"I know!

When Lizzie left the occasion to Hercules, she turned herself over and rushed towards the castle.

Immediately, the dragon tries to follow Lizil with his back turned, but Hercules' emitted light bullet turns the spear to her by piercing the head of the leading dragon.

"" "Garuhh!!


Hercules stepped on the head of the impending Cerberus and made a huge leap, jumping over the demons and dragons that were surrounding him and putting a stick on his back with the castle and Lizil.

"" "" "" Gyhhhhhhh!

The monsters flip and roar against Hercules and push at once.

Hercules rolled his magic all over his body, laughing invincibly at what should still be said.

"Well... if you want to go through here, why don't you eat off this Hercules throat before you do? But this neck... it's not cheap!

Lizzie hears it on her back and holds the sword even stronger.

Almost all of the magic that remained while running was slammed into the Great Sword, setting a target for the Great Dragon species (Grand Dragon) that formed at the entrance to the castle.

But that's when a bunch of dragons appear jumping over the castle.

"Are you still oozing?!?

The dragons who were lurking as ambushes stripped their fangs against Lizil, who approached the castle.

The sparse demons join it, pushing one after the other against Lizil.


Immediately after Lygial inevitably stopped his leg, he pierced a demon with a golden demon bullet and a red flash flying through it.

"Lord Lord...!

"Go, Lizzie!


Lord turns to cover Lizil and gives further instructions to Levi and the others.

Lizzie continued to run without ever stopping her legs, even as dragons and demonic fangs approached her.

As if to respond to it, Lord defeats all the monsters approaching Lygial.

Right in front of Lizil, who ran through it, the Great Dragon Species (Grand Dragon) had further inflated their mountain-like bodies and the light was starting to leak out of their mouths.

"It's too late... take a blow all over me! Ha ha!" Dragon Soul Spinning Golden Red Sword (Lygial) "Huh!

A crimson blade swung down from the large upper section.

The flashes of red and gold emanating from its sword muscle instantly tore the giant dragon species (Grand Dragon) in two.

Nay, he made it disappear, precisely.

By hitting each other with the power of dragons and dragons, they offset their very existence and wipe them out of the world. That's Lizil's special sword.

So when the body of the great dragon species (Grand Dragon), divided to the left and right without the scream of the Terminator, swayed the earth greatly, Lizil, who saw it, laughed niggardly and returned to what it was.

"Go, Levi!


With the fall of the Great Dragon (Grand Dragon), Levi and the others push straight to the entrance to the castle.

Driving away the monsters that were looming behind it, Lord followed behind his back to protect them.

"I'm going first! Be sure to come!

"I'll clean up the Divine Beast...... see you again, Lord!

He receives words hung on his back and forces himself into the hand holding Lord's notebook.

"... I will definitely go!

Rhode opened the notebook and saw Levi's rear as he ran without looking back for just a moment.

Naturally, there is anxiety. If it's true, I don't want to leave.

But now that we thought about what we should do, we stopped thinking that there was no alternative.

What matters now is to get the three of them to the divine beast intact and stop the Cerberus and the others who will follow them.

Besides, Levi and the others believe that they are bound to come.

That's why Levi doesn't look back.

Because I know I'll see you again.

And in order to respond to it, Lorde turned his gaze back to the front in an instant without saying anything more.


That's how he squeezes the spear of the summoned inn, and Lord immediately gives her life.

Lord's thought had already passed to her.

"Rikai, hey!

A spear is released from Mystiltein, who instantly turns into a human form, to the entrance to the castle where Levi and the others disappear.

The spreads stretched at once from where the spear pierced, and in no time the entrance to the castle was blocked by giant wooden walls.


With Excalibur on his right hand and Balmunk on his left, Lords wrapped around Fragarach and Taslam headed towards the looming monsters with strong determination.


"Come away one by one!

They run through wide and long passages.

It would have been filled with demons until earlier, where there was still room for the three of them to run side by side now.

Jill instantly tries to prune his life by stopping the demons whose leading Graudi gravitational magic remains marginal.

That's a sign for the road.

They believe in the road and just head to their destination.

A giant demonic stone that leads to the deepest part of the dungeon appeared in the middle of the large room in the centre where it reached.

Its demonic stone, blue and twisted, floats in the universe fluffy, with a slightly rotating, tinnitus-like metal sound.

There were supposed to be tons of demons to protect this, but those figures aren't here anymore.

"All right... let's go"


"... Yes"

The three rushed over to the Demon Stone and simultaneously touched the Demon Stone on Graudi's signal.

I learn the feeling that my vision dims instantly and my body floats flutterly.

The place so transferred was as if it were an altar, with fierce flames rising from the giant candlestick on the left and right.

When Levi looks back, the same demonic stone as the one he just touched is still slowly turning with a slight metal sound.

Furthermore, looking at the end of the stairs leading from the lighted altar, there were demons, dragon wreckages and some flesh pieces rolling on the floor of the large room.

"There's a god beast ahead..."

"Oh... there are only three layers in the deepest part. It was down here that I saw him. Let's move on."

The two nod silently, going down the stairs and moving on.

As he walked away from the carcasses scattered across the ground, Levy felt an indescribably strange atmosphere completely different from the previous dungeons.

Previously, the dungeons were made of stone and sandstone, but the space was made of bronze-like material, and there are even more startling patterns of unsure floors and walls.

I can't hear anything but their footsteps in that strange space with no columns or anything but the altar.

The tranquility was unusual anyway.

"What the hell is this place..."

"I don't know. Quite a few years have passed since this place was discovered, but there are still many mysteries about this deepest part of the world. There are times when no one can get this far. So sometimes an adventurer who knows a dungeon like me has a request to investigate."

"That's when you found the beast."

"That's right. It was quite a while ago due to this, but it seems that Greece had also investigated in large units. Precious demonic stones, demonic props and all that seemed quite fruitful... but at the same time there were many victims. So the current Greek government is passive in elucidating the dungeon. Hiring me is either an archaeologist who can't help but figure out the mystery of the dungeon, or a drunken rich man pursuing an ancient romance... let's just stop talking nonsense"

A large entrance in the front from the altar.

There is a wide staircase leading down ahead, slowly down it with Graudi in the lead.

There were a number of fires on both walls of the stairs, which represented that this dungeon was still alive.

That was how they went down the stairs, but what they saw ahead stops their legs.

There the grass grew and half the space was filled with clear water, and by it stood a small castle made of rock.

There is a sky, like an urban dungeon, illuminating the spot without a beautiful full moon hiding in the clouds.

The center of a landscape as if it were a painting.

The black, giant wolf with his eyes twisted his big mouth and grinned.


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