In his previous life, Cloud Diagram was definitely in a worse condition than Feng Ling, and he was able to achieve it with just his strength alone. This Leader-class mystic realm beast was extremely ferocious, but in front of Feng Ling, who had already become a dual bladed dancer, he was killed in less than two rounds.

After the battle ended, Yun Tu went forward and cut off the fangs and claws of the mystic realm beast that was used as the basic materials for making weapons. He then picked up the corpse and threw it into the stream.

"What's the point of dirtying a brook with such good water quality? It's heartless!"

Seeing Cloud Diagram throw the corpse into the stream, Feng Ling naturally didn't understand Cloud Diagram's intention.

"Let's go!"

Ignoring Feng Ling's complaints, he brought his two daughters down the stream.

Sure enough, everything went as Cloud Diagram had predicted. Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at a deep pool not far away. The mirror-like surface of the pool had already wrinkled without any wind, and soon enough, a clockwise vortex appeared.

In his previous life, Yun Tu had always been hoping for human scientists to analyze the reason for the existence of the secret plane. Whether the secret plane was a temporary teleportation of humans to another planet, Yun Tu did not want to make any judgement. Now that he saw this whirlpool again, Yun Tu knew that if the secret plane truly existed in a secret space above the Earth, then at least this place wasn't in the northern hemisphere.

Although he was not a technical king of science and technology, he was still a modern university student. The Northern Hemisphere's vortex should be rotating in a counterclockwise direction, he knew that too.

Of course, he knew that many researchers in the military were still working in silence, hoping that through science, they would eventually overcome the disaster. However, the greatest disaster of mankind was rooted in the greedy nature of mankind, so the hard work and hope of scientists would eventually be destroyed.

The two girls also discovered the whirlpool on the lake because it was spinning faster and more and more clearly.

"Be careful! The big monster is about to appear! "

In his previous life, he could clear the Quest BOSS with his Wind Bell. After all, he could be considered a team leader, so he couldn't just personally experience things for them.

The whirlpool was still increasing in speed and was getting deeper. After Cloud Diagram warned him three times in a row, the expected quest BOSS didn't appear.

The vortex on the surface of the lake began to spin slower and slower as it reached its peak!

"How could this be?" He couldn't figure it out either.

At this moment, another low level mutated beast appeared behind him. In order to avoid any mishaps, he personally took action and killed his opponent in one move.

When another corpse was thrown into the water, the whirlpool slowly formed again. The momentum was much larger than before. The three anxiously waited, but the result was exactly the same as last time.

The situation in the secret realm had changed from his previous life. After Yun Tu's nerves were tied up, a third monster finally appeared. Yun Tu did not believe it. He killed it again and threw its corpse into the pond.

The vortex was forming faster and faster. The originally windless sky was suddenly swept up by the vortex into a violent current. The green wings on her weaker body could not even stand firm in the fierce wind. Yun Tu had no choice but to hold her tightly.

This time, it was real. When the vortex reached its limit, a monster that seemed like a dragon but not a dragon and neither a beast nor a beast shot up into the sky from within the pool.

It had a pair of horns on its head and a beard on the corner of its mouth. Its shape was similar to that of a tiger or leopard and it was even more slender.


This monster in front of him was 80% similar to the monsters Yun Tu had seen in his previous life. It was obviously the upgraded version of the dragon-shaped monster from his previous life.

At the same time, Feng Ling also started her charge. Under the pincer attack, the dragon-shaped monster flew out of the attacking range at an extremely fast speed, heading straight for the azure wings.

The dragon monster's speed was more than double what he had encountered in his previous life. Even though its Agility was at 13 points and its green wings had given him two more Rejuvenation Techniques, he was still unable to keep up with the opponent's speed.

Perhaps because of the Cloud Diagram and Feng Ling's presence, under the dangerous situation, it was rare for Qing Yi to not panic. He put away his willow cane, quickly took a few steps back, and quickly threw out a grenade.

Rumble! The dragon-shaped monster couldn't make a detour as the grenade exploded on its chest. The scales flew all over the place.

However, even though it was heavily injured, a grenade was not enough to kill it. Coming back from the faint state it was in, it once again rushed towards the green wing lying on the side. But at this time, Yun Tu and Feng Ling had already pounced over.

"Double Blades!"

The combination of the two blades made a cut on the back of the dragon-shaped monster's leg. Although the opponent had an extremely strong defense, this strike of Feng Ling's added her strongest professional skill, as well as her Cyan Wing's rejuvenation technique. The power of this strike was at least fifty percent stronger than the power of her main body, and with the addition of the curved blade that Yun Tu had upgraded for her, it finally left a few inches of a cut on the opponent's hind leg.

With a roar, the dragon-shaped monster turned its head to grab at Feng Ling. Yun Tu's dagger was already close to the dragon-shaped monster's body, and he took a sliding step. From its buttocks to its front legs, Yun Tu's slash had left a full five feet long gash.

Since the direction he was going towards was behind his opponent, he didn't have a good critical point to attack. Although Yun Tu's knife was only an inch or so deep in the monster's body in pursuit of the fastest blood letting effect, because it was too long and injured too many muscles, it would cause a huge negative impact to the monster's agility.

Under the claws of the dragon-shaped beast, even though Feng Ling raised her two sabers to block the attack, she was still pushed back dozens of feet by the opponent's attack. She spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing the dragon-shaped monster attack Feng Ling again, the dagger in his hand suddenly turned into a gun. Under normal circumstances, killing an opponent with scales like him with a gun in his hands would be a pipe dream, but since the opponent has already suffered quite a few wounds in his body, the gun in Yun Tu's hands would fire out and a row of bullets would hit the wound.

No matter how high the defense was between the scales and the skin, the bullet would directly pierce through the flesh from the wound. Even if it was against a mutated beast with strong vitality, such injuries were still very serious and even fatal, but Yun Tu had still underestimated his opponent.

Not only did it fail to weaken the dragon-shaped monster's attack, it raised its head and let out an earth-shattering roar. Its direction was not changed, and it pounced towards Feng Ling, who was also heavily injured.

In the eyes of the dragon, if these weak humans dared to challenge its might, it would tear them apart one by one.

"Get down!"

Seeing the dragon-shaped monster desperately pouncing towards Fengling, in that moment of crisis, Greenwing took a few steps forward and shouted, throwing out another grenade.

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