Monster Minotaur

Chapter 111 Relics

Mo Yan has never studied economics professionally. The only economic knowledge he knows was learned when he was a student and listened to the verbose words of a bald and white-haired old man in order to chase girls. Just like the Thunder Bluff gold coin hype this time, it wasn't until 100,000 Thunder Bluff gold coins were exchanged that he noticed something was wrong and started to deal with it.

And the results were not very satisfactory, although Thunder Bluff did not suffer losses and even made a lot of money. But if you let professionals handle it, the results will obviously be more perfect. Because Thunder Bluff can completely intervene in Elan's black market and use Thunder Bluff gold coins to obtain a large amount of Salt gold coins.

That way, you don't have to go through the trouble of buying supplies and earn the price difference, which isn't too much. The empty-handed approach will make even more huge profits. Regarding this result, Mo Yan realized the limitations of his knowledge, and it was precisely because of this that Mo Yan made a decision to gather the businessmen who went bankrupt this time to form an economic research association in Thunder Bluff.

The work of the Economic Research Society is easy to say, but it is also very difficult to say that it is to explore the so-called economics. Although these businessmen failed and went bankrupt due to various reasons during this incident. But on the other hand, these businessmen have valuable failure experience. Years of doing business have made them understand how Elamite business works better than Mo Yan, and they are more proficient in the way of business.

Of course, it is not surprising that they can be gathered together to study economics, and they will have no worries about food and clothing. If these businessmen accept Mo Yan's invitation, then they need to contribute their talents and at least produce some results for Mo Yan to see. In normal times, it is necessary to teach some students relevant business experience in the school in Thunder Bluff, or be assigned by Mo Yan to sell and buy items in Maro or Carthage. Otherwise, they will have to continue to live on the streets.

Speaking of the schools set up in Thunder Bluff, then we have to talk about the education in Thunder Bluff. As a person from Earth, Mo Yan understands the importance of education. Moreover, the Salters who are constantly moving to Thunder Bluff for gold mining, or the gray dwarves who come to the surface from the underground city, more or less bring their children with them.

These underage children need someone to watch over them while their parents are working and teach them some knowledge. After Mo Yan began to introduce immigrants, he established free schools in three stages and opened them to citizens as one of the city's benefits.

Because most Salt people are relatively precocious, in their philosophy, they are considered adults at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and they are old enough to get married. Therefore, the schools in Thunder Bluff are different from those on Earth. They only have three stages: elementary school, middle school and technical school. There are five primary schools in Thunder Bluff, targeting children between the ages of seven and ten, and employing both Salt and Gray Dwarf teachers.

There are four middle schools in Thunder Bluff, targeting children aged ten to thirteen. The technical school is the most important facility in Thunder Bluff. A large area has been specially designated in the inner city near the White House. Some craftsmen with patience and strong language skills have been specially selected to teach these fourteen-year-old young people. It takes people two to three years to master a technology.

After these young people graduate, Thunder Bluff will award them with different levels of professional certificates based on the assessment of their learning skills, and will directly admit high-level talents with high salaries. The rest will need to go to the city on their own. During factory interviews, the person in charge of each workshop will decide whether to admit them.

Such a complete learning system has been highly praised by Salters and Gray Dwarves alike. In the past, Salters and gray dwarves could only let their wives take care of their children at home, and when they reached adulthood, they could only be sent to workshops to be apprentices to learn skills. Now the school in Thunder Bluff has solved this problem, which not only allows women to have more time to deal with housework, but also gives peace of mind about how their children will make a living in the future.

Is it night already? After Mo Yan finished grading the last document, he stood up from the office where he had been sitting all day and moved his body. The magic chandelier on the dome in the office, sensing the dimming of the light, had already lit up on its own to illuminate the entire office.

Originally, it didn't take a lot of time to deal with the daily affairs in Thunder Bluff, but it was obvious that Mo Yan had a little too much fun on the night when Serna came. It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Mo Yan walked out of his bedroom and began to process the squeezed files.

Although a woman with her head and body separated is very strange, the same structure also makes the gameplay more diverse. As a monster, Serna can be said to be completely obedient to Mo Yan. For some of Mo Yan's unruly requests, Serna followed them all without hesitation.

This caused Serna's minibus to dislocate in order to accommodate something too big for her mouth. The head was placed on the back of his lying body, and he watched his body being penetrated by some thick things, and tried various weird positions. What made Mo Yan curious was that the head was clearly not connected to the body.

But after going deep into it, his thickness did not come out from the neck, but entered the esophagus normally. This puzzled Mo Yan. After conducting dozens of experiments in one day and two nights, Mo Yan finally concluded that the black smoke coming out of Serna's neck and connected to her head was not just smoke. in conclusion.

Mo Yan has no objection to monsters. He has no sense of moral integrity. As long as it is a creature that meets his own aesthetics, he will accept anything. The headless horseman is just a little bit curious because he doesn't have a head, but overall he still looks like a woman.

Regarding Serna's arrangement, Mo Yan decided to let her lead two Thunder Bluff legions. As a high-level monster, Serna has rare high wisdom and knowledge, and even some special magic. The horse she rode to Thunder Bluff was summoned from an unknown space using the unique summoning ability of the Headless Horseman.

Moreover, the Headless Horseman can adapt to armor three times larger than her body. After putting on the armor, her pale body will emit streams of black smoke to fill the armor, allowing the Headless Horseman to use her body as if it were a body. Mastering the thick and huge armor at once is why Serna can use her height of 1.7 meters to support a 1.9-meter armor.

For the set that originally belonged to Lucy, there were nearly two meters of armor and weapons of the chosen warrior. Mo Yan thought for a moment and decided to go back to the drawing board and create a new shape for Serna. Although it is not a secret in Elan that Mo Yan and Black Dragon killed the God's Chosen Warriors, the whereabouts of the equipment of those God's Chosen Warriors is unknown.

If Serna was directly wearing the armor of the Chosen Warrior, that would pretty much tell everyone. When Mo Yan said that he didn't know the whereabouts of the equipment, it was a huge lie for the sake of black equipment. And to be honest, the aesthetic point of view of the God's Chosen Warrior is really not very good. Apart from some relatively unique patterns, there is almost nothing to recommend it, and some simple decorative patterns are not very good-looking.

Although Mo Yan is also a pragmatist, he can still add some decorations appropriately when conditions permit. Serna, who has now gone to the field training camp, is wearing the armor designed by Mo Yan himself. It is not only beautiful and reflects Serna's figure, but it is also not bad at all in terms of practicality.

I'll go... there's more. Mo Yan watched Lilith push the door open and come in again and complained with a grimace: Didn't I say that the batch of documents just now are the last ones that need to be processed? I was planning to go have a good meal. It’s time to take a break, I feel like I’ve almost finished processing a lifetime’s worth of documents today.”

If it weren't for a lustful master who had been playing in his bedroom for so long, how could he have squeezed so many files? Lilith, who had participated in yesterday's event without losing a moment, gave Mo Yan a charming look and said: There is news from Ironforge that our mine has opened up to a strange ruins. According to the gray dwarves' preliminary investigation, the ruins are incredibly old.

Ancient ruins? Mo Yan touched his chin after hearing Lilith's words and said strangely: Didn't you say that there are no so-called ancient ruins in Elan? Otherwise, there wouldn't be no mages here. How could they suddenly dig it up? Well... …It’s a good thing anyway. The presence of ruins means that there are ancient IQ or items, and Ryze should be very interested in it. Moreover, it can be developed into tourism or something in the future, and it should be able to make a lot of money.”

It's not that simple, Master. Lilith shook her head and said, The gray dwarves' report mentioned that since the ruins were dug up, the goblins and kobolds sent there to mine have changed. It's weird, they've killed hundreds of crazed goblins.

Is that so? Mo Yan's face became solemn: Then I really have to go and see for myself. The power that can make monsters go crazy is not ordinary.


Please collect and recommend

No integrity, no offline (oh, it seems to rhyme)

Although I don’t know how to describe it, the side effects are indispensable...

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