201 – Overlooked (6)



“Mr. Rubia.”

“…… Uh, uh why?”

“Why do you keep looking at the door?”

Stella asked, tilting her head.

From earlier – after the glass broke – to be exact, Rubia sat down and stood up from her chair, and repeatedly opened and closed her bare fists.

Licking her lips with her tongue, praying for some reason, trembling her legs for no reason, glancing at the door of her room once every three seconds.

She even once habitually brought her fingernails to her mouth, but after realizing the action, she refrained from biting her nails as much as possible.

When Stella, who couldn’t see it, pointed it out with her coy tone, Rubia blurted out her words as if trying to evade.

“Ah, that… ….”

“Do you ever want to go to the bathroom? If you are afraid to go out alone, I will…….”

“Oh, no. Done. It’s not like that.”

“Then why are you so restless?”

“…… Ugh.”

A distracted and nervous look to anyone. Perhaps it is so uneasy about anything, he even gets up from his seat and spins round and round. It’s not a puppy that wants to poop, and it makes even the viewer anxious, so it’s natural to wonder why it’s like that.

“…… Well. I do not know either.”


Why are you doing this?

It was a really fundamental advice, but….

In fact, she didn’t even know Rubia herself.

She didn’t even notice that she was so anxious about herself until Stella asked her directly…….

“If you are worried about Yuri going out alone in the middle of the night, I would like to tell you that it will never happen. This is Yuri’s family, isn’t it the royal palace?”

“Right, it’s because I’m a princess. There will be guards around. You’ll know how to find your way…….”

Rubia sighed and sat on the edge of her bed.

She sat up and twisted the ends of her hair. Her chest is tight It is a feeling of unknown cause.

However, if you dare to dig into her…….

“Hmm, is that the case?”

He hesitated.

“What is that?”

“Well? But she seems to be stabbed. Right?”

“No, what… ….”

Thinking it was an easy reaction, Stella decided to tease the disingenuous girl in front of her a little more.

“I think she would know what it would take if she were Mr. Rubia. Who does it have to do with, too.”

“…… Stella, you really are.”

“Are you Ezio?”

“…… Oh, no, no?”

Stella gave a small smile with a strange expression on her face.

“That seems right. Rubia-san’s behavior is really easy to understand?”

“… ….”

“She said earlier that His Highness had called Mr. Ezio separately, right? I don’t know what you called me for, but it won’t be a big deal.”

Rubia nodded her head in agreement.

“…… Yes.”

“If you were favored by His Highness the King, you would have received it, but would it be the other way around? It’s also true that Mr. Ezio made a great contribution to Mr. Yuri’s safe life. Perhaps not, but he may have been called to give you a reward at the kingdom level.”

“Right. I know. Don’t worry about that just… ….”


Stella asked back.

“…… Nope, too I guess I’m just a little tired because I couldn’t sleep. People say that when you wake up, your nerves become more sensitive. There are times when I’m blushing for no reason.”

Ruvia evaded to let the steam drain.

“Hmm… ….”

“Why, why do you look like that… ….”

When Stella’s eyes turned dark, Rubia was taken aback.

“No, if Mr. Rubia is like that, that is. Sit here and wait for Ezio and Yuri with me. She will be right back.”

Stella said with a smile, but Rubia’s heart was not very comfortable facing that smile.

I understand that Ezio is involved in this stuffy mind. But what exactly she was doing because she was anxious, Rubia had no way of knowing.

Perhaps it’s because the king’s call cuts down on time to talk to Ezio? That, too, is a reasonable idea. Rubia wanted to talk to Ezio, even for a moment, before the night in this strange kingdom was over. She had been waiting for that moment to come.

But if you ask her if that’s all she can’t say for sure. I’m sure there’s something more at the root of this stuffiness. She doesn’t even know what it is.

─Really… Did anything happen?


She lifts her head at the feeling she felt then.

…… In the pouring rain, under an umbrella, Ezio and Yuri walked along like lovers in an awkward but strange atmosphere.

A hazy and mysterious atmosphere like water fog.

The two of them said nothing happened, but Rubia wasn’t completely ignorant either. Clearly there was something.

It’s important enough to hide it.

But since she was Yuri, who hated Ezio so much, she hadn’t even imagined the ‘what if’ of her family until now.

‘…… What am I thinking.’

Rubia is Yuri’s close friend and knows her usual appearance. Wasn’t she like that just a while ago? She said she really didn’t like her, she yelled at Ezio, and she usually quarreled very often…… Aside from that.

If you think about it carefully-.

Yuri always dislikes and dislikes Ezio, but… To her surprise, she often found the two of them together. She is also an oddity as Rubia.

Of course, rather than a warm or everyday atmosphere, most of the scenes were quarreling with each other with resentment.

Because we’re close friends now.

I think that might be the case.

Since Ezio resembles her deceased brother so closely, she thinks that she can’t help but feel her friendliness or comfort unconsciously.

As if unconsciously digging under the covers in the middle of a cold night, she is fully convinced that she can do so even if she instinctively seeks the rest of her distant past from Ezio.

In my opinion, it is a good thing to become close with good friends. Isn’t it natural That’s why the relationship between Ezio and Yuri could not be prevented from getting closer and closer. Can’t even block it

There is no reason to stop it…….

“Mr. Rubia?”

Stella, who was worried for some reason, called her Rubia’s name in a low voice, when Rubia jumped up from her chair and muttered resolutely.

“I can’t.”

“…… Yes? What are you talking about?”

“I’ll go out for a while.”

Then she strides her foot toward the door. She was ready to slam the door open at any moment.

Stella’s eyes widened and she asked in bewilderment.

“Uh, where? If you are going to find Mr. Ezio and Mr. Yuri, even if you go, you won’t be able to get in or out…….”

“Not that way. Just.”

It’s really pathetic. It’s like you’re suspicious of your precious friends. In the meantime, she felt insecure because she said she couldn’t intervene…….

This isn’t the right relationship. Right?

While blaming herself inside, Rubia smiled lightly.

“To go for a walk. If not now, I don’t know when I’ll be able to capture the night view here again.”

She decides to clear her head and clear her mind, before she entertains any more impure thoughts.

“Walk… ….”

“You don’t have to worry. I won’t go far.”

“Yes, of course.”

Originally, it should have come out saying, let’s go together.

“Come on. Miss Rubia.”

Stella saw Rubia off with a smile.

“…… Yes, thank you.”

I didn’t know what to say thank you for.

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Leaving behind Stella’s final greeting, Rubia carefully opened the door to avoid making a loud noise and slipped out into the hallway.

Tick tock.

The sound of a clock that must have been somewhere filled the room.

“… ….”

Stella, who had maintained a light smile for a long time, at some point lowered the corner of her mouth.

“He’s a kid who cries a lot.”

Resting her chin on her table, she muttered helplessly.

“I hope I don’t have to cry anymore… ….”


As if she had made up her mind at all, she went back to her own room and changed into her clothes. Rubia stood blankly in the middle of the hallway of her dark palace. She was like a stranger who had lost her way in a lonely place.

First of all, it’s good that it came out with enthusiasm.

“Ummm… ….”

The palace is so vast that I don’t know how to get there, and it’s actually really late… There is no one to show you the way out. There may be guards everywhere, but at least not here.

Rather than that, can I just come out like this? Even though she is an invited guest, maybe she is doing something wrong.

She was a Rubia who was almost ignorant about this, so she was feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

‘… I don’t want to be a nuisance.’

Shouldn’t you just go out and walk slowly in the hallway?

Come to think of it, it must be raining outside. She doesn’t even have an umbrella with her. If you don’t want to get hit, you can make it rain with magic, but well……. She didn’t want to be so upset about it.

So, she had no choice but to walk through the quiet hallway with no thought.


A resounding sigh.

For some reason, I thought I was pathetic. How would other people see her now? How does she look?

Stella did too.

She didn’t say anything, but she seemed concerned.

In other words,

She’s not feeling well enough for her friends to worry about.

“… ….”

Rubia turned her head to her side.

A sleek glass window that touches the edge of the line of sight. Through the window, he was facing the rain outside.

That window must have been blocked like the other windows. However, the windows in this hallway were not blocked with wooden boards. Is it because it is where the princess’s bedroom is located? Was it to guarantee her a little bit of her cramped freedom?

Rubia, who had been staring at her glass window as if she had been nailed for a long time, suddenly moved her gaze into the darkness at the end of the hallway.

I didn’t think she would be back soon, but she wondered what kind of conversation she was having there that everyone was late.

At this time, where I am not, Ezio and Yuri are-.

‘Really. Come on.’

He clenched her fist and shook her head. She even slapped him on the cheek with a weak force.

Don’t think too much about it, let’s go in and wait for Yuri. And I have to convince His Highness the King. We can’t do without glass….

After lightly brushing back her hair that tickled her neck, she was about to turn her steps back to where Stella was.


The hallway is dark. Even though there are magic lights arranged at regular intervals, they cannot illuminate everything. I saw something blurry at the end.

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Jeobuck, Jeobuck—

As her shimmering form was reflected in Rubia’s field of vision, Rubia was frightened of her lever and took one step back.

‘Ears, ghosts… ?’

For a moment, Rubia’s downy hair stood out, but upon closer inspection, it was the shadow of a normal person. Someone was walking here from there.

… No, it’s still scary. Who else at this hour?

Atmosphere is originally like that. A quiet hallway with no one but yourself. Dark vision. Strange footsteps coming from somewhere.

Rubia gulped her saliva nervously. She was terrified that perhaps a headless knight ghost might be appearing.

But after a while.

Rubia widened her eyes.

It is a new, elongated overall. The silhouettes are also similar. Just in case, Rubia walked forward slowly,

“Eh… ….”

A suspiciously familiar name was called.


“Oh, Lady. Where are you going at such a late hour?”

Soon, the light from the magic lamp illuminated the man’s face.

“Uh, ah… ….”

Rubia opened her mouth small in her bewilderment.

The face is definitely familiar, but it wasn’t the person I was expecting. Rather, she was someone she wanted to avoid as much as possible.

She is definitely grateful for the favor and attention that others give her, but she doesn’t want to feel burdened…….

“It’s a royal palace, but it’s dangerous at night. Lady.”

Vincent Derwein smiles softly.

Soon he opened his eyes wide.

“You don’t look good. Are you okay?”

“No, I was surprised. I know you’re a ghost…….”

Rubia smiles awkwardly as she places her hand on her chest.

“Oops, you caused harm unintentionally. Sorry.”

“Oh, no. That kind of thing…….”

Rubia hurriedly shook her hand. Because Vincent grabbed her angle and bent her waist. It seems that the fact that she surprised Rubia was a great sin for Vincent.

Rubia said as Vincent raised her head apologetically.

“You are still here. I thought you were dead.”

“hahahaha, because my territory is quite far from the kingdom of Artina… To Seong-eun’s surprise, His Highness the King provided convenience. I plan to get on the carriage to my estate tomorrow morning.”


Rubia nodded her head. Sir Vincent is going faster than I thought. Thank god. …… Hey, are you happy?

Vincent asks with an innocent expression.

“It seems that the lady is also planning to stay here for the night. Are other friends staying with you?”

“Yes, yes. For now.”

Hmmm, Vincent stroked his chin.

Within a strange smile.

“I see. I hope you have a comfortable night…… Would it be all right if I ask you again where the lady was going? If you’re lost, I think I can help.”

“No, it’s okay. What to do… No more.”

Rubia refused with her single knife, but Vincent looked somewhat dissatisfied.

“… Is that so?”

“Yes. Sir Vincent good night. I’m going back to my room…….”

“Wait a minute, lady.”

Vincent grabbed Rubia as she tried to turn her back on her gritty heart. Of course, it wasn’t like he grabbed her wrist or something. She called out in a firm voice. Rubia, slightly startled by her, asks back, stiffening her shoulders.

“… Yeah?”

“I know very well that it is not an easy thing to say since we first met today. However, to just pass by…….”

Vincent, who was silent with a very serious expression, softened his expression. A very serious voice came out of his mouth.

“The lady’s face looks very worried. What are you worried about?”

“Ah… ….”

You were simply concerned.

She thought she was managing her expression much better than when she was in front of Stella, but she still looks weak to others. If she was easily caught by strangers, it would be no different than proof that her acting was terribly poor.

You shouldn’t make so many people worry, including Stella. Rubia said with a thin smile as if she was trying hard.

“It’s okay. Thank you for your concern.”

But Vincent didn’t seem convinced at all. I’m not sure where he got his confidence, but he raises his voice as if he’s appealing.

“Hmm! If it’s a simple concern, I can listen to it as much as I want. As far as the field I can help, anything. After all, you are an adult.”

“Ah, ahahahaha…. That….”

“Looking at the worried lady, Vincent, I don’t think I’ll be getting a good night’s sleep tonight. If you don’t mind, I’d like to be the lady’s little strength.”

“Ah…. Well….”

“Or for me, can I be of help to the lady?”

Why are you so passionate? Burdensome.

I’m sorry, Rubia was about to say.


“… ….”


─It’s because I’m an adult after all.

I thought back to what Vincent had said in front of me.

Even if Rubia herself was simply judged by her age, she would be like an adult. She said that she was really age-appropriate, not encompassing her seniority, which had been incorporated throughout her life.

Compared to Vincent, who has gone through all kinds of ups and downs in the world and has finally been born again, she must be very young and just a student of hers…….

Above all, unilaterally ignoring a person with goodwill is an act that is almost impossible for Rubia, and her own troubles right now are so difficult to answer alone.

Magic exists at least as a formula, this was the mind of a person who had no answer.

She was a Rubia who thought for a moment that she needed the advice of an adult and an experienced person more than ever.

‘Besides… We’re talking about seeing each other today, aren’t we?’

What is this… Should I say that it is a concern that cannot be easily confided to Stella or the acquaintances around her? It just felt that way. Besides, most of them are women. There aren’t many people who can ask about a man’s psychology.


Watching Rubia delay her answer to her concerns, Vincent clenched her fists inside her.

‘Have you succeeded in making contact!’

This allowed her to take her one step further. I was able to understand a little bit of the inside of her mysterious girl Rubia.

… In fact, the mindset of both sides must be in the opposite direction.

Left and right.

As for Rubia, she wanted to hear a brief word of her opinion. Careful advice from this overly kind grown man.

… Of course, men are creatures that are very easy to mistake, and once they allowed it, they might misunderstand it and cross the line, but as you know, Rubia had no idea. She was just a girl who was ignorant of her love and not true to her feelings.

“Then…. Sir Vincent.”

“Yes, Lady.”

Before I heard the answer, there was something I had to ask.

Rubia looked around anxiously, her face dyed reddish. It was because it was very embarrassing to ask her this question to someone else. She had no other way of looking, but she had no choice but to be conscious of her surroundings.

At that time, a very brief thought passed through Rubia’s mind.

… Can I do this to someone I met for the first time today? Maybe it’s rude So ask as carefully as possible. I kept my voice low, so that if I didn’t understand, I’d just gloss over it.



Vincent nodded reflexively.

“Girlfriend… Have you ever dated?”

“Yes… ….”

I asked again, widening my blinked eyes.

“…… Yes?”


‘This is… What did you mean by this?’

Vincent Derwein is, unsurprisingly, a maternal soloist.

In other words, in front of a woman whom he fell in love with at first sight, he had no choice but to become bitter. In addition, some of Vincent’s shortcomings were that he could not properly control his distance from women and used excessively burdensome speech methods, and that he arbitrarily processed and accepted women’s thoughtless actions in his brain.

Is that why-.

It was not unreasonable to think this way.

‘Lady likes men who are less likely to be female!’

Then Vincent, can you confidently declare in front of the lady?

As if bright petals were flying in her head, gulp-. In the still, stiff atmosphere, Vincent swallowed his saliva down his throat.

What should I say?

At this age, there is no shame… ?

Nothing at all… ?

No, because I was waiting for a woman like you, I could say that I hadn’t had a relationship with anyone until now.

However, Vincent put into practice the old adage, “The faster you hurry, the faster you go.” It could have been because of an excessive misunderstanding that the lady’s words could have been interpreted in a strange way. Carelessness is forbidden. Whether in battle or in love.

That’s why.

“I’m sorry, Lady, what did you just say…” .”

I just carefully questioned him, as if looking at his liver like this.

“Oh, um.”

After hearing Vincent’s question, Rubia thought to herself that she might have asked something crude and straightforward.

“That’s not a strange intention… ….”

While she was saying


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Jeobuck, Jeobuck—

Suddenly, without opening my mouth, I trembled at the sound of mysterious footsteps coming from behind and turned around.

Whether or not Vincent is already looking beyond her Rubia and her ten children to her grandchildren, Rubia shrugs her shoulders and turns around behind her with her eyes wide open in the shadows across her aisle. Started staring at

‘… Well?’

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Jeobuck, Jeobuck—

Ruvia’s expression is unusual.

Vincent, who was facing the end of her future without having a harmonious family, saw her Rubia’s dark complexion and suddenly woke up to someone who followed her to her place. Looked at silently.

A straight-legged figure and neat gait.

… The man.

“What are you doing here? Rubia.”

“Uh, huh? Ah, nothing!”

As soon as she noticed the identity of the approaching shadow, Rubia hurriedly shut her mouth, revealing her embarrassed face.

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