221 – Catastrophe (4)

Jane Watson was worried for a moment when she saw the condition of her friend Holmes, but her worries soon disappeared. There were two reasonable reasons for this.

Unlike the cool-headed and rational appearance she always showed, Holmes’ facial expression, as if she was possessed by something like the people around her, was actually quite familiar to Jane Watson. Although her own friends would laugh at her doctor’s views at every turn, Watson personally believed that excessive abuse of drugs such as morphine and opium was unhealthy.

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Of course, every time she did that, her friend emphasized that she was different from ordinary people and was not an addict, and she countered by claiming that there were many famous doctors who recommended such drugs.

What was important to her was that her friend, who accepted the daily peace that ordinary people felt as terrible pain and torture, often turned to drugs and cigarettes as if possessed. These incidents have become less frequent these days, but it was a sight I saw every time I moved in with my friend for the first few weeks.

Therefore, even Watson had already become accustomed to Holmes. If this was my first time seeing it, I would have been worried no matter how much I remembered my friend’s instructions, but the arrangement was still within an acceptable range.

More than anything, the second reason stopped Watson. Because Watson himself began to focus on Javert Wilson’s suspicious remarks.

Of course Watson was a witch. This meant that she could more easily resist the opponent’s magic than Holmes, who had her fairy ancestors. Common sense tells her that Watson was definitely not possessed.

I just started listening to the club’s president, who rationally explained investments that could make you rich while still being sober. It was something her friend Holmes would have laughed at if he had known, but Jane Watson calmed down more than anyone else.

Jane Watson has proven to herself that it is clear that she is a creature that should not be invested in.

Watson, like other members around him, tried to participate in the investment in the midst of the madness, unknowingly forgetting Holmes’ warning.

“Shut up and take my money!”

“Long live the Redhead Club! “We will all be rich!”

“Wh… here! I come first, everyone get out of here! I lived just for today! Let’s go! Let’s get rich!”

Many shouts were heard from all over the place, but the last shout of Watson, who, like a bull, lunged at and pushed away the numerous adult men who were enthusiastic around him, rang out the loudest.

But Watson couldn’t achieve what she wanted. Suddenly, someone grabbed her by the back of her neck and started pulling her down.

“… Even the bull calf would be less heavy than this. Watson, come to your senses and follow me!”

“Ho… Holmes? “When did you come to your senses?”

However, Holmes ignored Watson’s urgent cries and dragged her friend outside as if running away. As we moved away from the scene of madness and silence settled in again, Holmes opened his mouth, glaring at his friend as if he were pitiful.

“I told you, Watson. Just follow me. Could it be that you saw my acting and thought you were possessed by the real guy… That’s right. Watson is dumber than I thought and seems to have no trust in me. Sad? “At least I believe in Watson’s stupidity.”

“Wh… Was it an act? By the way, that’s not trust in a friend! Me… “I’m not stupid!”

“Of course it’s acting, Watson. Although I am not as good as you, I am also a person whose ancestors are masters of magic, and I am also someone who knows how to perform simple magic. There’s no way you’ll be mesmerized by a vampire’s shallow hypnotism. “I was just acting, because I have quite a bit of experience with being intoxicated by something.”

Watson wanted to point out that having such experience was not the problem. Of course she couldn’t because of the ugliness she showed herself.

Holmes, feeling sorry for Watson who hesitated, grabbed the carriage, and Watson, who came to his senses, chased after his friend like a duckling following its mother.

Holmes took a moment to gather his thoughts in the carriage heading to Baker Street, and then opened his mouth again to his pathetic friend, who had been his assistant for the time being.

“There was some torture where I had to see Watson’s stupid side, but I still got some results.”

“… That… Did you say a vampire, Holmes? “Is Javert Wilson really a vampire?”

Ignoring Holmes’ sarcasm, Watson tried to focus on the case. Even though he was half out of his mind just a moment ago, Watson was clearly a great assistant to his friend. In order to work as a recorder, he would remember even the smallest remarks.

This appearance was definitely praiseworthy. In a way, it could be said that his observation skills were excellent. But Holmes nodded, even as he questioned his pathetic friend why he couldn’t do it when he needed to.

“No matter how much I do, I might have gone back a little further without the expert’s knowledge, Watson. But there’s no shame in listening to an expert’s opinion. It is truly wise to recognize our ignorance and seek help from those who know. I could see the traces that Professor Van Helsing had told me about. “I don’t know if he had no intention of hiding it or if he just didn’t know.”

“I see… ….”

“Actually, even if he wasn’t a vampire, you would have known he was suspicious enough. “Watson, you know that he used a clever trick to bewitch people, right?”

Thanks to this, we were able to solve the question of how we gathered investors so quickly. Although the investment madness often engulfs even smart people, this madness grew unusually quickly.

It was certainly strange that people who were well-known in the UK participated in a suspicious investment that had not yet been verified. However, things change when a vampire’s hypnosis or brainwashing comes into play.

In the end, it was clear that many of the members of the Red Head Club, or at least the vast majority of high-value investors, were part of such a trick.

Of course, Holmes secretly looked at his pathetic friend and sighed inwardly. Because it means that my friend, who I thought should not be left alone, actively participated in that foolish thing with a clear mind.

“… “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“No, no. Let’s talk about work, Watson. “It’s also worth noting that nothing happened to us.”

“… “Then wasn’t it lucky?”

Watson was relieved to realize belatedly that the attack or conflict that Holmes had warned about had not occurred. Therefore, he could not quite understand his friend’s remarks.

“The important thing is that nothing happened, Watson. In my opinion, the teacher will not be directly leading everything in this matter.”

When his friend spoke so confidently, Watson had no choice but to ask cautiously. Because it was quite different from my friend’s usual cautious appearance.

“How can you be so sure?”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t have done this. And if you’re a teacher, you’ll act like me. “No, maybe it’s the other way around?”

Strangely enough, Watson didn’t bother to ask further questions from his friend, who nodded as if it was only natural for him and Professor Moriarty. Fortunately, Holmes seemed to be intoxicated by his own explanation and continued speaking.

“Maybe Clay, that guy might be one of the masterminds. Either they are unaware of our approach in the first place, or they are belittling and ignoring it. “They must be confident that no matter how much we interfere, we will not be able to affect their plans.”

“So what should I do now?”

“That’s… “I’ll meet Mycroft tomorrow and let you know.”

Holmes smiled confidently at Watson, as if he was joking. Watson found the sight strangely ominous, but he remained silent.

The reason for that feeling was revealed the next day, when Mycroft Holmes and Professor Van Helsing met at Mycroft Holmes’ home.

“This guy is a vampire, and he’s driving investors into madness through some shady trick, whether it’s hypnosis or magic, Mycroft. “I don’t know if it’s the end point of the plan or just a process, but if it’s not resolved as soon as possible, there’s going to be a panic.”

Hearing Holmes’ words, Mycroft Holmes closed his eyes like a civil servant, as if facing a painful task. Of course, wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

Watson, who was living alone in a lonely world, cautiously opened his mouth.

“I… Am I the only one who doesn’t understand? Why is panic suddenly being mentioned?”

“Watson, a huge amount of money is being collected by prominent people in society. Imagine them disappearing in an instant. It would be like a mid-sized bank going bankrupt in an instant. “It’s a scandal, and there’s going to be chaos again.”

“… He really is an evil guy……. How do I stop him…….”

Professor Van Helsing, who was listening to this from the side, became angry and began chewing his lip. Holmes raised his eyebrows at the professor and held out his hand.

“In that sense, Professor Van Helsing, I think we need experts to participate. He said he knew his London mansion, right? “Let’s attack by ourselves and exterminate the vampires first.”

There was silence.

Watson was startled by Holmes’ sudden crazy remarks. The same would probably apply to Mycroft Holmes and Professor Van Helsing. At least that’s what the only ‘common sense person’ here thought.

The professor, who was an expert on vampires more than anyone else, looked at the eccentric young woman and slowly opened his mouth.

“To invade a place where an old vampire has taken up residence, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. “If my supervisor had said something like that, I would have kept him by my side and trained him regularly as a doctoral student.”

“So you’re not going to do it?”

“Let’s do it right now.”

“Huh? This… Is this okay, Holmes? I… really?”

Ignoring the embarrassed Watson, Holmes and Professor Van Helsing smiled.

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