Lin Chen twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then asked: "Then the next test?"

It said it was only the 2nd test, that is, there are More?

"Fight with me, this seat is Tianyu Rain Dragon, in charge of water punishment. If you can defeat me, you will pass the test completely."

Tianyu Rain Dragon Looking down at Lin Chen, he said in a low voice.

Lin Chen frowned: "I think I dare to fight and fight, and I am willing to dare to pull the emperor off the horse. But I am not stupid, you are eighth rank Sacred Beast, I will fight you with the head? "

His'Golden Eye Twins' can detect that this Tianyu Rain Dragon has several points of death, not far from death, but this does not mean that he can compete with the Holy Realm series!

It was totally courting death. If that was the case, he would rather not have this inheritance.

"hahaha! Your kid's head is still a bit bright, if you really rely on yourself as an Inheritor and rush over without a brain, I will slap you to death with one paw!"

Tianyu Rain Dragon laughed heartily, Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, this eighth rank Sacred Beast is really set everywhere! A little carelessness is a dead word!

"I will be suppressed to the intermediate level of the seventh rank. You have only two hundred rounds and defeat me. After two hundred rounds, if you fail to win, I will restore your original strength and destroy you! "

Lin Chen smiled upon hearing this.

The five-color Dragon Qi flashed, and the Wulong Dynasty Emperor's spear was held in his hand. Lin Chen leaped into the air and fell into the Colosseum, raising his gun pointed finger towards Tianyu Rain Dragon!

"Let the horse come here!"


The air wave exploded, and the size of the Tianyu Rain Dragon continued to shrink to two thousand zhangs, and its strength was suppressed to the seventh rank.

However, its breath is still terrifying! More powerful than any seventh-rank beast Lin Chen has ever seen! Even Long Kun, the ancient Azure Dragon mixed with Azure Dragon bloodline, may not be its opponent!

The ultimate moment·6th-layer becomes fully open, the cultivation base temporarily steps into the 3rd-layer Early-Stage, Lin Chen turns his body in the blue and light, a move to fight the emperor·9-style'cutting water and cracking' Stabbed out!

The two Offensive Talisman texts are fully opened, and the tip of the gun cuts a water glow and cuts diagonally, cutting the ground vein in just a breath!

"The attack is good, but playing the Water Element attack in front of this seat, display one's slight skill before an expert."

Tianyu Rain Dragon roars, the four above the dragon's back When the dragon's wings unfolded, a dragon breath water-light barrier was unfolded. When Lin Chen's "water-cutting crack" touched the water-light barrier, it unexpectedly bounced back and shot back at Lin Chen!

The light of the gun is lingering around the breath of the water, this spear not only has been bounced back, but has also been enhanced formidable power?

"Long Gang is broken!"

The guns dance in a round, swish and smash down, and a Seventh Gold Qi soars into the sky, turning into a Golden Dragon to slaughter, and forcibly tearing it apart After this rebound, the interception of water and cracks!

Boom! Dang~!

Two explosions arose. Lin Chen and Tianyu Rain Dragon retreated a kilometer at the same time. Both sides saw each other's shock!

Lin Chen was shocked by the fact that the opponent was able to rebound battle skill formidable power unreservedly and became stronger through his own power blessing, but Tianyu Rain Dragon was puzzled that Lin Chen’s attack seemed to have penetrated Its dragon's breath barrier?

On the control of Water Element energy, it is the ancestor of water control! Few of the orcs can match its Heavenly Royal Rain Dragon clan, this human brat's attack actually repelled him?

"Interesting, come again!"

One dragon and one person fired a fighting intent, bursting into anger, full of firepower!

A move called "Hundred Spear Fighting Emperor" urged out, Lin Chen attacked violently while attacking the opponent with Through Heaven Realm spirit strength!

The dragon claw of Tianyu Rain Dragon waved wildly, and the dragon's breath was violent. Even though Lin Chen had been fighting all the way from the sky tower, he had risen extremely fast, and his spirit strength had broken through to Through Heaven Realm, but he was still beaten. Got to be a disadvantage all the way!

However, at least Lin Chen is certain that he has the qualification to fight head-on with 6th-layer Battle Sovereign!

Long Chi, Crimson Empress, and Soul Family’s 6th-layer battle with Elder Huang, many desperate battles have allowed him to grow by leaps and bounds!

In the 30th round, Lin Chen has already figured out its strength, which is comparable to the seventh rank high level fierce beast, the pure strength of the seventh rank intermediate 4 million dragon power, but the true battle strength exceeds the average. The 6th-layer Battle Sovereign!

Lin Chen's Wanzai Azure Dragon Emperor is also 4 million pure power, and can only play against the 5th layer Early-Stage Battle Sovereign at most, and has a small win.

On this day, the Royal Rain Dragon directly surpassed the battle strength of the two great realms, which was several times more terrifying than Lin Chen's Dragon King!

The Battle Sovereign realm is not the Yuanzun realm. There is no extremely powerful means. It is extremely difficult to leapfrog one small realm to fight, let alone span the range of two great realms! And the more the Battle Sovereign is in the later stage, the gap between realm becomes more terrifying!

Mutated beasts that are as strong as Dragon Kun and possess the two strongest bloodlines of Azure Dragon can only challenge the average seventh rank high level beasts from the seventh rank Intermediate Peak skipping grades. The realm gap is like a chasm!

Lin Chen barely stabilized the battle with the movement speed blessed by the Purple Phoenix Wing, but this battle is different. He can't fight the war of attrition, he only has two hundred rounds!

When approaching fifty rounds, Lin Chen released the Dragon King!

When a Wanzaixuan Azure Dragon with a true flame purple phoenix bloodline was born, even the Tianyu Rain Dragon, which had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, was shocked and surprised-"Mixed bloodline? No, two kinds of bloodlines. It's very pure and complete, but it can perfectly coexist without being confused. This, this is impossible?"

"Dragon King, fight!"

One trick, "Asura Broken Soul", Lin Chen slammed his spear and smashed, twisting a ten thousand zhang, and the spear was like a broken moon!

The Dragon Emperor releases the Azure Dragon Domain as much as possible to delay the movement of the Rain Dragon. The Jinglongyou movement method is deployed close to its back, and the claws are torn down! Wanzai Profound Light Blade slashed with fiery violent purple flames!

"The offensive match is perfect, but it's not enough! Take out more hole cards!"

Tianyu Rain Dragon laughed, and between the four wings flapping, the dragon body rolled over. Twisted, with its dragon body as the center, thousands of dragons' breath and water light flew swiftly and slashed out like snow flakes!

Snow flakes and water light smashed Lin Chen's "Asura Broken Soul" to pieces, and the azure light blade was crushed and torn apart, the dragon king flew upside down, and the dragon scales broke!

"The Omen of God's Steal!"

The silhouette flashed, Lin Chen caught a gap and approached Tianyu Rain Dragon, and punched it in the belly of the dragon. , By the way, he also used the innate talent of the'God Steal Omen'.

[The innate talent of God's theft omen is successfully cast, the host gains: 70,000 points of intermediate Water Element energy, blue-level innate talent Fragment: lethal bloodthirsty (3/3), automatically fused and stored in the innate talent column . 】

70,000 intermediate elemental attribute value?

Lin Chen took a breath of air as he flew back and retreated! Almost even the mouth fell out of shock!

Even when he received Asura's original refining in the Asura Hundred Emperors Palace, he only increased the intermediate elemental attribute value by more than 10,000. This stole 70,000 points from Tian Yuying?

Even if there is only one attribute, that is an extremely powerful level!

Now the energy of Lin Chen’s Water Element directly exceeds 90,000 points, approaching 100,000 points. Among the nine Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies, the water catastrophe battle body will become the strongest Lin Chen at this stage. Heavenly Tribulation battle body!

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