A secluded abandoned house.

The heavenly houses used the unpopular place as a base and were thinking about earlier.

"What strength did Kamiya gain....."

[Appraisal] The person with it told me that he could not see the status, and the Heavenly House could not grasp the exact strength of the nightingale.

Sitting at the stairs, Heavenly House lays face down and thinks deeply.

That's the same metastatic magic as Miki.

Does Kamiya specialize in the magic of the metastatic system?

No, but Kamiya has that spare attitude against that number. There must be something else.

In a short time, the Heavenly House will analyze the power of Kamiya.

No one interrupts the Heavenly House at times like this.

Is this abandoned house some kind of factory, big enough, and now they're all ready for battle and resting?

It's big enough to be alone.

"Heavenly House Lord........"

Seeing as that happens, Miki rushes over with a worried face.

I'm pushing myself. That's what Miki looked like.


"It's okay. For a day or two, it's okay over there."

"I know. But......"

Miki's words soothe him somewhat, but Heavenly House's face turns into a look of impatience.

Why we are pushing ourselves so much, it was caused by the Word of God who called us.

"I can't hang on....."

I am reminded that shortly after I came to Earth, when God told me what I was doing this time.


The first thing the Heavenly House saw after the transfer was a dim dirty concrete wall.

"Where am I..."

I don't recognize the place I moved, and Heavenly House looks around.

Other classmates seem puzzled, and I hear hissing everywhere.

As everyone goes out of their way, one person in the Heavenly House calmly grasps the situation.

That magic team that flew us, if I remember correctly, is the same as when I came to the other world.

That means here...... no, it's too early to be sure.

We need to see what's going on out there first.

Arrowheads who so decided, one boy raised his voice about finding something.

"Oh, hey!? That!!"

At the end of his gaze, which lifts his finger in surprise, there is a wall with a large hole, and perhaps the moment he sees the other side of the hole, everyone on this scene would have taken a breath.

Far away, but we know concrete buildings, skyscrapers, and trains that run the tracks.

It's a sight I haven't seen in the past year and a half.

Just looking at it, the Heavenly House immediately knew where this place was.

"Heavenly Senate, what is this place........"


Definitely. What I expected became reality, and the Heavenly House wonders at the same time as it surprises me.

Why did they send Earth so suddenly?

Some of my classmates said, "I'm home, we're home!!" There are those who rejoice, but Heavenly House did not think so.

Does it have any purpose?

With that in mind, a certain voice echoed the Heavenly House of Lords.

- Hello, brave men.

Everyone on the spot silenced and listened to the voice, both those who had doubts and those who were delighted, suddenly heard it.

'Long time no see. Metron, how are you?

Talk in a light atmosphere, high voice like a child.

Without forgetting anyone about Metron, the Heavenly House kept their eyes open silently.

"Are you sure, Master Metron?

'Yeah, I am. I've always seen your hard work. [M] You've had a rough time before ~'

Metron and his thoughtful voice labor the Heavenly House, which speaks upwards on behalf of him.

But you felt a little uncomfortable here, Heavenly House tilted your neck when you heard Metron.

A year and a half ago, I don't remember it very accurately either, because I've only heard a little bit of the voice itself.

I can hear a lot of doubts from other Members, but I didn't particularly care.

"No, thanks to me, we can all have a fun different world life, thank you."

Metron speaking in an irritating tone.

If it had been them before, I would have raised even one of my anger here.

But now they're the brave ones who save the world.

I had a lover in the other world, and I got something irreplaceable.

With that in mind, everyone is going to be angry with Metron, but even thankful, as Metron put it.

As his classmates watched in silence, Heavenly House asked Metron about this one.

"So how did you get us back to Earth this time? We haven't defeated the Demon King yet."

That's what they say, and Metron says, 'You did,' to get to the point.

"Actually, there's something I need you guys to do."

"Would you do me a favor?

"Yeah, well, actually, I have someone I want you guys to take down."

"Kill it, is it on this planet?

Hearing what you asked for, Heavenly House gives an unexpected voice.

Honestly, I didn't expect you to do me that favor.

Heavenly Senate and the brave have the strongest class strength in the other world as a group.

Whatever the other world, I didn't even think there was someone on Earth we had to call ourselves.

That is felt by members other than the Heavenly House, who look at each other strangely.

'I know what you're trying to say. But this is someone I can't defeat without you. "

"What the hell is he like?

"The person..."

Heavenly House asks if you are interested or if you feel a little bit like eating.

Metron made room to hoard, and said the name of the man.

"I was your ex-class mate, Kamiya Nightingale!!

To that utterance, which was largely unleashed, Metron said, 'Surprised?' 'Surprised?' and I am excited about the reaction of the Heavenly House, but from the Heavenly House they reacted in a true opposite way to the surprise.


".............. eh, who?

Who said that? The only thing that came out of the long silence was the word.

To the thinness of too many reactions, Metron said, 'Huh? Yeah.....' I'm stuck.

"Hey, wait, don't they all know? You're my ex-class mate, right? I was there!?

Upset, Metron says, "You know what?" I just hear stories about "at all," and no one can remember.

The Heavenly House is one of them.

Kamiya Nightingale. Was there someone like that?

I try to rely on old memories, but not at all.

"Eh, you really don't remember?

Not reminding anyone as one, Metron sounds more boring than sorry.

Then you remembered that one girl said, "Ah!?" He raised his voice.

"Speaking of which, I think there was always someone sleeping at the edge of my seat!

The statement becomes the keyword, and the other classmates make faces that remind them of "ahhh" so that they chain up.

Oh, speaking of which, there could have been someone like that.

Heavenly House heard that, and somehow remembered it.

Always, I didn't really understand his face because he was lying on his face, and I'm impressed he was a weird guy because he handles things while he's asleep, even when he talks on business.

On second thought, you weren't there from the beginning.

"Um, do you remember?

Metron confirms as he asks how the Heavenly House reacts.

"Yes, I remember"

"Really? Good."

"So what did that Kamiya do?

You can't defeat people for no reason.

He also remembered the Nightingale, and Heavenly House heard that he was going to defeat it from Metron.

"Oh, that 's--"

Thereupon the House of Heaven heard specifically from Metron the previous acts of the Night Raven.

I got skills, I stayed in this world, and then I got my hands on all sorts of cases, all of them.

"- That's why."

"I see, that's terrible"

Whatever the way you put it, Heavenly House, having heard it all the way to the end, takes an arm to arm and think.

Upon being asked the facts, the Heavenly House recognized that the nightingale was' evil 'in itself just now.

"How? Will you do it?

Metron asks Heavenly House to think about it.

The answer has already been decided within the Heavenly House.

After that, what does everyone else say?

I thought so, and Heavenly House smiled and nodded when everyone looked at me chilly, all of them seemed to have decided the answer.

Apparently, the idea is the same.

He smiled softly, and the Heavenly House accepted Metron's request.

"Okay. Leave it to us."

"Really? Good."

The moment I heard that, only a few but cheered from my classmates.

"It's been a long time!" "I want to go home once," I hear a happy voice.

Miki next door smiled with some joy, and smiled so that the Heavenly House could also follow.

I haven't seen my family in a long time.

I don't know how it would react without encountering you for a year and a half, but I just want to see your face.

With that in mind, the Heavenly House put in a word as Metron added.

"Well, I was gonna let you do it originally."

With that one word I casually said, the faces of the delightful Heavenly House were cloudy.

"What does that mean?"

'I forgot to tell you, your parents and acquaintances don't recognize your existence. I mean, even if I see him, he'll treat me like someone else. "

Upset runs over the Heavenly House to the words of a coldly spoken Metron.

Some understanding does not follow, but in it the Heavenly House calmly asked why.

"hey, why"

"Don't even accomplish the request. You'll have trouble staying on Earth. And I'm not returning to the other side until I can defeat the Kamiya Nightingale."

The friendly atmosphere until just now disappears, and the upset of the Heavenly House is further heightened by its voice wrapped around a ruthless aura.

"You're kidding me!

"You didn't say anything unsolicited!!

"You can let me see my parents for as long as you want!!

Classmates who kept their mouths shut about this can complain.

After hearing that silently for a while, Metron said quietly.

'Nothing. Don't keep fulfilling your purpose, I know it's one hand to stay on Earth. Come on. Even if the demons attacked them while you were gone. "


A stabbing sharp word pierced the hearts of the Heavenly House.

"I can't hang up on you," Metron says in an agitating tone, "but the vast majority won't be listening.

My classmate, who was complaining, also lets me cut the words off, and he has a facetious face.

This is like a threat.

I guess it's a measure to keep them from taking time, but this became the biggest weakness of the Heavenly House.

Among the heavenly houses, there are many who have made lovers over there.

From those people, it was the same as being taken hostage.

They were heavenly houses with their mouths open, but Metron suddenly cuts the story out there.

"That's why it's nice to meet you."

"!? Ma, wait -!!"


Forced to cut the story off, the Heavenly House speaks out many times, but never responded.

Other classmates together give a similar voice to a sad cry, but it all sounds vainly all over the abandoned house.

At this time, the Heavenly House understood for the first time the situation in which they were placed.


"I need to get back as soon as possible......."

Otherwise, Luli and the others are in danger.

I can't forget the words Metron told me, and Heavenly House was in a hurry.

"But what if Master Metron were to make us go to the Demon Clan......."

"I don't think so."

"Huh? Why?

"If you can do that, you can do something about Kamiya yourself without letting us go. Don't leave it to someone you don't trust, go on your own."

"Then why are you telling us...?"

"I'm sure God can't interfere with the world. So he asked us to contact him. At the end of someone who's in my way."

So he called us until he did something so threatening.

It is the Heavenly House that stepped on it, but I couldn't solve it just a little bit.

Until he found the Night Raven, the Heavenly House looked around at the city scenery, but nothing particularly unusual happened.

I have some doubts as to whether God needs to try to defeat us until he calls us.

A glimmer of suspicion swirls within the Heavenly House, but the Heavenly House shakes it off.

It doesn't matter now. If Kamiya wasn't who he thought he was, he was going to think of other measures, but he didn't have to.

The important thing is how quickly we can take him down and go back to the other world.

(We have to hurry before the Demons think we're gone........!)

Heavenly House where thoughts are toured and operations are worked out.

There, some of the classmates who were taking a break came to visit.

"Hey, Heavenly House......."

What's going on, guys?

Heavenly House asks its visiting classmates how they normally do, but they were trying to misrepresent themselves with a dark look.

"Well, I need a favor."


"Tomorrow, I just need one day"


"I want to see my family..."

Heavenly House where they said they wanted time and were stunned, but when they heard the wishes of their classmates, another emotion arose in their hearts.

I want to see my family.

That's what the Heavenly House thought when we first came here.

Defeating the Night Rabbit was full of heads, but hearing about it made the Heavenly House want to see its family asexually.

"I know the other world sucks. But please!! Just give me time tomorrow!! I want to see it at a glance!!

Other classmates bow their heads in the same way as they are flushed by bowing men.

family. The Heavenly House knows that it is an important

But at this time when even a minute and a second might matter.......

Decisions shake in the Heavenly House, as you put them on the scale.

In the other world, they might be waiting for us.


"... if I go home without a thing, Luli might piss me off"

"Heavenly House?

smile all the way to the words whispered and whispered, Miki leans her neck.

When I thought about Luli, I suddenly heard voices.

'I left the corner, but you should meet your family,' I think I heard that voice.

"Okay. Let's move freely tomorrow."

The moment I heard the words, my classmate, who was bowing her head, looked up joyfully and rejoiced.

"Thanks! Heavenly House!

"Thank you! Heavenly House!


After expressing their emotional gratitude, their classmates began to get ready to go to the city quickly.

With production skills, clothes can be handled. Money is distracting, but there's nothing you can't do if you forge it.

Free movement is decided, and Heavenly House looks at Shagu's classmates with a smile.

This is fine. We all want to see our families together.

Miki smiled happily again when she saw the Heavenly House looking with delight.

The extra tension is relieved.

"Thank you. Heavenly House."

"That's okay. We have to do this."

To Miki, whom I thank, the Heavenly House nods yeah.

"Miki! Help me make clothes!

Called by a classmate girl, Miki said, "Okay -!" and leave the side of the House of Heaven.

Becoming alone, Heavenly House looks out closer to the empty wall.

It's already evening outside, but you'll be able to make clothes and stuff in time for tomorrow.

Luli, everyone, please stay safe......

Looking at the city, the Heavenly House just wished.


Since the sudden disappearance of the Heavenly House, the whole country has been noisy in [Anams].

"Have you found the brave men?"

"No, we haven't discovered it yet"

"Really...... keep doing your research"


Ordered by Lugliano, the soldier gave a salute before leaving the spot.

A giant pillar of light that swept away the enemies that had suddenly happened. And the disappearance of the brave men who headed there.

Lugliano has no idea what this is.

The absence of brave men leaked all over the country, and outside the castle, there was a gathering of people who cared about the safety of brave men.

I don't know how this happens......

Lugliano holding his head like a headache, but I can guess some.

First of all, there is no mistake in seeing that giant pillar of light as Heavenly House's.

Only that guy can do that.

And it's the cause of the disappearance, but I'm pretty sure it's not a good one, either way, whether someone took it away or hooked it up to some trap.

(Where have you been, ladies and gentlemen.....)

Looking down at the noisy country from the top, Lugliano worries with a dark look and hands on his chest.

I can't help but say this.

All I can do is look for it or pray for it to come back safely, that's all.

(Now, let's do what we have to do)

Stimulating himself, Lugliano puts his temper into it.

There have been no particularly prominent demonic invasions lately.

Now is the time to discover. That's what I thought, and Lugliano kept searching the Heavenly Senate, which is not in this world.


There was another place that had been noisy since Heavenly House and the others received information about their disappearance.

"You really don't have any brave men left!?

"Ha!! That's what we're grabbing from intelligence units and contact demons who were sending us to investigate strange light!!

In an eerily decorated, reclining room, the scratchy tough man on his cheek asked the young horned soldier.

To the soldier's report, the tough guy stepped on this as a good opportunity.

"Then we'll march soon enough! Without the braves, it would be easy to drop such a country!!

So breathtaking is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Devil Nation, named Maxis.

He was wounded by the Heavenly House, where he was in training a few weeks ago, and had an extraordinary anger towards the Heavenly House.

"Heavenly House!! Destroy that country by the time he gets back and you'll see it!! He's the only one I'll kill!!

While burning a vengeful fighting spirit in his eyes, Maxis proceeds to arrange a march.

Here again, one thing with ambition.

Where this thought intersects, the day of intersection is near.

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