However, Lin Chen is afraid to rob the battle body with water at the moment. The opponent is the legendary Rain Dragon of water! In front of it and use Water Element battle skill, that is to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

"What's the matter, is there only such a little ability?"

Tianyu Rain Dragon laughed frantically and waved several claws, Lin Chen retreated and then retreated!

It seems casual, but in reality, the heart of Tianyu Rain Dragon is also a big wave. This Human Race boy from Ling State has more cards than one!

Whether it is the dragon king with the same origin or the penetrating attack, it is unheard-of in the Ancient Times!

All the way, Lin Chen maintained the'ultimate moment' and persisted.

In the 98th round, when Azure Dragon and Lin Chen were both injured and retired, Tianyu Rain Dragon was impressed.

"Well, with the 2nd layer Battle Sovereign cultivation base in my hands, I have persisted for nearly a hundred rounds. This child is impeccable in mind, talent, and battle strength, and is qualified to become the master. Inheritor!"

From the very beginning, Rain Dragon did not think that Lin Chen could beat himself by a higher level. The bottom line in his heart was able to persist for hundreds of rounds. This was already the best result.

After all, it is a Sacred Beast. Even if it suppresses more than 90% of its strength, its battle strength is far beyond the ordinary seventh rank intermediate beast, let alone suppressed its strength, its own cultivation base is still suppressed. Lin Chen is over.

Having been undefeated for hundreds of rounds, it has been very satisfied with this result.

When the imperial Rain Dragon was about to end this test, Lin Chen, who was injured, suddenly smiled.

"Tianyu Rain Dragon, I have found out your details, now it is mine!"

Lin Chen's shoulders shook! Boom~!

Four divine lights exploded, falling from the sky, four silver robe silhouettes stepped out, the whole body surrounded by blue and secluded, like a Heavenly God descending!

"What?" Tianyu Rain Dragon was stunned and lost his voice! Avatar Absolute Art? There are still four Avatars comparable to the body!

"Accept the move! Blazing Moon Slash! Ye Ming Judgment! Eight Desolate Fingers!"

"Douhuang 82 Style·Asura Battlefield! Shadow Thunder Jun! Profound Profound Light Blade ”

sword light bends like a moon, and the green rainbow turns like a tornado twisting, spinning in a circle at extreme speed, and slashing away! Counting ten thousand zhangs, the pitch black of the sword marks and the vertical slashes are devastated, and it can be judged to smash the sky! An eight-color Great Desolate energy finger fell into the sky!

Lightning crosses the sky, the shadow arrow entrains endless thunder and shoots away at the Tianyu Rain Dragon. Two fire lights that pierce the sky are like Asura, killing Lingtian directly attacking the root of The thorn of the problem goes to the head of the dragon!

In just half a breath, Lin Chen's firepower turned on in an instant, and he launched an attack that was more than several times stronger than before!

Especially Lin Chen's 82-style'Asura Battlefield', the formidable power has surpassed the formidable power of the purple high level middle grade battle skill! It is nearly ten times stronger than Lin Chen's sword technique and Blade Technique!

Bless the ultimate moment, recharge, penetrate rune, and the foundation of the Nine Tribulations battle body itself, and rely on the offensive of the'Asura Battlefield' to approach the 6th-layer Battle Sovereign!

Xun Tianhe’s attack crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood hits Tianyu Rain Dragon, it a dragon roar roar, one after another dragon's breath water column soars into the sky, turning into layers of spirit Cover yourself!

One shot from Longkou, the center of the spirit mask shot a brilliant blue holy light, which collided with two intertwined sharp fire lights!

Shih~! boom!

The surplus of energy from teaching the world rushes towards Xiaohan, and its power shakes half of the sacred monument space!

Avatar, Azure Dragon, and Lin Chen retreated violently and looked on guard. Even though the attribute value skyrocketed for several waves, he was not sure whether the combined attack could shake the sky above the 6th-layer Battle Sovereign. Yu Rain Dragon.

If it doesn't work, you can only play the two trump cards of'Rune of Slowness' and'Nine Tribulations Stars'!

The smoke dissipated, and the space was just faintly distorted. The sacred stele space was blessed by the former holy realm, and it was countless times stronger than the outside world. I wanted to tear the space crystal wall here unless it was a holy realm.

"hahaha, wonderful, wonderful! Through Heaven Realm spirit strength, 2nd layer Battle Sovereign, high-level secret technique that can break through a great realm, body refinement Sovereign, and a Peak Spear with Asura Qi of Slaughter Art cultivation to Perfection!"

The earth-shaking dragon roar laughed loudly, shaking Lin Chen's ears, and the previous Sacred Beast coercion was released from its body again!

"Unexpectedly, your kid still has another trick, Avatar Absolute Art, that can hide so deep. It really defeated the seat after suppressing the cultivation base. Impeccable! Ling State's Lin Chen kid , You are eligible for the inheritance of the Lord!"

It is completely unexpected! Tianyu Rain Dragon at first doesn't think Lin Chen can beat himself. It is purely to find a reason to force Lin Chen's potential out that's all. I can't think of him actually defeating himself!

Just now, the Avatar teamed up with a single blow, and even the 6th-layer mid-stage Battle Sovereign might not be able to retreat in a head-on battle!

"Boy, I ask you, where did your Spear Art come from? What is your relationship with the Asura clan?"

Tianyu Rain Dragon asked curiously, as everyone knows, it The last trace of anger on the body is gradually passing away.

Lin Chen briefly talked about his encounter in the Asura Hundred Emperor Palace, and he shook his head in amazement.

"You have such a chance, the guys from the Asura clan will teach you the battle skills of the inheritance of the past. It's really the sun hitting the west! Those fighting mads are almost not right between Heaven and Earth. Which race has been convinced?"

"Boy, the Absolute Art of the Asura clan, you must cultivation, its formidable power is no less than the main cultivation technique of the Lord’s life."

Even Tianyu Rain Dragon is very affirmative of Lin Chen's "Hundred Spear Fighting King", which shows its formidable power!

The first 70 styles of this Spear Art, which is equivalent to the purple-level middle-level inferior to the top grade attacking battle skill, the last 70 styles are better than one! The last 20 styles are even more shocking. Lin Chen is not even qualified to perform the last 91-100 styles. The minimum requirement is after 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

"If you can get this child inheritance, I will surely smile at Jiuquan, and I can leave with peace of mind..."

Tianyu Rain Dragon murmured a long sigh , Its dragon body cracked one after another crack, Lin Chen was shocked!

"Senior, who are you?"

"Hehe, the injury of this seat has already reached a fatal degree. If it weren't for a breath, it would have to rely on the remaining Water Element on the Lord The Supreme Treasure of energy continues all the way to this day, and has to consume the few blood in the body and the energy of the beast core to maintain the entire sacred monument space. I am already incomplete..."

Rain Dragon Grinning, showing sharp dragon teeth. There is a trace of relief in the smile, and its mission ends here.

"Boy, it's up to you next, don't let down the Lord's will, let alone the efforts of those saints who defend the Nine Provinces. You are one of the few hopes of Nine Provinces. , Must destroy all the dog thieves who came from the Holy Prison of the Holy Realm!"

The dragon body of the Tianyu Rain Dragon became more and more disintegrated, and Lin Chen stretched out his hand and clenched his fist at it!

"I promise! I will destroy all these shit gods that ran out of the holy world!"

"hahaha! What a shit god, Lao Tzu Like...!"

The dragon body disappeared in the last laugh, Tianyu Rain Dragon turned into countless rays of light and drifted away, skeleton doesn't exist!

Boom~! Boom~!

The next moment of the disappearance of Tianyu Rain Dragon, two beams of light bloom from the space where it is located, one blue and one orange!

Apart from this, as well as the blood-colored attribute light spheres floating in the void and scattered all over the ground, it is Qi and Blood Energy!

A cyan attribute ball of light with fists laughing, hovering in front of Lin Chen, exuding the strongest Dragon's Might of Heaven and Earth!

Lin Chen gasped slightly!

It is the bloodline attribute ball of light! !

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