220 – Catastrophe (3)

When Jane Watson and Sherlock Holmes visited the suspicious Redhead Club again, they each had different thoughts. Of course, it was not strange because it may be impossible to completely agree with another person’s thoughts, but the thoughts the two people had may have been strange.

Holmes was guided by her like a VIP, and looking at her pathetic friend Jane Watson walking with her, she couldn’t help but click her tongue without realizing it.

Jane Watson was startled and sped up her steps a little, as if the sound was the warden’s whipping applied to a condemned inmate reluctantly walking to the execution site. She was still not at the pace that was to Holmes’ liking, but for now she waited in silence, as if watching her friend’s back.

Watson headed to a place where there was a man who was in charge of auditing the club that everyone in this red-haired club wanted.

This was a man to whom Jane Watson had given investment money on several occasions.

“Ah, Miss Watson! It’s been a while, but it’s not too late. You’ve come to the right place. Miss Watson, if you invest an extra 100 pounds or bring in a new member, you can upgrade to second class premium membership. “We should all get rich together, right?”

“That… I… excuse me…. Today… I want to get back the money I invested… Came.”

Watson stuttered and opened his mouth to the man who spoke to Watson warmly, a man whom Holmes had tipped off was probably related to James Moriarty.

However, Holmes, who was listening to it from the side, could tell that it was not because Watson was scared of the man.

In fact, it was natural because Jane Watson was a courageous person that Holmes could recognize. She didn’t even need to be observed.

But Holmes managed to overcome the urge to grab the back of his neck. His friend, still out of his wits, was still reluctant to take his money back on his instructions.

It was truly pathetic, but Holmes tried to understand his precious friend with his broad heart. For people living in a simple world like Jane Watson, the ridiculous investment of this red-haired club would have been, as Watson put it, a place to copy money.

That didn’t mean I didn’t get angry when I saw Watson’s ugly expression.

Clearly, in Jane Watson’s brain, which is smaller than a goldfish, her path to becoming rich is clearly being destroyed by a bomb.

But fortunately for her, Jane Watson only thought about her inside and did not disobey her friend’s orders on the outside.

However, for just a brief moment, Watson prayed that the man in front of her would reject his offer, saying that he was in trouble. She prayed more earnestly at this moment than when she usually went to church. Perhaps she was next in despair when she briefly pawned her father’s belongings at the racecourse and prayed for the success of the dry goods distribution with the money she received.

However, unlike when the reverse dividend was miraculously successful, the man opened his mouth as if he was disappointed. It was a reaction that disappointed Watson in many ways.

“Oh, is that so? It’s a shame. But we are free people, and the Red Head Club respects the free will of its members. “Can you please wait a moment?”

“I… …. Ah… Okay, Holmes. Don’t stare at me like that. Yes…. I’ll wait.”

While Holmes went to get Watson’s money and documents, he just looked at Watson with a pitiful gaze and remained silent. Conversation was something that could only be done with people of a similar level, so it was inevitable.

Watson continued to twist his fingers and secretly look at his friend’s gaze, as if he still had some regrets, but Holmes still greeted his friend with a cold gaze.

It is also an incomprehensible creature. Can we really be classified as human beings like me? Could it be a new kind of monkey, similar to humans but with significantly lower intelligence?

Holmes waited calmly, worrying that the useless and inefficient lump of fat was growing bigger every time, and that there might be a foolish creature secretly trying to seduce a man in front of him.

“Here you are, Miss Watson. Thank you for waiting. Here, all you have to do is sign a document stating that reinvestment is prohibited for six months after the investment is recovered. Anyway, it’s a shame. Although there are many people who invested more than Ms. Watson, it is unusual for a lady to become an excellent member so quickly like Ms. Watson. Miss Watson is definitely a talented person, so she will be able to become rich at any time. Of course, it might be a little faster if you join our redhead club.”


“I hope you don’t tempt this idiot with useless talk and give him some money quickly.”

“Ah, yes, of course, Miss Holmes.”

As if he had no regrets, the man smiled at Holmes’ sharp remark and handed Watson a rather thick envelope of money.

Holmes had to frown once again as the evidence of Watson’s foolish behavior was revealed before his eyes. This is because in Watson’s hands was an amount of money that a woman from an ordinary middle-class family would use as a dowry.

No matter how foolish or pathetic he was, he couldn’t ruin his only friend, so thinking about how he would have to manage Watson’s wallet in his place in the future, Holmes opened his mouth to achieve his goal in earnest.

No, I wanted to open it.

As if he had been waiting, the man in front of him struck first.

“Now that things have come to this, wouldn’t you both ladies attend the meeting this evening? There is no need to make a new investment. However, after a long time, the club’s president, Mr. Javert Wilson, is planning to hold a small gathering to wish for the wealth of our red-haired club members. Everyone will be welcome if there are attractive ladies here.”

“… “It wouldn’t be a bad idea if you just attended.”

“Of course, Miss Holmes. It’s sure to be a great experience. “Then I understand that you both will be attending the dinner meeting later.”

Holmes nodded, as he was already scheduled to attend the meetings Javert Wilson often held with club members.

The club’s appreciation focused on other members who were making new investments as if they were no longer interested, and Holmes took Watson to a corner and took out a pipe, pretending to smoke.

“… Look, Holmes. You so obediently returned the money. I… If it was a really weird place, it wouldn’t have happened anyway. Look… ! Radish… Of course, this place may be suspicious, but at least the investment is clear-“

“Shut up, Watson.”

“You… Don’t use too harsh words…….”

“Then can you please not do that? Of course I’ll give you my money back, Watson. That way, others won’t be too suspicious. Think of a bank. There is no problem with one or two people getting their deposits back. “When it really becomes a problem is when most people are looking for money out of fear.”

“… If the bank is like that, then here too-“

“Again, Watson. I’ve said this several times, even if the country allows money play legally, places like this one that guarantee 100% returns are a scam. What matters is whether this man named Wilson is the vampire that Professor Van Helsing was chasing. “So, if you come to your senses and think stupid things again, I’m going to get really angry, Watson.”

“You’re already angry…” Ah Okay. “I’ll be careful.”

“More than anything, there is a possibility that they may have been waiting for us, so we may have to use violence. “Be careful.”

Watson seemed to have finally come to his senses at Holmes’ remarks and nodded his head. Of course, Holmes couldn’t hide the signs that she was nervous about her friend’s warning, but she didn’t point it out. Rather than acting thoughtlessly like usual, it would have been better to be careful.

However, contrary to Holmes’ warning, no threat to the two ladies occurred. Of course, this does not mean that the Red Head Club was actually not so bad as Watson had hoped, and that it was a place that protected good investors.

Holmes’ first impression of the evening meeting hosted by Javert Wilson was that it was similar to the unacceptable pagan gatherings of this era.

At least Watson agreed on this point.

Among the members in attendance, there were several prominent figures in society that even Watson recognized. Of course, I couldn’t talk to him because I wasn’t a direct friend, but even if I had, a proper conversation wouldn’t have taken place.

Holmes first noticed that the overwhelming majority of the members present had strange looks. As if they were possessed by something, they only acted like Watson and did not show any rational side.

Holmes seemed to have realized something and quickly whispered to Watson. Thanks to Dr. Van Helsing’s warning and information, we were able to find out sooner.

“Watson, just in case, follow what I do, okay?”


“No, I’m just nodding my head with a stupid expression like usual.”

Watson tried to open his mouth again, but the conversation had to be interrupted by the appearance of club president Javert Wilson.

He was a red-haired man. Was the club named after the president’s appearance?

But Holmes could tell that that was not the being’s true appearance. Although she was a little far away, she was able to find traces of the man that Dr. Van Helsing had pointed out.

Soon Javert Wilson began his speech. At first it was just normal social talk. But soon both Holmes and Watson could sense something magical.

They were able to resist because they had some knowledge of magic and were related by blood, but Watson couldn’t help but be embarrassed when he saw Holmes secretly.

Because, similar to the other members around him, my friend had a dreamy look on his face, as if he was half out of his mind.

Could it be that your friend is possessed?

Watson had to worry. However, because he remembered what Holmes had emphasized first, he trusted his friend, followed his friend, and stayed where he was with a similar expression on his face.

It was only after an hour of boring speeches that Watson and Holmes were able to go outside.

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