Lin Chen sank to the bottom of the lake and continued to maintain the "Azure Dragon Shadow", like a reef at the bottom of the lake.

Moreover, there is an extremely rich Water Element energy in the lake, which can be manipulated by Lin Chen's'Tianyu Yinghai' divine ability to form one after another water flow to cover his existence and become his most perfect The cover.

It is as if Lin Chen's whole person has completely disappeared in this world.

Lin Chen, who seems to be a reef at the bottom of a lake, concentrates on restoring his injuries and body's weakness. Moreover, his spiritual consciousness sneaks into the first Phantom Clone who evacuated with Long Kun. .

Leaving with Avatar is not accidental, but Lin Chen's deliberate arrangement!


A quarter of an hour after Lin Chen dived into the lake, the gorge of the No. 47 sacred monument of the town boundary split high in the sky, and three strong silhouettes emerged, which were three seven-tiered Battle Sovereigns. !

They looked all around, their eyes narrowed, murderous aura!

"Dead, the whole army is annihilated. Except for the powerhouse that guarded my soul house True God altar, all the Battle Sovereigns sent here were killed!"

"Unexpectedly, This child can solve the battle in such a fast time. They can't even delay the time. As the intelligence says, he has the ability to kill 6th-layer Battle Sovereign!"

"Regardless of him No matter how strong we are, we have to chase him. His aura disappeared out of thin air at the battle site, and he split up. Once found, delay time and notify each other. The Great Elders are also on their way to meet the Supreme Elder of the 8th layer cultivation base. , He must die!"

Three seven-tiered Battle Sovereign broke through the void and escaped into Space Crack, each chasing in one direction.

Time has passed, and it has been three days and nights since Lin Chen took the inheritance of the sacred stele of the town.

On the 3rd day, the Peak powerhouse of the soul family returned to the headquarters, and then quickly attacked, all the way to the various areas of Divine State, and directly launched a carpet search!

Lin Chen's importance to the soul family has completely reached the irreconcilable realm! Since ancient times, no one has dared to offend divine might, let alone the most powerful soul family among all the pseudo-gods of the Aristocratic Family!

To scold True God, break the mountain, and provoke divine might. These various behaviors are things that people in the world can't even think about, but they have been shown to him again and again. This person will be the number one enemy of his soul family in terms of temperament, potential, and battle strength!

Therefore, except for a very small number of people who went out to perform the mission Old Ancestor, basically all the top powerhouses were dispatched! There is only one purpose, to kill Lin Chen!


The sky tower, somewhere in the secret room of the main city.

"Peak pill will be the champion of refining medicine, break the mountain, scold the false gods, and still retreat safely, this child, I am afraid it is the last hope of Nine Provinces!"

The black robed man sits on the chair, flipping through the information in his hand, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Tower Master, do you want to help this child? This child is not much more than Heaven's Chosen!"

The curvaceous shadow next to her leaned forward, asking for advice.

The tower master of the sky tower!

This and the others are more terrifying than the alchemy giants in Danzhou and the ancient Prediction Master in Mingzhou! Call it the most mysterious existence in Nine Provinces! Those who can see, the entire Nine Provinces, can be counted on one's fingers!

"No, it is not time for us to intervene. The Sky Tower has been based here since ancient times. It is the last civilization symbol of the Nine Provinces continent. The sky will not fall, and Nine Provinces will not be destroyed. No matter how enchanting geniuses are. It’s not worth betting on the Sky Tower, but it’s okay to give a little information and help."

The tower owner suddenly smiled and put down the jade slip--"You order to go down and tell his news. Those Inheritors we know today who got the sacred stele of the town, they will definitely get along well with him. After all, this is the only one who dares to provoke false gods in Nine Provinces since Far Ancient Era."

"Yes, Ying'er understands."

The beautiful lady nodded nodded, and then, the tone of the tower master suddenly became solemn.

"Let you investigate the origin of that person, did you find any information?"

Talking about the lovable body trembled of'that person'.

Her voice, with a bit of fear and tremor—"No...No, the people we sent out are dead..."

"The coldness of the 9th layer Battle Sovereign Xiao is also dead?" The tower master tapped the table top with his fingertips.

"Yes...and was killed instantly, no information was sent back..."

The secret room was silent, and the two did not talk, only the frequency of the tower master tapping the desktop gradually increased.

"Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, you really provoke a terrifying character for Nine Provinces. I don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend. It’s really a blessing and misfortune. God gave Nine Provinces one. The shocking genius that subverts the ages has brought another person who can threaten Nine Provinces. The announcement goes on, don't investigate that person again, so as not to provoke a killing disaster."



Qianying nodded nodded, she picked up a volume of space jade slip and handed it to the tower master.

"Tower master, this jade slip is a sect legend from the holy world. There is a holy world messenger, who is about to come to Nine Provinces."

The tower master's eyes are stunned!

Holy Realm, is it going to save Nine Provinces? Or is it because of that mysterious person?

When the tower master tore open the jade slip, the spiritual information inside poured out, and after a while, he sneered in his sleeves.

"Heh! Holy Realm, I didn't think it was for Lin Chen! But I didn't care about the life and death situation and situation of Nine Provinces. These shit messengers have nothing to do with my Sky Tower!"

The jade slip was crushed in one hand, and the tower owner sneered!


In three days, Lin Chen was not idle.

Under the lake, Lin Chen opened the system column.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 2nd layer Late stage-Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 62.33 million points.

Ultimate strength: 3.1 million dragon power-intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 59.12 million points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 31450 points (Through Heaven Realm Early-Stage)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 1.68 million points—intermediate talisman spirit strength: 3.12 million points.

Heavenly Dao value: 3.46 million points-innate talent points: 3.35 million points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 54660 points, Earth Element 49870 points, Wood Element 47558 ​​points, Gold Element 51225 points, Water Element 119358 points. Thunder Element 53350 points, Wind Element 53280 points, light system 41500 points, dark system 43030 points.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent: (green rank) Steel Muscles Iron Bones 100%, (blue rank) life increase 200%, (blue-level) divine force 75%, (blue-level) Sovereign.

Active innate talent: (Blue Step) Divine Steal Omen, (Blue Step) Super Dimensional Teleportation, (Blue Step) Deadly Bloodthirsty Shard (2/3), (Purple Step) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Limit Return to Origin, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World (Cooldown: 26 days), (Orange Stage One-time) Godslayer (Contains 1/3 of Fragments), (Quasi Orange Stage) Desperate Life and Death.

Characteristic rune: Slow Level 5, Penetration Level 5, Charge Level 5, Phantom Level 5.

Holding a blank attribute: 3940 points (can be converted into any attribute value at will).

Hold treasure:...]

"Now that the attribute value is sufficient, I can try the fusion function again! See if I can get an innate talent combo box!"

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