The next day after I had my exact reunion with my former classmate in middle school.

Though they misunderstood me a lot, there's still no change around me.

I don't know where or what the Heavenly House of Representatives declared me to be defeated, but I don't think they ever gave up.

I'd be most happy if you gave up.

"....... sleepless"

Me sleeping on the bed, as usual, but weirdly soggy today.

I don't know, when you don't know when you're attacked, don't feel weird and restless.

No, I don't know if I can fall asleep swallowing knowing I'm being targeted for my life, but I didn't know this would calm me down.

I don't think it's okay because there's no response to [sign detection] or [spatial magic (extra large range of effects)], but it would be a pain if those guys had special skills.

Don't be optimistic.

With that in mind, a ringtone suddenly rang out of my phone.

Master, Master Leena's on the line.

From Leena? What do you know about Metron?

"Get out."


When Mel responds well, her phone goes on call.

I grabbed my phone while I was asleep and put it in my ear.


Hello, it's me.

"What's wrong with you?

"I need to talk to you a little about Master Metron."

I thought you meant Metron.

"How'd it go?"

"In conclusion, it is likely not Metron-like's work"


What an ambiguous expression, I tilt my neck.

"Why is it possible? You went to ask him in person, didn't you?

"Actually, Master Metron is dazzling his whereabouts now"

"What? Missing?

"He didn't like his job and skipped it and went somewhere."

He said he skipped....... you really are a bad god.

What are you doing in such a state of emergency, that guy?

I was surprised to hear why, but at the same time I was a little convinced.

So, is it possible?

"I mean, either someone transferred the Heavenly House while he was skipping, or he's hiding and really doing it"


If so, the Heavenly Senate may be deceived, but do you believe me or not?

Maybe you'll never believe it. After what I've done.

"From now on, I'll look for the killer who transferred the brave men. If anything happens, I'll report it."

"Oh, please"

'Be careful. You're the one who's after me. "

He stabbed me in the nail at the end and I said "I know" and terminated the call.

Is there another killer......

Maybe it's some god again, but he's the one I know and I have no idea.

No, because the only person I know is the Dark Fighter (Gemma) in Crazy Combat Madness (Scala), can you tell from the beginning?

Both will definitely be different.

"Is it useless to just think........"

Suddenly a shock ran into my stomach as I was dazed as I hit a couple of turns on the bed.



Slightly elevated from the bed, the lowga came down.

From the kennel, have you moved this way?

I choke a little because Rooga is falling on my stomach, but Rooga talks without a problem.

“Let's go for a walk! Lord."

There will be something to say before then.

Is there not a word of concern in the Lord who chokes in front of him?

I look like I said to Rowga, urging her to slap her in the chest with a pepper on her forefoot.

"Transfer me to a little more software, Rowga"

Let's go for a walk.

Lately, I feel terrible about Rowga's treatment of me.

You want to go for a walk for the rest of your life, you talk about my wishes and they overheard me in half.

"A walk, are we going to that meadow again?

Now I'm walking normally.

Is this a normal walk?

Well, isn't it bad to walk outside to a distraction?

"Well, let's go."


Hopefully, I'd like to go through a lot of shade.

With that in mind, I left the house with Rowga.



Ever since I've been out there, I've been walking the shady road with Rowga.

I yawn in a vomit as I also hear the nagging of a grumpy rowga.

It's pretty cool in the shade.

There are plantations on the road, and this road is shaded by the fact that it is blocking the sun.

You don't look like a very life-targeting person, but you don't mind too much, like you just did.

I don't have it.

“Fun, Lord."


I give a distracted reply to Rowga, who talks to me in a good mood.

Peace. It's not like there's going to be a fight right now.

No way. They came to Earth, so they went somewhere.

I had that feeling in my head, but no way. I shake my neck to the side.

Take me down! You know, there's no way they were walking around that area in their personal clothes.

"No way........"

Me laughing bitterly, thinking I didn't, but suddenly I stopped my leg like it had solidified.

Suddenly I stop and Rowga asks me, "What's going on?" but it doesn't get in my ear right now.

Dude, I really did.....

In front of me, one of the guys who was with Heavenly House yesterday was trying to reach up to something in his personal clothes.

I remember the faces of the heavenly houses while they were farting, except for the guy who was hiding.

Looks like an adult with glasses.

Definitely. I was a little confused because I was behind it, but the one I was with the Heavenly House.

As I look at her, what are you doing, your hat is hooked to a tree.

Seems like he's having a rough time without taking it.

Whatever the boy is, it's a subtle position that's unlikely to reach women.

"What to do........."

Never having been able to take her hat off, she was in trouble, looking around in a chill before reaching for the tree branches.

Then I can see the wind gathering from my stretched hand.

Oh, I don't want this.

Seeing you try to exercise your magic, I hang on to erase the magic to stop it.


At that moment, the wind that was gathering vanished in an instant.

"Huh? Oh, that? Hey, why?

Don't use magic without darkness.


Seeing me. Surprised she took a distance from me and set up a counterattack.

That's a quick response. Is the boulder a brave man?

But I didn't mind jumping a little and picking up the hat I was hooked on and handing it to her on guard.


"Oh, yes, thank you."

She looks confused as she alternates between the hat she's offered and me.

He receives his hat so it gets flushed and has a look he doesn't know what to say.

"You shouldn't use magic in front of people too easily. I don't know where they're looking."

In fact, there are a few people walking around here.

If they find us, it could be a fuss.

"If you're going to do it, make sure there's no one around you completely or use magic that's hard to find out"

If I don't, I'll have to erase my memory again. Do that kind of trouble in different worlds.

Pointed out to me, she leaned down with a whimpering voice, "Ugh, yeah......"

It's kind of hard to do.

Well, I can't help it if my target speaks to me.

Without trying to look at her, Rowga approached her feet and peered into her face from below, saying that I was having trouble coping.

"Wow! (You okay?)"

Seeing Louga staring with her adorable eyes, she slowly loosened her mouth and laughed furiously.

Looks a little relaxed. Nice one, Rowga.

"You're the same brave man as the Heavenly House."

"Oh, yes."

"Why are you here?

"It's a day, a day of free movement, so"

You don't like talking to people, you talk out of my sight.

I can finally hear my voice lower.

Still, were those guys really doing that?

Somehow, it's starting to sound silly that you cared about me until just now.

"Listen to me. What, are you gonna tell me that? They're your enemies."

"If that's what you mean, why did you, inadvertently, approach me?"

"I'm not going to do anything, and I'm just surprised at this distance, because there's nothing I can do about you guys."

She gives a slightly frowned and angry look at herself when she looks down and touches her.

"Silly, don't....."

Seeing that face, I provoked myself with a quick bend of my index finger to prove it.

"Want to give it a try? Nobody's watching you now."

"Huh!? Holy shit!!

Having been told that far and unbearable, she unleashed the magic of the wind at close range.

The sphere that condensed the wind tried to reach me,

"Go away."

It disappeared like nothing had happened before.

The magic is extinguished again, and she has an incredible face.

"Been okay?

To her surprised I flat out whined powerlessly as if she realised she couldn't win or gave up.

"What are you gonna do with me?"

Suddenly they say that, and I, uh? Much confused. Do you think they'll do something about it?

Weird mistaken, tears accumulate in her eyes when she gives up that she can't do it anymore.

"Whatever I am, don't do anything terrible to everyone."

Seeing her crying now, I panicked and excused myself.

"No, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing anything."


"I talked to you because you tried to use magic without darkness. I won't do anything unless you do something from there."

That's what I say and I'm forced to cut the story off, and I say, "Well, then," and I try to go too far with Rowga.

She looked surprised when she saw me leaving without really doing anything, and she squeezed her courage, "Oh, that!" and stopped me louder than just now.

"Do you know a house called Kyoue around here?

Nine times, I stopped and thought for a while, but I had never heard of such a house.

"No, you don't."

"Oh well......"

When I found out I didn't know, she leaned down with a blatantly unfortunate face.

Something, don't feel bad.

"What's wrong with that house?

"Wow, my parents,"

My parents' house, this guy's house on Earth?

Apparently, she searched her own house, but was she even lost?

"You don't understand your own house?

"When I got home, different people lived there and moved somewhere, like, what?"

How unlucky.

So this is how you've been looking.

But what is it? It's also kind of pathetic to go home for a year and a half but have no idea where it is.

"Corner, I thought I'd see you....." she whispers with a dark look.

.......... Can't help it.

Before I spoke, I couldn't help but sigh and then I asked her.

"Hey, don't you know your parents' names?

"Uh, ah, yes"

Okay, then. If you know that, you can handle it.

Leaving room for her to wonder what the hell is going on, I take my phone out of my pocket.



"You can use any hand you want. Can you give me the address of the person whose name I'm going to name now? Of course not."

"I'll take care of it! Master."

What a rare name IX is, you can assign it in an instant if you leave it to the genius Mel when it comes to information-related.

"Rowga, a little off the course of a walk, okay?

“Fine! She's pathetic!"

Looks like Rowga convinced me too, and I'll see her again.

She was odd when I saw her, but she seemed to understand the story and asked me terribly.

"Uh, I know, right?

"Oh, so tell me your parents' names"

She was told she knew where she was and she brightened her face a little and immediately told me her name.

Are you overjoyed, or are you losing all your vigilance until just now?

What am I supposed to say, is that okay?

I also knew the names of my parents, and when I asked Mel again, they instantly assigned me an address.

The boulder is Mel. The hacking belongs to your hand because it's a metron.

"Looks like it's a long way from here, so I'll send it on a transfer"

"Oh, no, but"

"Okay, uh, sure it's nine-fold?

"Yes, Shizuka Kue."

"Then Kue. We're gonna move out of here a little bit."

"Yes, sir"

I'm prompted, and Kue follows me.

Something's going wrong.

Directions for brave men who aim for their lives.

What a strange feeling, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy.

I hope this solves my misunderstanding.

With that hope in mind, I sent Kyou under my parents.

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