
"Surprise what? Oh... because you uttered my word?

In the past, there is no record of a manifested divine beast speaking the word.

But right in front of me. That went on with the words in the voice of a low man with a grin as if he were a human being.

"Huhaha... some of the dragons talk. Wouldn't that surprise you? So, I knew you were coming... what can I do for you?

The three of us can't keep up with our thoughts.

I knew they'd noticed.

But I'm not expecting you to talk to me.

Besides, the words had no thorns.

"Oh, you... Divine Beast... are you?

'Hmm? Yeah, that's what your lords used to call us. No...... it is strange to say so indeed. But let me tell you one thing. I'm not what your lords have come across. Well, it doesn't mean it's completely different... but I don't know what to say...'

When I say that, the black wolf thinks in silence.

Though they maintained a combat posture, the three of them had been completely detoxified.

'Well, okay. It's the end of the story, and I need to explain it to you. "

"God Beast... why are you here?

Still, Jill points Spear's cut at the divine beast and stares with a sharp eye.

I didn't even completely de-alert myself beyond knowing what I was thinking.

The Divine Beast lightly recieves such hostility and returns the word after a few thoughts.

'Hmm, it's not bad to be called that, but I have a name, too. My name is Fenrir. You can call me that.'


'So, that's why I'm here... Hmm... well, don't you mind? Either way, it's the same thing. There's no reason to go home and be honest... and...'

"What do you mean...?

"I came to ask you to give it back."

"Return... what...?

"Oh." "Proverbs."

The moment Fenrir disappeared and the three kicked the earth at the same time.

The place where the three were until just before was shattered by Fenrill's blow, and the entrance to the room is buried in rubble.

Fenrill caught sight of all three scattered apart and opened his mouth with a little joy.

'... that's a good reaction. I thought one or so would die... but I've only gotten here'

"Levi... what's his ability?

"No..." I can't see "...!

"Levi's appraisal magic... doesn't make sense?

'Hmm... do you have eyes that identify everything? But it seems to be far from the "divine eye". You can't see me with those eyes. "

"What the hell are you......!?

"Huhaha...... let's name it now. My name is Fenrir. Eat Everything...... God's Use '

"God's... use...?

'It won't be long. It'll be over what needs to be done here. Just right for boredom. Come on, entertain me. That's the last role I gave you lords...... it's a heavenly destiny'

As soon as Fenrill finished saying so, a vast amount of magic overflowed from its gigantic body.

Levy accidentally swallows his spit.

Because it was beyond the Cerberus we saw earlier, the Divine Beast we saw in the past, and... even the Demon King.

"This, this...!

"Don't get drunk!!

"G., Grawdy......!

"That's good, Grawdy and I... it doesn't have to be funny"

Fenrill's words had no thorns, not least because he was friendly to the three of them.

Simply because it was not enough to take.

For Fenrill, the three are opponents to that extent.

Grawdy noticed it, but he inspired it without putting it on the table.

Including myself.

"I don't know... I can stay like this, but why don't we go with the Lord?"

"What... Huh!?

Momentary awesome shockwaves were emitted into space, and the Grawdies put their strength into their feet as they were not blown away.


The giant wolf figure becomes smaller and smaller as if rounding the spread paper, quickly changing its shape into a black sphere.

And then black arms popped out of it, and Fenrill, who tore the sphere apart and became a young human man, showed up.

Black hair stretches long and is covered with black body hair, except for the chest.

Giraffed her golden eyes, Fenrill grins niggly as she gently waves her tail.

"Ki, you......!?

'Huh... this is more enjoyable. Then it's time...'

At that time, the bursting sound of pan rang.


"Pity...... I...!

Levi slapped himself on the cheek and remembered what he had done before.

Seen on previous journeys, desperate to fight for the Lord.

That strong will not give up at any time.

Thoughts of Lord that would still be the case at this time.

And that he would surely challenge without cowardice.

"I don't know what you are... I don't even know what you're trying to do. But......!

Levy rolls his magic all over his body.

Of course, that's just a small force compared to Fenrill.

"...... ho"

But Fenrill accidentally leaked his voice into that small but powerful magic.

"If you are an enemy to this world... we will defeat you!

'Try it. And know... as much as you are. "


"Hih! No fire!!


Lord rips apart the flaming breath "Brace" from the breathing dragon species (Andragora) with Balmunk, and shoots him through the head with yet another blow from Brewnak.

The giant of the breathing dragon species (Andragora) falls, but soon the next enemy overcomes it and hits the Lords.

"Oh, thanks! Lord!"


A cramped Mystiltein crawl tied up the monsters around him, and Lord used Brewnak to pierce it one after the other.

That's how the lords backed the entrance to the castle and defeated the monsters that pushed them one after the other.

"Much less...... Yikes!?

"Right! All the while... Don't be alarmed, Mystiltein! This is where we're stomping!

"Ugh, ugh!

Indeed, as Mystiltein put it, the number of monsters was visibly decreasing.

In addition to the fact that they had originally reduced their numbers considerably in the first blow, it is also significant that Lizil and Gayborg had each defeated a considerable number of demons and dragons.

There were also factors that were decreasing apart from that, but the Lords were unaware of it.

A short distance from the castle where those lords were, the two great magic powers were bumping into each other.

The battle between Hercules and Cerberus is still ongoing, increasing in intensity as it involves the monsters around it.

The weapon of the three-necked Dog Beast (Cerberus) was a powerful blow emanating from its gigantic body and its stubbornness that did not even strike the three tough jaws and, above all, Hercules.


With distance, I can also use a bow, but Cerberus is unusually quick, contrary to his appearance, and even if Hercules tries to distance himself, he gets stuffed in an instant.

I'd like to add Lord, but the monsters still around didn't allow that.

Still, thanks to Hercules' suppression of Cerberus, it is also true that the Lords were able to concentrate on guarding the entrance to the castle.

"Lo, Lord-kun! It's time for magic!

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