Monster Minotaur

Chapter 175: Being cheated

The well-informed Ruiz appraised the magic sword and told Mo Yan roughly the origin of the sword. This sword was cast quite a long time ago. It was made by an alchemist named Solomon. He summoned seventy-two powerful demons from hell and used their souls to complete the casting of the entire magic sword.

According to Ryze's understanding, there are also fragments and fragments of records about Solomon among the ruins of some ancient elven libraries. This man is said to be the greatest alchemist in history, and has reached a god-like level in alchemy. Whether it is the forbidden alchemy that resurrects the dead or the Philosopher's Stone that can make people immortal, they were all invented by this great alchemist.

And his identity is not ordinary. He is the king of an ancient kingdom that cannot be verified today. It is said that under his leadership, that kingdom is extremely prosperous and is one of the few kingdoms controlled by humans. Even if the elves occupy the entire continent, there is nothing he can do. With his vast treasures, he could have been a wise monarch, or one of history's great spellcasters.

But he made a wrong decision thousands of years ago, and he was obviously gifted with such a talent by the gods. But suddenly he wanted to go against the expectations of the gods. Not only did he forge a weapon that was said to be used to kill gods, but he also began to build a tower that could reach the sky. The greatest spellcaster in history wants to go to the divine world to compete with the gods.

The construction of the tower was originally very smooth, and the gods did not make any obstacles. Even the powerful Elf Empire sent supplies to help, but when the Tower of Babel was about to be completed, Solomon destroyed it himself for some unknown reason. The tower that used a lot of precious materials turned into a pile of ruins in one day, and the great spellcaster who performed such a feat disappeared into the long river of history with countless treasures.

You don't need to tell me about this Solomon. Mo Yan looked at Ritz and said, I have always hated history and stuff. Anyway, they are all dead people who don't even know where the dust is. The person in that man’s belly. If you have this time to understand what he did, you might as well tell me if I can use this sword.”

After Solomon disappeared. Ruiz smiled and stroked his beard and thought for a moment. He summarized the knowledge he saw in various ruins and said: This magic sword called God-killing appeared every time in the following years. In the eyes of the world, all it brings is killing and blood. No one except Solomon can control the souls of the seventy-two demon gods in this magic sword. Anyone who uses it will be corrupted by the power of the devil. , and eventually turned into a monster that only knew how to kill and died in pain.

Mo Yan looked at the God-killing Demon Sword placed on the table in front of him, and then thought about Blackbeard, who had completely turned into a monster. Don't know how to choose. This sword is the best weapon Mo Yan has encountered so far. Even the weapon said to be the strongest god-chosen warrior in the continent is just a harder piece of mud in front of it.

What's more, this sword was originally designed to kill gods. Although Mo Yan believed that the gods of the gods should be left to the disposal of the goddess behind him, there was no guarantee of what kind of accidents would happen. With such a weapon, There is absolutely no harm in being around. And if there is anything in this world that is most frustrating, it is to find a good weapon with great difficulty, but it cannot be equipped by oneself.

Speaking of the black beard that had completely turned into a monster, Mo Yan believed that he definitely died because of his fate. The power that the magic sword brings to him can be considered to be of a level that can destroy a city no matter where it is placed on the mainland. In other places, he might even wait for the ranking of the Demon King, becoming a powerful creature that must be defeated by a group of God-chosen warriors.

But Blackbeard had a grudge against Mo Yan, and his luck was not good. If Mo Yan had not decided to mine in Yulico Mountain, but had chosen another place, he might not have been able to discover that there would be a ruins there in a few decades. And if the ruins had not been discovered, Mo Yan would not have gone in, and if …

Well, in short, if Blackbeard only had half a year in the morning, Mo Yan would not have entered the ruins to release Ellie. Although he will still be forced to turn into a monster by Mo Yan's words, it will be a battle that is not easy for Mo Yan, and he may even really snatch away Bellica who is lying aside.

Is the power of demigods so powerful? Mo Yan looked at Ellie who was eating a lollipop and thought: Then how powerful are those gods who are locked up in the God Realm and cannot come out? Just... Just thinking about it makes me feel so powerless, I can only hope that the goddess’s cage can be stronger to prevent them from escaping.”

This is your first sincere prayer. The long-lost voice of the goddess rang in Mo Yan's mind: Are you worried about those creatures that have broken into this world? You can rest assured about this. The laws of the divine world I added it to the foundational framework of the world. To break away from it is to fight against the entire world, and they are the ones who manage the world.

Then they are fighting against themselves. Mo Yan made a conclusion for the goddess in his mind. For this goddess who only appeared when he fell into a coma or a deep dream, Mo Yan could finally be in reality. Got in touch with her.

This magic sword forged by Solomon is not yet in its complete form. The goddess's beautiful voice continued to echo in Mo Yan's mind: During this long period of time, it has lost the most important part. There are only a dozen demon souls left in the demon sword, which is far from the power he should be able to exert.

Isn't this complete power? Mo Yan looked at the God-killing Demon Sword on the table and thought: Then the power you gave me is not too strong. The monster created by this incomplete demon sword, It’s already a bit difficult for me to fight against it. If it were in its complete form, wouldn’t I be completely tortured?”

Mo Yan's sudden silence caused everyone present to stop moving. Ruiz looked at Mo Yan, who was sitting there as motionless as a sculpture, with curiosity on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. Ellie stopped playing with Jones and looked at the tauren and asked, Dad, what's the matter?

It's okay. The tauren suddenly raised his head, looked at everyone staring at him, smiled and said, I just suddenly understood something. Now I know how to deal with this long sword. Ryze, you can Go back and continue with your business. As he said that, the tauren picked up the long sword on the table and left the hall used for resting and entertaining guests, while the goddess was still talking to him in his mind.

The demon soul in this sword is not something difficult to deal with. The goddess in her mind said: The reason why all its hosts were eroded by its power and eventually turned into a monster that can only kill. That's why Because the mortal soul cannot resist the temptation of demons, but you are different now. Your soul has swallowed the power of witchcraft, and the enhancement it has made you will not listen to the words of these demons.

Mo Yan knew the devil's words spoken by the goddess from the moment he came into contact with this magic sword. Those vague words seemed to be in his ears all the time, full of women's moans and heavy breathing, tempting him to do something. Something he didn't want to do. Mo Yan was just a little annoyed by these sounds, but his own will was not affected at all. Three years of confrontation with the power of witchcraft in the dream made his soul strong enough.

But these things are very annoying. Mo Yan, who was talking to the goddess while enduring the whispers in his ears, came to the balcony of the White House and spotted the location of the Thunder Bluff Temple. His thick feet gave out huge power. Jump up, jump towards the square in front of the temple, and hit the complete stone slab to make a dent.

The craftsman who was sticking to the stone slab in the distance was frightened by the sound of the Minotaur falling and fell to the ground. But after seeing clearly that it was Mo Yan, everyone bowed their heads and saluted to show their respect and respect. But... I was actually cursing the Minotaur secretly in my heart, why didn't he take the ordinary path instead of jumping? It made me have to spend a lot of effort to restore the stone slab that was trampled by the Minotaur to its original state. .

He strode into the temple where there was no human presence. Under the guidance of the white werewolf who was now the bishop of the temple, Mo Yan walked to the statue of the largest goddess in the hall and held out the long black sword. Place it on the altar filled with flowers, waiting for the goddess to remove the DEBUFF from this long sword.

Surrounded by a group of werewolves, horned demons, and other monsters who were priests of the goddess temple, each wearing white robes, a little light blue halo was projected from the dome, illuminating the minotaur standing next to the altar. body. Mo Yan looked at these star-like light spots surrounding him and asked doubtfully in his mind: Didn't you say you want to eliminate that annoying whisper? Why are you shining the light on me?

But before the goddess could reply to Mo Yan, the tall minotaur fainted and fell to the ground. The monsters, each muttering strange words in their mouths, lifted the tall body of the minotaur and placed it next to the god-killing demon sword on the altar. One by one, they tore off their robes, took out weapons engraved with crosses, and stood guard aside.

After unconsciousness, Mo Yan came to a void. In this circular scene, seventy-two black stars formed a circle and surrounded him. Only a dozen of these seventy-two stars are considered bright, and most of the other stars are like meteorites, full of craters and without any light.

What's going on? Mo Yan looked at himself and turned back into a human body and asked the void at this weird scene: Is it going to be like the time of witchcraft again, do you want me to use this body and those... Demon soul confrontation?

That's right. The goddess's voice sounded in the void. Her words were still as clear as water, but Mo Yan heard something else: If you don't want those demons to bother you, then the easiest way is to kill them one by one with your own hands. Defeat alone, and this will also be another tempering for your soul, allowing you to withstand more powerful power.

Okay. After listening to the goddess's explanation, Mo Yan nodded helplessly and said, But at least give me a weapon, right? Last time you were able to manifest things like firearms, but now you haven't given me anything. As for me. Do you want me to fight against these ancient and powerful demon souls with my bare hands?

Here you go. A fruit knife appeared in mid-air and fell into Mo Yan's hand, and opposite him was an unusually huge-looking demon with two wings.

Demon Sword Demon Sword tell me who is the most handsome man!

Demon Sword: It's not you anyway.

The Demon Swordman died at the age of 4,500...

(Someone! You want to be cute! I’ll make you look ugly!)

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