Inside the lounge at this time….

The four mentors Zhang Jie, Huang Zitao, Chen Jiachun, and Hu Yanbing were already waiting inside.

As for Huang Ziyi.

He had already withdrawn after making a bet with Du Jing.

Now it is estimated that he is still worried about 10 million liquidated damages!

At this point the door was pushed open…….

When everyone saw Du Jing appear, Zhang Jie and the others got up one after another.

“Here it comes!”

“Hello hello, long time no see~”

“Du Jing, I watched the “Song King Battle” you participated in before, and the singing skills are really amazing!”

“Meet now! I thought I couldn’t see you on the stage of creation! It scares me to death! ”


Huang Zitao, Chen Jiachun, Hu Yanbing and Zhang Jie greeted Du Jing very happily and were very enthusiastic.

Since everyone has already worked together once.

This time is naturally not as restrictive as the first time.

Several resident mentors are very good in both personality and strength, and Du Jing gets along with them very well.

After a few chats, they saw that the door was pushed open again.

I saw Sun Hai and the staff come in together!

“Is everyone ready? It’s time to start! ”

“Xiao Liu, you will bring a few mentors to the stage in a while!”

After Sun Hai made the arrangement, he turned his head to look at Du Jing, and his eyes were like looking at some treasure.

It made Du Jing feel uncomfortable everywhere.

I saw Sun Hai smile again and said: “Mr. Du, you don’t want to play with the mentors in a while, we have arranged a separate seat for you!” ”


Du Jing was a little confused.

Isn’t his status a temporary judge?

Why don’t you play with everyone yet?

Just when Du Jing was puzzled, he saw Sun Hai smile again and said: “This time, in addition to being a temporary judge, you also have the identity of a group witness!” When you go on stage, the host will highlight you! ”

“If you don’t mind… You can also go on stage to sing a song or perform, this matter was originally to be discussed with you, but the time was too tight, so I didn’t have time, I’m really sorry’~. ”

For Sun Hai’s words, Du Jing fell into deep thought.

Now it’s time to tell yourself, you can also take this opportunity to promote your song!

I gave myself a good chance…

He had a rough idea of today’s process, but he knew that maybe something like last time would happen again.

If you can’t guarantee it, it’s off track…….

Anyway, this matter is not a loss for him, and it can be agreed.

“Okay, no problem, all listen to Director Sun’s arrangement.”

“That’s a big thank you Mr. Du!”

For Du Jing’s good temper, Sun Hai was about to cry.

Such a prince in the entertainment industry has such a good temper.

If you don’t hug your thighs well, you’re sorry for yourself!


Time passed minute by minute.

Soon it was seven o’clock sharp!

The lights of the entire stage suddenly dimmed suddenly, and the scene where the original crowds were full of people became quiet.

And the barrage is constantly rolling!

“I’ll go! It’s finally started! Aaaaa ”

“Really! The next few minutes today are really waiting for me to spend every second!! It’s so torturous! ”

“Yes, it’s good that it has finally started! So excited! Today Du Jing is also here! It feels like tonight’s group night is absolutely unforgettable! ”

“My geese! I’m coming! ”

“Super love Yang Chaoyue! I don’t know how many likes she has now, I will have to quickly take out my family’s mobile phone to like her!! ”


The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 20 million!

Twenty-one million!

Twenty-two million!

Twenty-three million!

In just a few minutes, the number of people has grown by millions! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The staff who had been staring closely at this data said that they were frightened!

This group of people all came towards Du Jing!

No wonder someone said before, but wherever there is Du Jing, this show is not watched online by tens of millions of people at the same time, and it is not called a program!

Now it seems!

This is really the case!

That’s awesome!

Where is this top stream, this is super top stream?

And this group of netizens who keep pouring into the live broadcast room, and a considerable number of them are foreigners!

Du Jing is not only popular in China, but also internationally!

Absolutely really!!

Everyone suppressed the excitement in their hearts and comforted themselves one after another, this is normal!

After all, there are big guys, and there is no shortage of traffic!



Huang Lei and others from the Mushroom House have long moved out of the projector they used before to watch the live broadcast of “Creation 101”!

Since Du Jing went out to earn extra money to participate in various shows, everyone in the mushroom house has developed a good habit!

That’s to watch the show that Du Jing participated!

“I just brushed the stage design of “Creation 101″ this time is called the ceiling of our domestic stage design, and I still don’t think so! Looking at it now, it’s really amazing! ”

“yes, that’s a big deal!”

“Brother Jing hasn’t come up yet? Why is this show so abrasive, start early, isn’t it fragrant? ”

“Okay, okay, let’s watch the live broadcast quickly!”


Record live.

At this time, Huang Bo and Xiao Ni had already walked to the center of the stage!

Xiao Ni was originally the resident host of “Creation 101”.

And the program group for the night of the group…

also invited Huang Bo over as a temporary host!

On stage.

Huang Bo and Xiao Ni put their hands together on the switch in the middle, and the lights on the stage suddenly all turned on!

The colorful lights flickered with the music played by the sound engineer, and the atmosphere of the whole scene was driven!

“Hello to the audience and friends, welcome to the stage scene of the “Creation 101″ group night, I am the host Xiao Ni!”

“I’m host Huang Bo!”

There was a roaring applause below!

Throughout the scene, people from different directions can clearly see the 3D projection of two people!

Very impressive!

“It seems that the fans and viewers who came to the scene today are very enthusiastic!”

“Yes, the audience also accompanied more than 100 girls from our “Creation 101″ to this day! It’s so hard, don’t say they’re excited and enthusiastic, I’m excited tonight! ”

After the two hosts introduced themselves, they made their opening remarks.

I saw that at this time, the audience in the audience were holding up lamps and holding support sticks, shouting loudly the names of their favorite idols!

“Yang Chaoyue! Yang Chaoyue! ”


“Why hasn’t it come out yet! I’m in such a hurry! ”


The two hosts finished their opening remarks, looked at the enthusiasm of the people in the audience, and couldn’t help but smile and said: “Since everyone can’t wait, now there are a hundred girls who invite us to the stage!” ”

When the host walked off the stage, the contestants dressed in pink uniform skirts walked onto the stage.

I saw that the camera was pushed closer at this time…….

The background music sounds!

It is the theme song of “Creation 101”.


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