Monster Minotaur

Chapter 112 Enter

The wind whistled past Mo Yan's ears. Sitting in the mine cart that was originally used to load ore, Mo Yan experienced the feeling of a cave roller coaster. There are messy excavated rock walls everywhere, as well as stalactites in some natural cavities. The twisting rails always suddenly turn to let the mine car go left or right when it seems that it is about to hit the wall. Speeding away.

Various strange gears, large or small, are constantly rotating on the rails. The large steam engines installed above the ground are blowing out thick smoke, providing them with powerful power, and they in turn give power to those on the rails. Minecart power on. This allowed Mo Yan and others sitting inside to quickly enter the underground.

Originally, discovering the ruins was not a big deal for Mo Yan. After all, Mo Yan is not very interested in what happened in the ancient times of this world. And because Mo Yan cannot practice magic, the knowledge in the ruins is completely unattractive to him.

Maybe some ancient equipment in the ruins would make Mo Yan a little happy, but this didn't require him to go there in person. The things that Thunder Bluff needs to deal with every day are enough to keep him busy, so he has no spare time to take care of these things. If Mo Yan wants the treasures in the ruins, he can just call an expedition team and let Ruiz take it with him. Even if he has to share some benefits with the expedition team, the ultimate benefit will still be his.

But the ruins discovered this time are not that simple. According to the gray dwarves, just the breath leaking from the ruins made the goblins and kobolds in the mine become violent. There must be something extraordinary in it. That's why Mo Yan had to come to Ironforge in person, take a mine cart and enter the dark mine to find out what was hidden in the ruins.

Mo Yan didn't come alone this time. When it came to things like exploring ruins, Ruiz, who wandered around exploring the secrets, was the expert. In addition to the mage Ryze as the guide for this expedition, Mo Yan also brought along Jones as a black dragon, Claude as a fast swordsman, Regel as an SS soldier who can open various locks, and others with little presence. Warrior Aruba.

As a wandering professional explorer, Ryze is indeed a veteran of exploration, and he is very knowledgeable about what to prepare for adventure. After Mo Yan and his party arrived in Ironforge, Ryze spent a whole day setting up a temporary teleportation circle in the house at the entrance of the mine. He also gave four magic balls for teleportation to people except Mo Yan, so that they could teleport them out in time when they were in danger and not die in them.

In this situation, Mo Yan had no other option except to curse the damn magic resistance. After all, this was not because Ryze didn't want to save his life, but because Mo Yan's own resistance to magic meant that he had to rely on the teleportation magic from the magic elves in the space, which had no effect on Mo Yan.

After riding the mine cart for a few minutes, the mine cart slowly stopped before the end of the track, and Mo Yan and others walked out of the mine cart. Ryze straightened out his messy beard and hair that were blown by the wind, straightened his robe, took his not-so-gorgeous wooden staff, and came to the cracked rock wall, and looked at the masonry walkway. .

This ruins is the most ancient one I have ever seen. Ruiz knelt down and looked at the bricks and stones and said, And it does not belong to any country. These bricks and stones are all filled with magic that can be used. Minerals, this corridor should be part of a huge magic circle.

Is it very powerful? Mo Yan patted his pants because the mine cart had not been cleaned and the slag stuck on them asked Ritz: It seems that as long as something is huge, it must be very powerful. . And if it’s what you said, these bricks can be sold for money or used as your materials, right?”

A small ball of light was launched from Ryze's staff, entered the corridor of the ruins, and flew away until Ryze could no longer see it. This situation made Ruiz make an estimate in his heart. He turned to Mo Yan and replied: As long as there are enough enchanters here, these materials can be used to equip more than a dozen legions of magical weapons.

That's true, but Whitebeard Mage, enchantment does not only rely on a single material. Jones stood behind Mo Yan and said: And if you want to separate the ore from these bricks, it will cost a lot of money. What about time. This is not what we came here for this time. There must be something important hidden in the ruins that can do such a thing.

The treasures in the ruins are priceless even if the ruins are damaged. Claude smiled and said: When I was a child, I heard my grandfather talk a lot about the adventures he went to the outside world when he was young. Weird mechanisms and traps, Between evil monsters and greedy humans, Grandpa always wins in the end.”

If he didn't win, you wouldn't be here. Aruba tightened the ax on his back and got off the mine cart and said, Let's go in quickly. We can't explore the ruins standing at the door. I I also want to quickly find some beautiful ancient jewelry for me to take back to Emily as a gift.”

Aruba said and walked into the ruins. Mo Yan agreed with Aruba's words, shrugged and followed in. Jones, who had always followed Mo Yan's lead, was of course right behind Mo Yan, always protecting his master's rear. Seeing that the three of them didn't care about the danger in the ruins, they all walked into the ruins carelessly. Ryze could only follow in. Regel and Claude entered as the rearguard.

As a team exploring ruins, Mo Yan's arrangement was reasonable. With his strong strength, he will not be afraid of the dangers in the ruins and can take care of the safety of the entire team. Ryze has rich experience in ruin exploration, and is also very powerful as an archmage. He can identify common magic traps in ruins and provide professional exploration experience.

Regel, who was born in the shadows, has clear ideas and understandings on many things, and his smart mind can also handle unexpected events. Cooperating with the quick-response Claude to move to the rear, the rear of the entire team could be safe, and Mo Yan, who was at the front opening the way, could move forward with confidence.

Gradually, Mo Yan and his party walked farther and farther in the passage. The slightly sloping corridor seemed to lead to the center of the earth. Apart from the blue bricks and stones, there is no other special scenery around. Apart from the footsteps of six people, there seemed to be no other sounds in the entire world.

Time passed slowly, and the six people had taken a short break three times. The few people who could have chatted a few words began to have nothing to say. When I go out and walk, I still walk. The long tunnel seems to drive people crazy, but there is no end there.

How long have we been walking? After walking for a long time, Aruba finally stopped, wiped the sweat from his head and asked Mo Yan: Why does it seem like we can't finish the entire passage! My stomach is already full I'm a little hungry. Maybe we've been walking all day? Why haven't we seen anything else yet?

We only walked for half a day. Mo Yan smiled and said: From the moment I found out that the passage was endless, I started counting in my heart. It's only been half a day since we came in. Maybe it's because of the environment. It hasn’t changed, so you feel like a long time has passed.”

Is this some kind of magic? Mo Yan, who also felt that walking like this was not an option, turned to Ritz and asked: Otherwise, no one would build such a long tunnel, and the color of the masonry here is also very problematic. , looking at the same cyan color for a long time will make people become melancholy.”

Ruiz thought for a moment about Mo Yan's words and said, I don't know how to explain it. I already said at the beginning that this tunnel is part of a huge magic circle. So it is normal for there to be a strong magic reaction here. I It’s not certain that we have fallen into some kind of trap.”

Our journeys should not be repeated. Regel said after listening to Ritz's words: Since the first break, I have made a lot of marks on the road. If we are going in circles, then I will pay attention To the mark I made, but so far I don’t see my mark.”

Does that mean we are not going around in a circle? Mo Yan nodded and said, Maybe there is some kind of force that has removed the sign. To determine whether we are going around in a circle, the only way is to go back and see what you have left. Is the sign still there? If the sign is still there, it means...the road is just very long.

The six people, not knowing whether they had fallen into a magic trap, could only go back to the sign that Regel had set previously. After walking for nearly half an hour, Regel finally confirmed that all the signs he made were gone, which meant that they had unknowingly fallen into a strange magical trap.


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How to write about the ruins (I feel unsatisfied with this chapter)

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