Comments under relevant Weibo.

It’s all about urging why the live broadcast hasn’t started yet!

“Aaaaaa It’s all over forty! Why don’t you open the live broadcast to me yet, isn’t it good to have heat in advance? ? ”

“Exactly!! I was in a hurry, and I hurried over without even eating two bites! As a result, I haven’t turned on the live broadcast yet, I’m so angry! ”

“I really want to see Yang Chaoyue! I really want to see Dujing!! ”

“Please, open it! Woo hoo, the flowers I’m waiting for have already been thanked! ”


At the urging of netizens.

Ten minutes before the official game at seven.

The live room is open!

At this moment, countless people rushed into the live broadcast room!

Since the number of people is so large, there is even a slight lag…

But it only took a few seconds to return to normal!

At this time, the technicians who have been working in the background are relieved, fortunately, their technology is excellent!

The number of people entering the live broadcast room this evening is more than twice as much as the previous “Song King Fighting”, and on average, at least 1,000 people 23 enter the live broadcast room every minute!

And now that the warm-up has just begun, the number of people in the entire live broadcast room has easily exceeded 10 million!

The number is still rising!

Eleven million!

Twelve million!

Thirteen million!


This is going up very fast!

Netizens who had entered the live broadcast room thought that today’s stage would be larger than usual, until they saw the stage through the lens.

It can be said that my jaw dropped!

I saw that the unmanned camera has begun to start!

There are shots everywhere, and the dance lights have been turned on!

“I’ll go!! The design of this stage is really amazing! That’s awesome! ”

“I was really stunned! For the first time I saw such an amazing design for my stage! ”

“Groove! Also TM3D Shadow! That’s a lot of money! ”

“I saw an introduction about this stadium before, which is more than 200,000 square meters, and this stage alone has more than 10,000 square meters! Absolutely really! ”

“It’s amazing! It’s true! If only I could watch it live, I’m really envious! ”

“I’m also so envious…”


The barrage in the live broadcast room keeps scrolling!

At this time, the stage of “Creation 101” was also on the hot search list because of its novel design and generous hand!

At this time, the top three of the hot search list are all “Creation 101”!

Even many marketing numbers bring related topics!

13,000 square meters of luxurious stage, this time “Creation 101” really laid the blood!

3D Shadow New Technology! You can see three-dimensional idols!

Top equipment, top design, Creation 101 is amazing!


One topic after another.

It’s basically all around the stage tonight!

I have to say that the design of this stage and all aspects of preparation are enough to see the intentions of the program team!

“Creation 101” is called the ceiling of the domestic girl group variety show!

When Sun Hai saw these data in the background, he was still quite satisfied.

It is not in vain that their program group has spent so much effort!

Due to the hot search, some other netizens who did not watch this variety show also entered the live broadcast room.

If you don’t look at it, you think it’s just a gimmick, but when you really click in, there is only endless surprise!

What a cow!

Tonight’s shock was given by “Creation 101”! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the restlessness in the live broadcast room is not over yet!

In addition to all kinds of top-notch equipment and professional dance companions and various personnel on the scene, netizens saw the small gifts and support sticks prepared by the program team for the 80,000 spectators on the scene!

In addition to small snacks and water, there are also a group photo of more than 100 girls in “Creation 101”!

This simply made netizens red-eyed!

Eat one’s heart out!

“Aaaaaa No way! For the first time, I hated myself so much why I didn’t grab the tickets for the night of the group! What kind of fairy variety show is this?? There are even gifts! ”

“I’ll go! I’ve never been so red in my life! And that support stick, it’s not too pretty! ”

“Is there anyone else selling tickets at the scene?” I’m willing to pay three times the price!! I’m so red-eyed! ”

“I saw this scene, this gift, I almost cried! I have never seen such a huge stage in my life, and I fell in love! ”

“Because I didn’t get it, I also want to rip off other people’s umbrellas!”

“Let’s just say fierce envy! I’m so tired, I’m really envious! ”


The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling, so fast that everyone couldn’t see what was said at all.

The best thing is that everyone who enters the live broadcast room now can see it….

The entire live broadcast room was covered by a barrage full of screens!

The reality is simply not visible.

This one is also on the hot search!

The whole network is boiling!

There are even many netizens who posted screenshots of today’s scene on the Internet!

Many netizens from other countries were also shocked by today’s battle!

“This is the stage design of Yanguo? Even buy Ka, it’s really powerful! ”

“Such a stage is amazing! There are also thoughtful little gifts for the audience! What kind of fairy program group is this! ”

“Seeing this scene, I really want to go to the scene and see it!”

“The strength of the Yanguo program group is really bullish!”


Even many netizens in Kimchi Country on the Internet have praised the design of the stage!

Kimchi Country is one of the countries with the most debut in girl groups.

I’ve never had a stage like “Creation 101” with 210 bulls!

They who had always felt that their country’s girl group was relatively bullish, and they finally realized the gap between themselves and Yan Country.

This time the variety show really dumped them I don’t know how many streets!

There are more good deeds, and they have made a big competition on the variety stage of girl groups from various countries…

Netizens in each country can vote for themselves to choose the country they think has the best stage design and equipment.

Just two minutes into the entire voting session, “Creation 101” was already far ahead of other countries with hundreds of thousands of votes, ranking first.

Although it is only a simple ranking, you can see what today’s stage design looks like in everyone’s mind!

Absolutely really!

The extranet, Weibo and major apps are very lively!

And “Creation 101” has now dominated several hot searches, and they are all in the top few!

Five minutes before the official start of the live broadcast!

Du Jing has long changed into a black performance suit, similar to a suit, but compared with a suit, it is more light and luxurious.

Plus the elaborate hairstyle that the makeup artist designed for him, with that handsome face!

The whole person looked particularly spirited and handsome, and the staff along the road were stunned in place for a long time.

So handsome!

Du Jing followed the staff to the lounge, ready to officially play in a few minutes!


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