Monster Minotaur

Chapter 176 The last persistence

Four days have passed. Since the tauren entered the goddess temple he built, he has never come out from there again. Fortunately, some time ago, Mo Yan reorganized his administrative organization and delegated many small matters to others.

And on the first day after the Minotaur disappeared, Regel sent extra manpower to keep an eye on the two succubi to prevent them from having any chance to cause trouble. And Ryze also put down what he was doing, walked out of the Mage Tower, and often sat in the White House. He was also worried about leaving the two succubi in the care of ordinary people.

Generally speaking, everything is going well in Thunder Bluff, and everything is proceeding according to normal order. Ellie and Jones also went to the temple and saw the tauren lying there as if sleeping. However, they were not allowed to approach the altar. The monster priests of the temple were closely guarding it, and no one was allowed to approach.

Jones originally wanted to turn all the troublesome bugs into barbecue, but Ellie, who was usually as mischievous as her, stopped her. This is the temple of the goddess. Although she has been defeated and lost all her divine power, it is not something Jones and she can deal with. What's more, Ellie didn't think that the goddess would harm Mo Yan. How could the goddess who gave Mo Yan such great protection let her lose the biggest chess piece in her hand.

Ah! A battle ax struck hard on Mo Yan's waist. The huge force destroyed the armor he was wearing and chopped him into two pieces. Blood spread all over the ground. The bright red internal organs flowed from the huge broken wound to the ground, adding some color to the already dark red scene.

Failed again... Lying on the ground, Mo Yan felt the most realistic feeling of dying, and murmured in a daze: I finally understand the pain of leveling up. I keep dying like this. If you die, even a virtual person will collapse, right? BOSS, how many times has this been my death?

If we look at the total number of deaths, you have died 73,612 times. After hearing Mo Yan's words, the goddess smiled and said, If we are fighting against this demon soul, this should be This is your 2,000th death. Compared with the 30,000th death of the first one, you should be considered to have made great progress.

There was a flash of light. Mo Yan, who was lying on the ground gasping for breath, was resurrected at the edge of the void arena. The black plate armor didn't look too thick, and it clung tightly to Mo Yan's body. The narrow steel plates are tightly wrapped around each other. The black steel surface has a metallic luster, which not only looks very beautiful, but can also be regarded as a strong piece of armor.

More than seventy-three thousand times. In a way, this is really a number to be proud of. The fatigue from the battle just now has been completely eliminated, and the broken sword also appeared in his hand. Mo Yan began to do the pre-battle preparations as usual. Warm-up activity, jumping up and down, thinking about the lesson of the failure, and said: So how many are left to kill? I remember you said a long time ago that there are only a dozen demon souls here?

Yes. The goddess who had been paying attention to the battle said: You have defeated thirteen demon souls, and this one is the penultimate one. But in your current state, it will take a long time. You are still far away. The result is far from what I imagined. After dying so many times, are you not angry at all?

Who knows. Mo Yan moved his wrists and ankles and sighed: If I had used that body, I would have become so angry that I would have lost consciousness when I was on the verge of death. It is said that this is the innate skill of the tauren. Anger will make them go berserk. And according to your words, what exists here is only my soul. Even if I get angry, it will have no effect, not to mention that I look like a human now.

This is the problem. The goddess said: Although there is nothing wrong with you being a human before, you should not limit yourself to the category of humans. Your soul is so small and your body is so huge. This This lack of fit prevents you from using your body’s power.”

Could it be that... I want to turn my soul into that? Mo Yan was stunned when he heard the goddess's words. He looked at the demon soul trapped in the void arena and said, I don't have the body of a tauren either. I don’t think there’s anything strange about it. I feel full of power even in normal times. Have I not completely mastered that body yet?”

This is natural. The goddess confirmed Mo Yan's words and said: Do you still think that your body is just as simple as a minotaur? You have never been able to exert all your power because your soul has never been able to communicate with you. The body really fits, otherwise you would have the ability to fight even those so-called demigods. Now you just need to let your anger come into play and let your soul feel the body...

I refuse! Mo Yan interrupted the goddess, put away his weapon, sat cross-legged on the ground and said, If power comes at such a price, I would rather not have the so-called powerful power. What's more, why do I come here? Weird world? I don’t have half a cent to live with those gods, so why do I have to fight to the death with those guys?

My current strength is enough to survive on the mainland, to have a city and live a prosperous life, and to have a group of people under my command. Although not powerful, they are still a force that is difficult to ignore. Occasionally I can go adventure and explore overseas, and I am very satisfied. Why do I need to do such tiring things?

There was obviously a big problem with the goddess's words. She had been guiding herself to seek greater power and plunged him into such a test without his consent. This was almost like using himself to kill gods. Although he didn't mind being a chess piece to do things for her, that was only in the mortal world. Mo Yan didn't want to participate in the battle between gods.

But your life was given to you by me. The goddess sighed slightly as if talking to an quarrelsome child and said: If I hadn't spent my little strength to bring you into this world, do you think you would still be able to bring me to this world? Can you survive? And I didn't ask you to go to the God Realm immediately and fight those powerful creatures that even I defeated. You still need to grow up for a long, long time.

Hey, hey... don't speak in such a tone. Mo Yan rubbed his arms, as if there were goosebumps on the cold armor and said, Although my current body may have been made by you, don't He spoke to me as if he were my elder. No matter what, I won't turn my soul into that of a minotaur.

I will not force you. The goddess said without disappointment: You should know that sometimes people have no choice. Even if you are unwilling to fight those creatures, you will be forced to embark on the path of confronting them in the future. . They will not let a powerful monster roam the mortal world and endanger the foundation of their rule.

We'll talk about it then. Mo Yan stood up and looked at the demon soul imprisoned in the center of the field and said, Anyway, I don't want to turn my soul into a tauren now. I have already defeated such a tauren. There are so many demon souls, how can you give up your principles on the last two! Mo Yan pulled out the long sword from his waist and rushed towards the demon souls in the field...

At this time, in the temple in reality, Mo Yan's huge and strong body was still lying on the altar full of flowers. If the Minotaur's appearance was not too ugly according to human aesthetics, then the term Sleeping Beauty could be used to describe it. But it was this ugly appearance that still made a human girl fall in love with him.

After finishing her day's work, Emily came to this temple as she had done a few days ago. Apart from the craftsmen who built this temple, she can be regarded as the first human being to come here on her own initiative, looking at the statues of gods designed by Mo Yan around her. Emily thinks this is more like Mo Yan's nonsense. After all, all the statues of gods on the mainland are solemn. There will be stone statues there that are as charming as the stone statues here.

Regarding this god whose name she didn't even know, Emily thought it was just a fabricated belief he gave to monsters. She also read the booklet that was only circulated within monsters. The story of that god has never been so exaggerated and distorted. Even the gods only said that they jointly created the world. How could that god create the world alone?

He hasn't woken up yet? Emily came to the altar and asked the two girls sitting on the bench: You two have been guarding here, and they won't let you go over and have a look. ?”

Ellie won't let me go. Those monsters can be solved with a single magic. Jones sat there with a pouted mouth and said dissatisfied: Even if we can't help in the past, it's better to see how the master is doing. Maybe it was the witchcraft that made him comatose last time. What should I do if something unexpected happens in the dream?

This is the temple of the goddess. Ellie sat on the bench, shaking her calves and eating a lollipop in her mouth. If we do something excessive, she might be angry. Not to mention dad. She is her dependent, and she will not let anything happen to her father here. All we have to do is wait here for him to wake up.

After listening to Ellie's explanation, Emily looked at the body lying on the altar, feeling slightly worried. Although Emily did not believe that this so-called god existed, since the tauren was willing to believe in the existence of this god, she had to support his idea.

He sat down on the brown wooden bench, clasped his hands and silently prayed for the protection of this unknown goddess, so that the tauren on the altar could wake up.

monthly pass

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