So beautiful!

Following the stream, there was a clear pool not far away. The fish swimming in the water were as bright as brocades from time to time, responding to the sand at the bottom of the river and enjoying themselves.


There were also a few birds flying in the sky. They were all multicolored feathers!


On the other side, about a dozen steps away, a snow-white rabbit was grazing in the grass. After a few small bites, it raised its head and looked over, softly crying out that it wouldn't run away in fear even if it saw someone.

If the last island that Yun Tu had visited was a mortal world's victory, then today, this secret realm would be the Celestial Immortal Courtyard.

When he was digging sweet potatoes, he accidentally let his clothes get a lot of soil on his green wings. Suddenly, he felt like an African refugee. Suddenly, he arrived at a beautiful paradise.

It wasn't until a sculpture with a wingspan of about one meter let out a sharp chirp in the sky that she was jolted awake from the beautiful dream-like scenery.

With the gun in hand, she waited for two minutes to confirm that the giant condor was already far away. Then, she took out the fireworks Yun Tu gave him and carefully lit it.

"Why did it take so long to send out the fireworks!" Ten minutes later, Yun Tu arrived.

Following right behind Yun Tu, Feng Ling came over from another direction: "Qing Yi must have been bewitched by this secret realm!" In fact, she was the same, although this was her second time entering the secret realm and she was not used to it, but she did not have the feeling of Qing Yi and knew that no matter how beautiful the scenery in front of her was, there would still be hidden dangers.

"I'm sorry for making you all worry!"

Qingyi blushed. She had been distracted for at least 10 minutes after entering the mystic realm. In this situation, if she was transferred to another dangerous mystic realm, she might have already become food for the mystic realm creatures.

"Just pay attention next time!"

The competition for the one-time secret plane's resources was nearing the end of the second week of the apocalypse. Although there were still people who relied on their heaven-defying luck to enter the secret plane half a year after the apocalypse had ended, more than 95% of the light pillar's landing points had already been investigated by the military and the major forces in the past few days.

Of course, other than these one-time use secret realms, there were also a few limited number of places. Although many people had seen the light pillars descend, they had been unable to trigger them, and that was the repeatable secret realm, which could only be completed in the third week after the apocalypse.

However, these were all later words. In his previous life, when he first entered the mystic realm, his situation was not much better than Qingyi's. He was also a person who liked art, so they were both feeling the same way.

"You've never been so gentle with me! If it was me, someone would definitely say that you were so careless in the apocalypse, and then, you wouldn't even know how you died! " Feng Ling glanced at Yun Tu and said with a smile.

"Now, let's all relax! I can't feel how dangerous this place is, but my words will only be effective today. When we leave this secret realm, everyone must be on high alert! "

As Yun Tu said this, he took out the empty Nong Fu Mountain Spring from his spatial ring, and walked straight to the stream. He first pretended to hold a handful of water to carefully appraise it, then he filled the bucket with water.

After the blood rain, the water on Earth had already been contaminated. Aside from the original bottled water, it was almost impossible to find a safe water source. However, this situation changed after two to three months as humans gradually adapted to the new environment.

"Are you sure this water is drinkable?"

"The water after the approval is granted, hurry up and put on an act. I'll be going into the water to take a bath soon!"

Yun Tu's answer made the two girls wild with joy. After a while, they could bathe in the water. To the two who loved beauty more than eating, it could be said to be a huge temptation.

The two girls rushed to the stream as fast as they could, quickly filling up all the empty buckets they had gotten from the water shop.

This was perhaps the last festival of the apocalypse. After Yun Tu filled the water, he actually went down to the stream and diligently washed away the dust, blood, and sweat from the seven days of the apocalypse.

"This water is a little cold!" As he spoke, he rolled up his pants and walked towards the stream.

"Look at you, what's the point of being a lady!" Feng Ling jumped into the stream.

The stream wasn't deep, and the depths had yet to reach her waist. She fiercely jumped down, splashing countless waves, wetting Qingyi's clothes in an instant. Afterwards, the two girls laughed and splashed water on each other.

Even though he wasn't wearing a bikini, seeing the two wet girls' bodies giving off a beautiful spring light, Cloud Diagram's interest was piqued. He went down the river to relax and play with the two girls.

Seeing that Yun Tu had closed in, the two girls immediately stopped their civil war and turned into targets for the two girls. Water splashed in their direction …

They were finally tired. The three of them came out of the water and changed back to back to dry new clothes. Yun Tu looked at the time and found that there was still about an hour of free time.

"You seem to be very familiar with this secret plane!"

The two girls were lying on the left and right side of Yun Tu as they accompanied him in the sun. The sensitive Qingyi finally could not suppress the curiosity in her heart.

"When the rainbow descended, I was right here. I was somehow sucked in, and then somehow bounced off!" Yuntu scratched her delicate little nose with his hand and told a white lie.

On the other side, Feng Ling asked, "How long have you been here? Have you never encountered the attacks of ferocious mystic realm creatures?"

Yun Tu replied, "I haven't. Otherwise, I would have died a long time ago. However, in the last few minutes before I was ejected, I felt an especially dangerous aura approaching!"

"Don't tell me how much longer it will be, but let me have a good rest first. Being able to die in such a beautiful place is worth it!" Feng Ling was rather optimistic.

"Go to sleep, all of you get a good night's sleep!" I'll call you guys when it's time! " Yun Tu turned around and pinched her nose before sitting up.

There was still about an hour of quietness left, but one of the three had to be on guard. Even if one was very familiar with the changes in the secret plane, it was still a memory from many years ago.

After killing the mystic realm creature on the surface, the blood flowed down into the pool. The quest BOSS hidden deep within the pool would wake up.

In his previous life, he had spent two days in this secret realm killing dozens of mutated beasts that were constantly refreshing themselves. Finally, by chance, this condition activated and led to the Quest Boss. Of course, his speculations could not be verified in theory.

Nothing happened. After an hour, the first ferocious mutated beast appeared in the secret plane. He woke the two women up and the three of them immediately went into battle mode.

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