with not feeling well, but what is causing it?

Later, let's ask Leena. I might know something.

"Anyway, we're going after Rowga now"

Let's focus on what's in front of us now.

Should I just erase the memory of this for once?

Even if you can't see the move, you might see it disappear.

While I was thinking about what caused the lowga, I followed the lowga on a small run.

A little late, the old man followed me, "Oh, hey, wait," and we rushed to a somewhat noisy place.


I mostly ran, but I still don't see Rowga.

I'll take a little run around looking around to see how far I've gone.

"You're not here."

"How far have you been?"

Me and my old man look for Rooga in a slight hurry.

"Damn, wouldn't this be quicker to look for it on your own..."

The old man is overwhelmed with stupidity when it's no longer obvious.

When we got here, didn't the burglar pass by?

"Maybe it's about Rowga, turning back on the way, even if it's too far down the street"

It is unclear why this happened.

"Anyway, now I'm gonna look for Rowga. That's where the killer is."


To my words, the old man responds in a hurry.

Until I went somewhere, Rowga didn't feel good, but she did have herself.

It's not a rampage or anything. Otherwise, this is a sea of blood by now.

So if we find him, we'll figure it all out, but where did he go?

Damn, how did this happen...

So here I am, looking for Rooga, and one thought crossed my mind.

No way, I came here and the wolf instinct came back...

The looks and contents are like that, but I've told you many times, Rowga is a wolf.

Isn't it rampant or something, but can't you suppress your hunting instincts for prey (targets) anymore?

I haven't let you fight monsters since I went to my parents' house in the country.

It is also possible that I am hungry for blood.

If so, the burglar is already...

"Why not?"

That's all I thought about, but I didn't think I had one and I stopped shaking my head.

If I said that, on the contrary, why is it now that my instincts come out?

You wouldn't be surprised if you came out longer.

Throw away the bad paranoia and I'll check the alley chills trying to find Rowga.

Then there was the figure of Rowga I was looking for.

"Ah lol........!?"

But my voice, which I tried to call upon, stopped naturally due to the sight in front of me.

Rowga was there. I was there.

Though he is dragging a fallen man on his back biting his collar.


Silently, I harden and stare at the spot.

While building cheats and sounds, Rowga drags the man into the back of the alley.

It's as if they're trying to take you where no one can see you.

Too shocked, I can't keep up with my thoughts.

In my eyes, it looks like Rowga is taking a man into the dark.

If you look closely, Louga's eyes run blood, small but roaring "Guru".

It's a totally wild peeling look.

Unexpectedly, what I was thinking earlier sprang up in my head.

Rowga is a wolf and her instincts as wild cannot be suppressed.

If this is true, what is going to happen is.... supplementing prey!

"Ro, Rouga..."

I hope to stop that on the boulder, and I speak slowly from the position I saw the flicker.

Hear my voice, Rowga's eyes turn to me with Giro. That's scary.

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

But back to back with my mood like that, Rowga looks at me and his expression goes back to normal, he takes his mouth off the man and walks up to me.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

“I found the man the Lord was looking for, so I tried to take him out of sight.”

Crouching down, I ask Rowga.

They told me who they were looking for, and I looked at the man again, and he was the burglar we were looking for.

You didn't realize Rowga's was too shocking.

"Why are you fainting?"

“When I found him, I tried to stop him in front of me, but he was too strong and I hit him wrong."

Is that why you fainted? You're pathetic. Don't you dare just look for your wallet.

I think so, and I feel a little pity for a falling burglar, but I walk over to the man and explore his pocket for a wallet.

I couldn't find my wallet inside, and when I flipped the guy over, there was a long wallet that looked more familiar in my butt pocket.

This is the old man's.

I grabbed my wallet and when I finished making sure it was my old man's, I dropped my shoulder like I was dogged tired.

"I'm surprised to see you drag people."

♪ Thought I shouldn't show you around ♪

You're right to behave.

"Speaking of which, why did you have such a bloody face when you dragged me?

“I tried to be as gentle as I could because I was about to bite off my clothes and my neck.”

Was that the reason?

At the level of lowga, people's meat and clothes would easily chop a thousand bites.

"Did someone not see you?"

“I brought him in here right after I hit him, so maybe he's fine."

This seems to have dealt with me again on an ad hoc basis. For once, they won't shoot or anything, but I'll erase my memory later.

"Don't be too reckless."

I'm sorry.

As I stroke my head, I gently watch out for Rowga.

I'm glad it wasn't instinct or something...

Just a little ho on the inside, I ask Rowga what caused her to pop up all of a sudden.

"I mean, why did you pop up so suddenly?"

When I hear that, Rowga roars with “uh-huh” and seemingly no settling.

“Something's overflowing from the bottom of my body, and I'm awfully restless. Plus, my body's a dahl.”

Power overflows. Do you even have more magic?

But looking at the status, the amount of magic hasn't changed.

Even though it doesn't look any different, I don't know at last.

"Hey, Night Rabbit. What are you doing in there?

You were looking for me when I was gone, and my old man talked to me from behind.

"We found Rowga and the killer"

With that said, I point the finger at the falling burglar.

And when I heard that, the old man said, "Is that true!?," he rushed over to the killer and said, "Where's my wallet!!" and starts searching desperately.

I have my wallet, but I'll give it back later.

"First, thank you for your hard work. I'm a little nervous about leaving, so don't go home with me."


After I thank you, I stroke my lowga again.

When you're done on the street, why don't you call Lena and talk to her? It's too late for anything.

I was thinking about that, stroking the lowga.


Just then, Xia Lian was walking down the same street from a different direction from when the nightingales arrived.

There was nothing good about this.

Summer Lotus, who enjoyed wind shopping by herself, walks down the street thinking so.

In fact, it can be this place, not so far from the area where the Night Rabbit lives.

Go home today.

Since there was no particular harvest, Xia Lian tries to go straight home.

But along the way, Summer Lotus, who somehow turned her gaze to the side alley, stopped walking pitterly.


hindsight, but that is certainly his own brother, the Night Raven.

And there was a strange middle-aged man falling behind with one, a suspicious man, something behind him. There was also the figure of a lowga in a state of sluggishness.

"Your wallet. This is it, right?

Without realizing such a summer lotus, Nightingale gives the old man the wallet he took back.

But Summer Lotus couldn't see it on the back of a nightingale, and she wasn't sure what she was doing.

Besides, because of the voice and distance of the walker behind you, it is difficult to hear.

What the hell are you doing?

Summer Lotus, concerned, observes as she stops on the spot,

"Ooh!! Thanksgiving Night Rabbit!! Thanks so much!!

I've witnessed scenes where the old man hugs a touching, less night-time rabbit.


Suddenly unfolding, Xia Lian remains stunned.

"Hey, stop it. Disgusting. What would you do if someone saw you?"

The cuddled night raven naturally peels off the old man, too, while turning around to make sure no one sees it.

So Xia Lian hid behind the wall in a reflexive fashion, and found that no one was there at night, and turned back.

"It's too much"

"That's how thrilled we were."

At night, the old man smiles without showing an evil gesture.

If you hear this part, you can take this as just a joke, but not for Xia Lian.

Hiding at the wall, Xia Lian tries to calm down and sort out her feelings.

Now I've seen my brother cuddle with a middle-aged man.

That's how Summer Lotus interprets it when she doesn't see the current exchange and doesn't even hear the conversation.

And when I take this interpretation as it stands, my brother, Night Ra, gets along with that guy like that (...).

(No, no, no)

But that's too funny.

Is your own brother gay? There's no way.

I've never shown such a single scale before, even if I make fun of it in connection with it.

Shaking his head to the side, Xia Lian exhales furiously just saying it's ridiculous.

"You know, you don't feel bad or anything. You're gonna hurt a little, that."

"Who would be happy with an old man's hug?"

Leaving room for the upset summer lotus, Night Rabbit and the old man continue to talk about no other love.

On second thought, that could simply have come from the other side all of a sudden.

If you do that, you'll have a disgusting look on your brother's face, too.

Take another look, I have a brother who looks disgusted.

Xia Lian was so convinced that if you take another peek into the alley,

"If we withdraw, we might be able to go to a more upscale store next time."

"You can't help but hug me, never mind"

Rather than reluctant, Night Rabbit's face was a full grin.


Too unexpectedly, Xia Lian hid herself on the wall again in surprise.

What's that face, that smile? I don't care if we live together, he's rarely seen it or not in recent years.

He just looked happy to hug...

"You're a cash guy," he said in the alley, "nothing's good," a flat night with an old man laughing bitterly.

This is also a kind of joke, but Xia Lian hadn't seen the scene and was severely upset at the wall.

(No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait)

Summer Lotus desperately shakes her head to the side and tries to calm down, even though she is upset and likely to lean toward the worse of her thoughts.

I can't believe you look so happy to be hugged...

The word 'homosexuality' flickers in my head, but I won't give up on Summer Lotus for this.

Simply, your brother may just be close to that man.

We're friends, so even hugs are usually forgivable.

Yes, it must be. Or I want it to be.

Then why you're in such an alley, or you don't think you have any friends besides Saya or Leena in the first place, has nothing to do with Summer Lotus at this time.

Half hopeful, but Xia Lian concludes so in her heart.

"Even so, that's quite a lot of bills"

I thought I'd be in trouble if something happened.

Meanwhile, speaking of the rabbits at night, I was checking to see if the contents of my wallet had been stolen.

If you peek again, you're having a friendly conversation or you're looking like you're having fun.

But at that moment when Xia Lian was thinking so,

"Wow, wow! (Hakushun!)"

Is this also due to poor health?

A lowga sneezed up until just now, and a small gust rolled over the distortion of it.



Suddenly, in a sudden breeze, the old man, who was in front of Rowga's diagonal, is pushed out into the wind, out of balance, and falls toward the nightingale.

And it approached the face of the rabbit at night, which he had checked his wallet with, and looked at nearby, so the rabbit cannot react at night.

(Let's check again)

I made up my mind, and Xia Lian took another peek into the alley - - there was an overlap between the night rabbit and the old man's face.


At the earliest, even in my heart, I don't have a voice.

The irritation was too strong and Xia Lian fell into a state of relief, but she managed to return to the wall in a motion that she thought was unsavory and giggly to be seen.

"Abou! What the fuck is that!? It was supposed to be irrevocable!

"Life expectancy has shrunk."

Truth is, my lips did almost overlap, but because my old man was reflexively building wallets, it didn't get to overlap.

This has a boulder, a nightingale, and the old man seems to have cooled his liver, and he is in a heartbeat.

"Did Rowga do it now?

“I'm sorry. I don't know what to do.

With his ears folded patterned, Rowga shows a deep reflection.

Because it ended with an attempt, or the Night Rabbit just gently blames "Be Careful".

Certainly, by the time the lips overlapped, it had never happened.

But I don't see that in Xia Lian.

Even after returning to the wall, Xia Lian said, "Huh? Huh? Huh?" and I couldn't figure it out anymore.

Yes, it is now, isn't it? Boys and girls do that, right?

That's the one we do when we get more intimate after dating, right?

It's never the kind of thing a man would joke about, is it?

That's beyond the realm of being close already.

I'm sure of that one already.

That's the only guy who does it when the opposite sex loves each other anymore.

To this fact, Xia Lian felt an interminable sense of despair and looked to heaven unintentionally.

I've given a convenient interpretation, but I can't delude this anymore.

Your brother and that man were friends like that (...).

(Let's go home)

The moment I admitted it, a tremendous sense of guilt shoved at me for some reason.

I didn't see anything. I haven't seen anything about you hugging each other, making you happy, or overlapping lips.

If you can, I want to erase this memory forever.

With a pale complexion, Summer Lotus rushed back to her home, hoping so.


Without knowing the mood of such a summer lotus, the nightingale was on her way home alone.

I left the burglar to the old man. After that, it's police business.

Sometimes just now, Rowga is in a different space by [Servicemagic].

I should have done so from the outset, but I was completely oblivious because of the length of time I had left it alone.

Thanks to you, it was almost irrevocable.

"It's like making people grow up until they're cured."

I'm sorry.

To my words, which seem somewhat tired, Rowga reflects.

Even though it's an attempt, I think I'm going to feel bad just remembering...

Even if my back hits me, I'll haunt my head with a lowga who doesn't seem to be feeling well.

I didn't know sneezing was going to be that way, this needs a quick response.

I think so, on my way home, but I decided to call Leena.

It's only past noon, and we'll have time.

I picked up my phone, and I called Leena, and a little while later, Leena answered the phone.


"Leena. Sorry, do you have time now?

'What's the matter, all of a sudden?

"I need to talk to you a little."

Since I said that, I've told you everything that's going on with Rowga.

When she finishes her conversation, Leena thinks about it for a while and gives suggestions as to whether she has anything in mind.

'There's something I can think of, but it's quicker to see this in person. Let's meet somewhere.'


I decided where to meet him, and I said, "I'll see you later," then I hung up.

After all, would Leena have known? You were right to talk to me.


I can't transfer because I have people's eyes here, so I ran a small run to a place where I could transfer.

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