And the young silver robe, standing on the edge of the mountain, sees all this in his eyes.

In his seemingly plain eyes, there is a faint burst of Fury of Heaven brewing!

"Carve living people as statues, and embed them in the sculpture step by step! Face death step by step, and then make people into items after being tortured on the edge of death! This simply cannot be done It's a matter, why countless people cheer and admire, countless people believe in, what kind of shit Spiritual God is this!"

Silver robe young man, naturally Lin Chen after disguised.

After he arrived in the extreme east area, he spent three days searching for the location of the sacred monument of the town of "Emperor God·Xuanlong·47", and the specific location was locked in the nearby area outside the soul house. !

But it just so happened that he ran into the soul family's "happy event" again. He recalled that the servant of the false god he killed in the Ning Family in the past was also the soul family!

Then, related to the Ning Family, to take away Ning Qingxuan's that'false god' is also the soul family!

The thing that is equivalent to Yun Qingxue's experience on the palace sedan chair now is the result Ning Qingxuan will face in the future!

Lin Chen, who came to the extreme east area in person, knew what a send cold shivers down one's spine area is!

Trillions of living beings are all "false gods believers" who do not believe in the heavens and the earth, only believe in True God to create Heaven and Earth, and only believe in True God to gain eternal life! Those who don’t believe in gods are neither Daoist nor Daoist!

These hundreds of millions of vast crowds, watching with their own eyes pushing a woman into the abyss of death, everyone smiled, and no one felt abnormal...

What soaring, what True God's favor, it's all damn shit!

Lin Chen has heard of the "True God Favor" ceremony of Five Great Families. Some require girls to worship, and some use the "fleshy body split" ceremony as the ascension ceremony.

What’s more, a pseudo-god Aristocratic Family even asked a middle-aged man of the same sex to get a boy to death in the ceremony. The scene is disgusting. In the eyes of people in the Far East, it is extremely common!

And the soul family is "Shen Feng secular", leaving "everything" in the mortal world, soaring to the world of True God!

Everyone here seems to be reduced to playthings in the hands of the'false gods' who ran out of the tenth layer of the Holy Realm!

Such a world is not an exaggeration to call it hell on earth!

Look at their appearance, as if the "True God" in their hearts made them die immediately without the slightest hesitation.

"If no one can stop those false gods, perhaps the future Nine Provinces continent will become a real purgatory on earth in the hands of these false gods!"

pupil shrink , Killing intent turbulence! Lin Chen has never felt such a radical anger in his heart! There is no need for any responsibilities or heavy burdens, he just wants to hammer to death all the gang of'false gods' that exterminate humanity!

"Today is such a good day, you are actually angry. It seems that you are not a local in the Far East."

There was a shock from behind Lin Chen, a beautiful woman with short hair. Walking slowly, his appearance is outstanding, wearing silver armor, heroic and awe-inspiring, and there is a sonorous rose blooming in his eyebrows.

Killing intent put away, Lin Chen became calm and turned to look at her: "Yes, I am a casual cultivator touring around, I don't know who is a girl?"

" Do you want to take a break? In the next ceremony, if your mental capacity is not enough, I advise you not to watch it."

The short-haired woman shook her head, purple gold rays of light flashed through her pupils, and Lin Chen narrowed her eyes. , The talent of this woman is very high. Even more powerful than the descendants of ordinary false gods!

It is the Venerable Realm 9th Layer before the age of 100!

"Why did the girl say this, is there anything wrong with the ceremony?"

Lin Chen asked pretending to be unknown.

"Oh, the Nine Provinces continent is over, look at these insensitive people, for the favor of the so-called True God, believe in True God, and even humanity can be abandoned."

The silver armored woman sighed like a mockery, and turned to look at the sculpture on the True God mountain, her eyes trance-"If everyone becomes a running dog of True God and abandons humanity and becomes a plaything in their palms, what hope is there in this world," Isn't such a world hell?"

"Because of this, someone needs to change."-Lin Chen said suddenly.

"Change? How to change, what can one person do? Those who know the truth are pretending to sleep, but those who understand the truth bow their heads for strength and blindfold their eyes to become their lackeys. Our opponents , Far beyond our cognition, they can crush countless Battle Sovereigns with a single finger! It’s useless, the collapse of the world is a foregone conclusion, they have come to our world, unless the Holy Realm can make a move, otherwise We can't escape..."

The heroic silver armored woman showed a little despair.

Lin Chen frowned. At this time, the sedan chair had arrived in front of the True God Mountain, and the ceremony officially began!

The sedan chair stopped in front of the True God Mountain, and Yun Qingxue was forced to the True God blessing platform by two false god servants with smiles on their faces.

Take care of the stage, several false god servants and soul keeper Elder launched a simple iron coffin, such as a coffin erected with a circular groove on the top, which is specially used to put the head in. There are two sides of the iron coffin. The chains are intertwined. The doors on both sides of the iron coffin are dozens of sharp iron thorns, and the iron thorns circulate rays of light, attracting the attention of countless people as if they have some magical power.

The appearance of this iron coffin made Yun Qingxue terrified. She tried to retreat. Two false god servants suppressed her, impossible to move even a little bit!


Yun Qingxue kept shaking her head, her lovable body trembled, her teeth biting her bloodless lips, and tears falling down her cheeks. No one heard her sobbing.

At this time, above endless void, outside of Nine Provinces, outside the starry sky.

On a certain sacred mountain, an illusory shadow appeared, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the extreme east of the Divine State of the Nine Provinces continent.

"Ah! It's this expression, it's such despair! This is a landscape that can't be seen in the holy prison, Yun Qingxue, right, gā gā gā, despair a little more, and a little more painful! You will become a unique and unmatched work of art in this world, and become my masterpiece!"

That illusory shadow has no previous awe-inspiring righteousness and stalwartness, and some are just almost maddening excitement and fanaticism. And the voice and face that have been completely distorted...



Seeing the appearance of the iron coffin, the millions and millions of creatures under the True God mountain cheered, a carnival!

True God's favor! As long as you enter the iron coffin, you will be able to transcend the mundane world, leave all the worldly things in the world, soar beyond the Nine Provinces, and become a part of Spiritual God's side!

Yun Qingxue was pushed into the iron coffin, and then his limbs were chained by the false god servants, and the whole person was bound in the iron coffin.

This iron coffin, when the two doors are closed, the spikes will pierce the body, feeling death step by step, savoring despair, and when finally closed completely, it will become a living sculpture !

Forever, stay in this world in the most desperate and helpless posture.

An Elder, a soul master, slowly stood up and recited the ceremony's opening speech.

"We are grateful to True God. We are sincere. Today, another lucky person becomes the luckiest person in Nine Provinces. It is our honor to receive the gift of True God..."

In the iron coffin, Yun Qingxue was left with silent sobbing. She seemed to foresee the end result of her life...

"You said this World can't be changed. It's because they are here. , And the Holy Realm did not save us Nine Provinces, did they."

Suddenly, Lin Chen spoke. The silver armored woman startled, staring at his back.

"If you feel that Nine Provinces are inadequate, you can change it. Start with yourself, from your side. If an enemy breaks in, then do everything to expel them! It’s not here that someone who knows how to complain with a sigh and escape reality is pinning hope elsewhere. It’s man-made, nothing can change without paying."

The young man’s deep drink, sonorous and powerful!

"The place where you stand is the land of Divine State, what about you, what about Divine State. If you are bright, there will always be rays of light in Divine State. Like people from Divine State and Nine Provinces continent They are all cherished righteousness and united as one. How can it be the turn of these demons and monsters who only dare to hide in the dark to act recklessly on the land of our Nine Provinces!"

The silver armored woman stared blankly at the young man's back , Said self-deprecatingly: "Who wouldn't say beautiful things, how can you do it..."

The young man tore off his mask of disguise, and a younger and sharper profile appeared on the woman in silver armor. Right now.

He turned his head and glanced at the woman in silver armor, "Even fireflies can emit rays of light in the dark, without waiting for the torch."

See his true face When the silver armor woman was surprised!

"You are, Ling State Lin..."

The woman in the silver armor stops at her name before she finishes her words. Lin Chen ignores it. He walks up to the True God mountain, with faint pupils. , The tone is plain.

"If there is no torch in Nine Provinces from now on, we will be the only light."

The words fall, Lin Chen leaps into the air!


The ground under your feet shattered, and the purple phoenix wings stretched out into the sky! In the sky, the purple wings are rolled up, and the young man wears a silver robe and is reflected in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people!

I saw, he raised his hand to make a fist, and slammed his fist on the True God Mountain!

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