Lin Chen excitedly turned on the fusion function. Lin Chen, who tasted the sweetness of'innate talent combo skills' last time, is now anxious to have two more combo boxes!

"System, I want to use rune energy 100,000 points, Heavenly Dao value 100,000 points, and innate talent points 100,000 points! Fusion!"

[Boom~ding~! ]

[The fusion is complete, the host gets: Level 1 rune, battle yuan rune. Can consume rune energy to quickly replenish the host Battle Qi, cooling time: 30 days. 】

Lin Chen's mouth is twitching, what kind of spicy chicken rune is this! Does the recovery of Battle Qi still have a cooling time? Compared with the'extreme Return to Origin' innate talent, it is infinitely inferior!


[Decompose the war yuan rune, obtain: 80,000 points of intermediate talisman energy. 】

Lin Chen: "Come again! This time it’s rune with 200,000 energy points, Heavenly Dao with 200,000 points, and innate talent points with 200,000 points!"

[Boom~! Ding~! 】

【Consume 50,000 Heavenly Dao points, the fusion is completed, and the host obtains the green passive innate talent: Dual Cultivation Albizia. When intersecting with the woman, the host will receive Battle Qi feedback, which can help increase the cultivation base. The degree of feedback will depend on the cultivation base of the woman. 】

Lin Chen corner of mouth twitching, damn! Why is this innate talent combo box so difficult to make!

And what is the result of this combination? Dual Cultivation Albizia? Isn't this asking him Lin to find various girls for Dual Cultivation!

It's just outrageous!

"System, what do you mean, this innate talent is to look down on my Lin? I Lin Chen is handsome like a jade tree, the most handsome in history, the character is excellent, respect the old and cherish the young , The ten best young people who promote traditional culture, are all kinds of beasts who find sisters to have relationships and use sisters to cultivate? How could I do such a corrupt and frantic thing! Who do you look down on? You also have to look down on me. I don’t think I can afford a stand-alone brother!"

So, the angry "first brother" Lin accepted the "Dual Cultivation" innate talent with righteous indignation, and if it received it, it was a beast. If it didn't, it would be worse than a beast.

system: [...]

Next, Lin Chen continued seriously.

"system, come again! Continue to merge! Still those three attribute values, each with 200,000 points!"

【Boom~! Ding~! 】

[Consumption of Heavenly Dao worth 50,000 points, fusion is completed, the host gains passive green-level innate talent...]


Another one Wave decomposition, Lin Chen gnashing teeth, damn it, adding extra attributes, but low-level innate talent. The randomness of this fusion function is so ridiculous!

Furthermore, if you continue to do this, his attribute value is not enough for him to integrate a few more times!

"This time, in addition to the three 200,000-point attributes just now, plus 200,000-point cultivation technique essence! Then I will integrate all the cultivation techniques I have on hand!"

[Consumption of Heavenly Dao value of 90,000 points, fusion of 79 low-level purple-level cultivation techniques currently held by the host, 3 types of purple-level intermediate, 4 types of purple-level core method, 400,000 intermediate cultivation technique essence, and 200,000 intermediate talisman literary energy Points, Heavenly Dao is worth 200,000 points, and innate talent points are 200,000 points. ]

[Boom~! Ding~! ]

[Complete the fusion, obtain the purple high level low-grade battle skill: "Three Cun Tribulation". The power of mobilizing Battle Qi to condense into the "inch robbery" is hidden in the meridian. Once activated, the inch Force of Tribulation can be revealed. 】

This time, Lin Chen has integrated a brand new battle skill! Moreover, this battle skill has reached the purple high level!

The high-level defensive battle skill of the Purple Tier. Looking at the countless historical accumulations of Nine Provinces, there are still very few. If you want to create a battle skill of this level, unless it is Heaven-blessed Genius, which specializes in the field of cultivation technique Generation, otherwise at least it must be above the holy realm!

There may be no more than twenty types of purple-level high level defense battle skills that exist today!

"What a powerful battle skill, first cultivation out of Force of Tribulation, and then melted into the limbs and the meridian, as long as it encounters danger, once it is activated, it can immediately defend against fatal attacks. This is equivalent to preparing the strongest defense in advance!"

Reading the description of "Three Cun Jie" carefully, Lin Chen is shocked!

Many powerhouses lost their lives, often because they couldn't take the opponent's attack and had no time to prepare their strongest defense, so they could only temporarily mobilize the Battle Qi defense and relied on the defense Treasure Item to resist.

This'three-inch robbery' is a pre-condensed defense method, hidden in the body.

Once in distress, you only need to activate your strongest defense in a moment of thought. Even if you encounter a sneak attack, you can instantly protect yourself with the best defense!

"It is worthy of the purple-level high-level cultivation technique, it is really amazing! However, this is not my goal!"

Lin Chen first accepted this volume of cultivation technique, and then Start the fusion function again!

“I’m still in danger right now. Innate talent points and rune energy are both necessary attributes for using life-saving cards. This last integration, if I can’t get the innate talent combo box, I can only give up Here!"

This time, Lin Chen’s Fusion Attribute is still: 200,000 intermediate cultivation technique essence, 200,000 intermediate talisman energy, 200,000 Heavenly Dao, and 200,000 innate talent. point!

[Boom~! Ding~! ]

[Successful fusion, the host gains...]

Lin Chen hold his breath, this is the last chance!

【The host obtains the orange innate talent: Godslayer innate talent fragment (2/3). 】

My day!

Lin Chen is so excited! This is really unintentional positive outcomes! The innate talent combo box won't come, but a Godslayer innate talent fragment?

A total of 5 fusions this time, a total of 900,000 rune energy, Heavenly Dao value and innate talent points were consumed, plus 400,000 cultivation technique essence!

The first three attribute values ​​instantly changed back to more than 2 million points. Fusion is to'burn the attribute' to bet!

Lin Chen did not immediately learn "Three Cun Jie", because this is not a cultivation technique inheritance. It takes at least ten years to learn from the beginning. It takes more than ten years before initial understanding is possible for ordinary powerhouse cultivation.

And Lin Chen, even if it consumes the cultivation technique essence, it takes more than six days, and the cultivation technique essence Lin Chen has on hand may not be enough!

Transfer the mind to Avatar. After a while, Lin Chen opened his eyes

"Very well, this is the best result. Long Kun big brother and Avatar have succeeded He ran away, completely withdrew from the soul family area, and has already begun to escape into the boundary between the barren state and the Divine State."

During this period, he has been continuously launching the'Extreme Return to Origin' to Avatar Fill up the Battle Qi and keep it in its best condition

The direction of the extreme east of the soul family is the deserted state at the end, which is a vast and infinite continent, a gathering place for countless beast races.

The area of ​​the barren state is the largest in the Nine Provinces. The total area is close to two Great Prefectures, and countless beast races inhabit the barren state.

As long as you escape into the deserted state, you will basically be free from the control of the soul family. Many powerful beast races can make the search of the soul family full of difficulties.

Long Kun possesses the bloodline of the True Flame Purple Phoenix. He continues to fly extremely fast, and keeps the Bloodline Strength activated. After three days of escaping, the peak powerhouse of the soul family only returned. At this time, he will pursue it again. Search, even if it is the 8th layer Battle Sovereign shot, it is too late.

The most important thing is that Lin Chen’s Avatar can use the “Golden Eye Twins” to discover the crisis and the location of the opponent first, and can predict in advance. With this hand, Purple Gold Eye, Lin Chen's Avatar successfully covered Long Kun's retreat.

This is the result Lin Chen most hopes to see, because he wants to use Avatar to display the extra-dimensional transmission innate talent!

Ultra-dimensional teleportation can only fix two spatial positions. After Lin Chen erased the spatial coordinates of the Sky Tower, only one is left, and that is in the abyss near the sacred monument of the town boundary at No. 47. .

So, he needs new space coordinates, as long as the Avatar arrives at the location, new coordinates can be fixed!

If Long Kun is overtaken by the powerhouse of the soul family, he can also ask the Avatar to immediately fix the coordinates near him, and return to Long Kun with the innate talent teleported in super-dimensionality, and flee together.

It's just that, in this case, Lin Chen can't implement the next plan. And Long Kun can escape successfully, is the best result!

Because next, Lin Chen's goal is: Soul Family Headquarters! !

"Brother Chen, I want to take the Soul Family headquarters directly and copy the fucking old ones! These guys who used to be dogs for the false gods can kill as many as they can!"

Lin In Chen's eyes, the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes!

He actually did the opposite? Everyone thought he was escaping at this time, who would have thought that he would dare to kill the Soul Family Headquarters!

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