202 – Overlook (7)


─You go back first. I have something to talk to my dad about. Hide somewhere and don’t eavesdrop.

─I know you are you….


So, Yuri decided to stay there for a while.

Ezio, who had to go back alone due to her messiness, decided to visit her friends with the good news that Yuri’s return to the frontier was confirmed. She must be so happy to the point of hugging each other and jumping around. Isn’t that too much?

‘Come to think of it… Wouldn’t it be a nuisance to wake him up?’

It’s late, so everyone might be sleeping. Because of that, I thought of going back to my room if I wanted to carefully knock and get no response.

Even if I don’t tell you, Yuri will tell you anyway.

We had the same thoughts.

As she remembered the way she came and went back, Ezio felt relieved. Her tense muscles are also released and relaxed.

She wondered what would happen if Yuri couldn’t return, but she felt that one thing was solved. She honestly thought it wouldn’t work. She wasn’t sure Because in Ezio’s eyes, the king was the daughter of the most idiot daughters. I knew she wouldn’t let go somehow.

But who would have known that saying that she would risk her life to protect her daughter would be the decisive blow.

‘Wait, didn’t I say something embarrassing?’

It was a thought that came to me out of nowhere, but it soon went down to the surface.

Yuri seems to have overheard, but what is it? She is neither lying nor untrue. Originally, the more shy she was, the more confident she was. In the first place, she risked her life to fight and protect something, she was herself.

She had no intention of withdrawing, saying that she would not be able to do it later, even in death.

“… Well?”

At that time.

Dubuck, thump─

As Ezio walked down her hallway, something caught her eye. A large shadow standing behind something. A small shadow behind it.

That color that shines reflected in the light of the magic lamp…….

The color of cherry blossoms, pink.


What’s going on at this hour? Did you go for a walk?

At the moment I wondered who the person in front of him was.

“Then…. Sir Vincent.”

The developed sense of humor accurately captured Rubia’s voice.

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Judging from years of experience, Rubia was nervous right now. On the other hand, she seemed shy. For what reason?

Vincent, who was Vincent? Thinking she didn’t know anything, Ezio took a step forward.

“Girlfriend… Have you ever dated?”


At that, she paused.

What can I say… It was an instinctive action. A strange air current that made him wonder if he could break into that place was blocking Ezio’s path.

But Ezio moved his foot again. A little more than before, with a stronger resonance. So that they can fully recognize themselves.

As intended, the two looked back at themselves. One looked at him and wrinkled his brow slightly, and the other was visibly embarrassed.

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Just like this.

“What are you doing here? Rubia.”

“Huh? Uh?”

Could this be the child who was caught playing with fire by her parents? It was common for Rubia to stutter her words in embarrassment, but she seemed different this time, perhaps because she had just heard such and such a conversation.

“Oh, nothing!”

Why are you here?

Should I say that I felt the same way?


Ezio responded to that invisible question.

At first, with a calm attitude.

Peek smiling.

“Really? That’s great. I just had something to tell you.”

“I will tell you… ?”

“Yes. I’m not talking about it here, let’s go back to the room and talk. I think I should call Stella too, do you know where she is?”

“Probably in the glass room. We were all gathered there… But did something big happen?”

“Umm, if it’s a big deal, it’s a big deal. I’ll go and tell you the details-“

Ezio was about to leave with Rubia naturally.


Chuck, she was blocked by a man who held out her hand and blocked her access like a barricade.

Ezio recognized who he was.

‘That person in the reception room… ….’

Did you hold onto Rubia’s hand? I didn’t think much of it at the time, but looking at it now, it was clear that Rubia had dark feelings.

… I wonder what it was like.

“Lady was talking to me first. What kind of rude behavior is this? You.”

He looked deliberately angry. It’s like ignoring people like air even when you’re in front of them. It wasn’t a very nice move.

Ezio knew that too. So, I open my eyes wide and open my mouth as if I never meant to ignore him.

“Oh, sorry. It’s such a happy news, so I want to tell you quickly, so I stop….”

“Is that so? I fully understand, but next time, please follow the manners and order first. Lady was having an important conversation with me, so you might want to go back first.”

“…… Something important?”

Vincent nods his head. At the same time, looking around him.

“Yes. …… Right, Lady?”

“Yes? Me, me?”

She asked her for her consent, whether or not she knew that Rubia was her character, which she couldn’t easily refuse.

‘Well, what can I say… ?’

Ruvia was confused. The reason she consults with the person who counsels her is gathered in one place, so she is in a situation where she doesn’t know how to act. It is also possible that Ezio overheard her ‘that question’ when she saw her timing. She said that if she had heard, she would have misunderstood somehow…….

If she did, she should be able to read her mood too.

Rubia shook her head.

“It doesn’t really matter. Shall we go and call Stella? Oh no. I decided to go in and talk. I’m just going to say hello to this person for a moment.”

“Les, Lady?”

Vincent was momentarily in great shock. It was because he did not know that he would betray so easily, even though he had created an atmosphere that was just like him—of course it was an illusion.

Vincent, impatient, quickly brings out his words.

“Wait, wait. Now that this has happened, isn’t it polite to say aloud to each other?”

If you think about it, that is also true. “Oh,” Ezio said, opening his mouth slightly, and extended his hand first.

“My name is Ezio Cranil from the Solar Empire. He is also a classmate of Her Highness Princess and Rubia.”

I didn’t add the word “Fallen nobles”. Because somehow, if it was this guy, he would feel an inexplicable sense of triumph upon hearing that.

Above all, classmates. In other words, it is in line with the saying that Ezio is a frontier epic class. From Vincent’s point of view, there’s no way he wouldn’t know that Artina’s princess is an epic class.

‘Epic Class… I’m not a person to be treated carelessly, but I can’t back down from here.’

Before shaking hands with Ezio, Vincent also shook his head. This man said he was friends with Rubia. He also seemed rather friendly. If that was the case, even if he was hostile to this man in front of Rubia, his score might be lowered.

Based on quick and accurate judgment, Vincent squeezed Ezio’s hand with a gentle smile.

“I am Vincent Dervine, an official knight of the Imperial Verion Knights. I am twenty-seven this year, and I am running a small estate called Psar. It’s fate that we met in a place like this, so if you visit with a lady, we promise to treat you to satisfaction.”

Don’t come alone.

That’s what I said.

Moreover, Vincent himself is a renowned knight and the lord of Soyoungji. Both his specs and economy are excellent. The man who introduced himself as Ezio Cranil seems to be a nobleman too, but I haven’t heard much of the Cranil family name. In other words, it is not a family of such high prestige.

“Uh, there… ….”

The two men were laughing at each other. The reason why that smile looked uneasy for some reason wasn’t just Rubia’s misunderstanding.

After a while, it was Ezio who spoke first between the two, who lifted the handshake without anyone saying anything.

“Thank you for your kind words. Then we are done.”

“Sir Ezio.”

As Ezio tried to lead Rubia by the hand and return to her room, Vincent called Ezio and stopped him.

‘Think, Vincent. Am I going to miss the woman I love?’

The momentum has already turned to one side. There are few opportunities left. In order not to lose my first love meaninglessly like this, I thought that I should do something and die.

“Do you have anything else to say?”


Vincent shook his head and continued his words.

“Sir Ezio was said to be a close friend of the Lady.”

“Yes. Why is that….”

“It means they are not lovers. Is that correct?”

There were two people who reacted to that. Ezio and Rubia respectively.

“… ….”

Ezio’s troubles did not last long.

“Yeah, not like that. Instead, he is a dear friend.”


Rubia blinked her eyes and looked up at Ezio. This is why the word “Precious friend” Gave me a slightly sad but moving feeling.

“If that was all I could do.”

Vincent becomes determined once again.

“If you are just a close friend, please move away for a moment. If Sir Ezio is a man, I think you know what I mean. Please.”

That moment─

“… ….”

“… ….”

“… ….”

An undeniable air current flowed between the three. Everyone knew what it really was, even without saying anything.

This is to catch the confession.

Ninety-nine percent sure.

‘… I wonder if it was like that.’

In the middle of it.

Rubia felt a bit bitter in a corner of her heart at the thought that something like this had happened again.

‘I thought you were just an overly nice person….’

At this point, she regrets what she said earlier. It was clear that Vincent was mistaken. After he swallowed a small sigh that was about to flow out inadvertently, thinking that he had chosen the wrong person to consult.

‘What should I say to get out of here… ?’

Once it was Ezio, it was obvious that he would say yes. This is because he was in a position where he was not involved in any of this.

It was like that just before. Even though he was shown holding hands with another man, he was surprisingly unresponsive. I don’t know if I should describe this as miserable, but….


It was the same idea that I had to reject it first before it went into an atmosphere where I couldn’t really refuse.

“Hey, over there. I am….”

She judged that and was about to speak out.

“—I don’t like it.”

Ezio thought for a moment, then she flatly refused.

“Why should I?”

“… ?”

“Besides, you go all out on a young female student about how long it’s been since we met. To be honest, it looks a bit like that. Sir Vincent.”

“… Yes?”

After the refusal of the knife, the seemingly insulting language continued, and Vincent was at a loss for words to stop.


Rubia chewed her tongue out in disbelief.

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