The 4 million dragons blessed by Azure Dragon's possession are like a million volcanic eruptions. The might of a single fist turned into a million dragons collision and hit the True God mountain head-on!

Boom! Boom~~!

The sound of a violent explosion sounded, and the True God mountain shone a bright brilliance, tightly protecting the mountain!

But when something happened suddenly, Lin Chen's speed was extremely fast, and everyone did not react!

The True God mountain without protective great formation protects the mountain, but Lin Chen’s "penetration" rune feature penetrates 20% of the formidable power of Prestige of this Fist through the True God mountain. All the female sculptures, all shattered!

At this moment, the hundreds of millions of people in the extreme east of Divine State are confused!

The Elders of the soul family and the servants of the false gods are also dumbfounded!

Where did this kid who ran out not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth smash the sculpture of True God Mountain with a punch?

The five-color Dragon Qi lingers and the battle gun flashes in his hand, Lin Chen suddenly launches the 5th layer change and the ultimate moment, and the cultivation base is temporarily promoted to the late 2nd layer!

next moment, seeing him draw a gun, and detect Lin Chen's soaring aura, finally the soul family battle Elder Huang and the false god servant reacted, hair stands up in anger, furious on the spot!

"Where did the Xiao Xiaoxiaomen dare to offend divine might!"

"Dare to attack the True God Mountain, the wild dogs, courting death!"

The powerhouses of various powerhouses were furious in an instant, and there were three above the 5th layer cultivation base of the Battle Sovereign scene, and they rushed towards Lin Chen!

shua! shua! shua! Bang! boom!

The moonlight flashed, and three silhouettes appeared like ghost-likes, and they flew to those Battle Sovereign realms who were trying to get close to Lin Chen!

The moment they were repelled and intercepted, Lin Chen shot instantly!

"Douhuang 78 Style: Moon Breaking Star River!"

A ten thousand zhang moonlight was born! The frontal slashed like lightning to the True God Mountain, and the brilliance of the sacred mountain that sheltered the sacred mountain burst suddenly, and the moonlight that pierced the sky from the sacred mountain was split in half!


The sacred mountain split into two halves. At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and hundreds of millions of people of Divine State became angry!

"Where are the disrespectful people who dare to blaspheme divine might!"

"Death! This person must die! The True God mountain is Divine Vestige, how can it tolerate mortals? Violation!"

Countless verbal abuse, roaring through the sky, a stream of light flying out, countless Heavenly Dipper Realm, Yuanzun realm, flying out from the crowd, they don’t care what Lin Chen’s strength is, they are single-minded Just want to kill Lin Chen!

Looking at the surging crowd of hiding the sky and covering the earth, the silver-clad woman's face turned pale, isn't he afraid of death?

Is he going to challenge Heavenly Might? It's hard to beat. Doesn't he know that this will lead to the pursuit of tens of billions of believers in the Divine State in the Far East!

True God mountain rioted, but the woman in silver armor remembered his words inexplicably.

If there is no torch in Nine Provinces, we will be the only light.


A tearing sound like a brocade came from outside the sky. After the True God mountain split, the rageous and cold rebuke spread from outside the sky to the bottom of the mountain!

"Mortal, how dare you commit this divine might?"

This voice completely frightened all the creatures present!

The Soul Family True God! This is the True God behind the soul family who has spoken!

Everyone’s heart trembles, is it possible that True God’s anger is coming to the Nine Provinces continent?

"Great True God, please calm down your anger!"

"It's over, how can I wait for mortals to bear the anger of True God!"

Countless The man knelt down and wailed, Lin Chen held a gun with one hand, fingers to the sky.

"Fuck a banana, you are a god of fart! A trifling, what kind of big tail wolf do you pretend to be? The people who are not convinced, stand up and practice alone! Today I am If Lin frowns, my damn name will be yours! If you dare not show up, you are a rubbish!"

This curse made countless powerhouses even more air-conditioned!

Where is this crazy man! He even dared to provoke divine might, even True God uttered a voice, he even dared to abuse Spiritual God?

True God speaks out, everyone dare not act rashly! For fear of angering this'great Spiritual God'.

"To deal with ants like you, you don't need to take action. Trifling mortals..."

"Who are you? What are you pretending to be, there is a kind to hammer me"

Lin Chen interrupted the false god's speech and directly expressed his position with a middle finger.


"You are something like shit, hiding in the dark and squeaky and crooked, so you dare to call it True God? I will call Linpi Tickle today, come here Yeah, come and fuck me!"

"Fuck you..."

"You're a fucking shit! A bunch of shit that ran out of the holy world prison! Pretending to be a god? You pretend to be a fart! You don’t seem to be a man if you pretend to be a sling!"

Everyone gasped in air! Especially those individuals who lurked to the depths, from Battle Sovereigns outside of Divine State, suddenly felt their scalp tingling!

Who the hell is this! One showed up and smashed the True God Mountain, and in front of countless people of false gods screamed at this false god!


The million li in the sky in the extreme east region, the changeable situation is turbulent, and the cloud of blood is surging and bursting, as if some world-destroying natural disaster is about to descend on the True God Mountain!

Lin Chen's phrase'the shit that ran from the holy world prison' seems to anger the wound in that pseudo Divine Heart!

"Does Coward want to probe?"

Lin Chen looked jokingly and calmly.

Just as a certain breath was about to descend on Nine Provinces, certain areas of the vast Nine Provinces continent began to throb!

Those surviving sacred monuments of the town began to glow with endless holy light shining through the ages, making that aura suddenly retracted when it was about to come to Divine State!

Those saints who have fallen, those who have been eulogized for eternity, even after death, their will still guards this continent!

"What's the matter, don't you dare. A rubbish that can't even show up, what qualifications is there to be a god!"

Lin Chen shouted thunder and waved angrily The fist was another punch at the bottom of the True God mountain. The fist weathered into a wave of air and exploded on the blessing stage. The Elder of Battle Sovereign, which overturned many false god servants and souls, flew to the side!

The'iron cabinet' that extinct humanity was shattered, Yun Qingxue was affected by the fist storm, but her Battle Qi seal was torn, and Battle Qi can be used again!

"Let's go." Lin Chen's voice came from the air, Yun Qingxue's eyes flickered suddenly, rejuvenated with new vitality, immediately understood, and fled in the chaos!

At this time, everyone's attention is attracted by Lin Chen, no one pays attention to Yun Qingxue at all!

"Look at it clearly, your so-called True God can't even show up. Talk about creating and destroying the world! This Nine Provinces continent is the land guarded by our hundreds of Saint ancestors. It is us Countless ancestors defended the continent with flesh and blood. Why should you believe in these false gods of unknown origin!"

Lin Chen shouted, facing the millions of people of Divine State, tens of thousands of people Powerhouse, he is proud and not afraid!

Those insensitive, murderous and turbulent expressions around Lin Chen's eyes, he frowned. These guys are used to being a group of begging dogs.

It is difficult to make them human.

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