170 – Division (2)

A strange scene was unfolding in a shabby London bar occupied by only three men, as even the owner was nervous and hid himself.

From noble mtl dot com

This started from the fact that only three people occupied a bar that was supposed to be full of drunkards who always worked miracles to turn every last penny in their pockets into cheap alcohol.

If a high-ranking person had rented out an entire luxurious restaurant in London, anyone who knew the situation would think it was possible.

Because it wasn’t that strange for rich people to do that.

However, the pub was literally just a cheap pub that only lower-class Londoners would go to. Renting an entire place like this was literally just a pointless waste of money, and anyone who could do such a thing would not come here in the first place, and those who visited this place were bound to not be able to afford it.

However, three men, including Fred Forrock, were able to achieve this strange miracle.

More than anything else, just looking at their clothes was extremely awkward. Porok himself was the least of it, but Mac and Artful Dozer, who were glumly sipping cheap gin by his side, were literally dressed like paupers.

There were sparkling rings on each finger, and even the suit he was wearing was custom-made, enough to surprise those who recognized him.

However, as expected of ugly guys, Mac was sitting like a street worker with many of his shirt buttons undone, and in the case of Dozer, his tie was tied in a strange direction.

Of course, Porok could well have expected Mac and Dozer, who were looking at him, to be thinking the same thing.

You couldn’t say they were best friends, but they had known each other for quite a while.

Of course, it wasn’t an ordinary friendship. For those who grew up on the streets, it was a luxury and a deception. If I had the chance right now, I could sell as much as I wanted, whether to those guys or Porok himself.

The reason the three of them could come together seemingly as friends was because they considered each other inferior.

Yes, everyone had no choice but to fail.

Now, their pockets are deeper than anyone else’s, and they can enjoy luxuries that were unimaginable just 10 years ago.

He clearly had some power. It was impossible to find out whether each of them had a connection with the ‘Professor’, whether officially or unofficially, but those who lived in the back world feared each of them for various reasons, and each of them had many people they could control.

But at the same time, I knew very well that this was their limitation. The upper class people used to mock them and call them rich, and this was natural.

No matter how much their income improved, the three of them still could not get used to the changed environment, unlike the guys who enjoyed everything as if it was taken for granted from childhood and got used to everything.

So, naturally, I could drink expensive alcohol at wealthy restaurants, but I ended up gulping down smelly gin at cheap pubs, like salmon returning home.

As expected, it tastes disgusting.

Thinking like that, Porok emptied his glass again and filled it himself. Of course, I had to order another drink because the undignified and dirty Jack snatched the bottle and drank it whole.

Of course, I was learning how to spend money in my own way, so I wasn’t always drinking at cheap pubs. But for now, the three of them had no choice but to instinctively gather here for their own remembrance.

“Sweeney, for that idiot.”

“Be happy in hell, Sweeney.”

“That crazy bastard will be happy that there are a lot of corpses even if he goes to hell, right?”

Harsh words and curses came and went along with the alcohol. However, since they were the only ones who knew that method, it may have been their own form of commemoration.

Above all, in the face of the sudden death of a ‘comrade’, no matter how accustomed they were to death, and sometimes even those who directly caused many deaths, they could not help but become sentimental.

“Siipal, this is all because I’m old. “I heard that when a boy gets older, his personality changes like that of a girl.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Jack. Even if that were true, I wouldn’t be. “I’m young.”

“You’re being damned, dozer, you bald bastard.”

“Dog – Sea Epal, I hope it’s rich, it’s a dog. “So, are you kidding us because you’re not the only one who’s bald?”

“You bastard, dozer, why am I wearing it? “Have I fallen out of it yet?”

“You too, Porok, you two-faced bastard. “Your forehead is wider than last time.”

“hehehe, didn’t you use magic to make your forehead sparkle?”

“You damn bastards.”

While Porok was swearing at the ugly guys who were not helpful in life, he secretly touched the area on his forehead where he could no longer feel the hair and sighed.

The fact that Sweeney had died was now a widely known fact to those who held positions within the organization.

From the beginning, it was impossible to know because newspapers had been advertising here and there for generations saying that the Thames Torso Killer had been ‘killed’ by police officers.

But the people here were the ones who knew the special reason in their own way.

“I honestly thought Sweeney would end up like this.”

“You are saying the obvious, idiot. “If you’re that crazy bastard, it’s wise that you haven’t crossed the line until now.”

So, Porok secretly turned his gaze to Jack and Dozer, who were talking about whatever they wanted, and glared at Jeanne.

I knew it was a way to relieve some of their fears in their own way.

Those who served a professor, of course, tried to follow the professor’s orders and were careful not to cross the established line. In fact, this was clearly not something unique to the professor.

Betrayal was not tolerated even within a small organization made up of street idiots. Of course, it was meaningless because betrayal was rampant, but at least the surviving leaders did not tolerate traitors.

I guess that’s why Jack and Dozer can talk so comfortably.

If Porok had not known some additional circumstances, he might have been similar to them. But he couldn’t.

Of course, he didn’t do anything stupid like reveal his complicated thoughts to those guys. He half-heartedly joked with me and drank until late at night, then walked down the alley alone and turned to go back.

“Ssipal… ….”

As was his habit, he quietly cursed after looking around to see if anyone was listening.

Wrong. Yes, indeed, as Fred Forrock put it, he felt as if he had seen a cat having bestiality with a dog.

Porok himself didn’t know what that meant or how he felt, but he felt just as complicated.

Sweeney was dead, and it was all good that the professor killed him.

Yes, our professor is that kind of guy.

He knew it well. If Sweeney had simply disobeyed the professor’s orders and behaved as he pleases, Porock might have also criticized Sweeney at the bar, saying that he had lost his mind and was a suicidal person.

But with the recent events, the bad intuition he felt, and the presence of that damn woman, he couldn’t help but have scary thoughts.

Of course, he did his own research.

It was uncomfortable, but the ugly hairball taught me a lot.

Of course, Moran, that guy didn’t seem to be in very good condition to Porok. It was like a woman’s house with her cheating husband. Such a peony did not know what she might do, so she only asked what she thought and ran away, but she was able to be sure of it in her own way.

Sherlock Holmes, that woman was also a problem.

The professor, who did not commit murder on his own, just like her myeloid patient, ended up taking risks to ‘protect’ that woman, and she herself got her blood on her hands. ?

If she had been able to deal with that woman secretly, she wouldn’t have been in so much trouble. But Porrock had no intention of following Sweeney’s path.

Naturally, a small side road that Porok had never seen before emerged.

The reason he followed James Moriarty so thoroughly was because, in essence, he was always on the winning side.

Of course, I still have my own level of loyalty as a person, and I hate traitors.

But as a professor, he could have kicked himself out at any time. He did that to Moran, and he did that to Sweeney.

If it had been done in a reasonable way, it might have been better. But Holmes, as long as that damned woman lives, will she ever be able to avoid it?

The professor was clearly rational and the winner. But what if she has one?

Cracks begin to appear in the premise that Porok absolutely believed in. Maybe she really is the professor’s weak point and she could threaten him.

Then what about me?

For a moment, a shiver ran down his spine, so he stopped his steps and looked around once again like a criminal.

I had to be careful. And at the same time, I muttered endlessly to myself.

‘I’m not betraying, I’m just trying to make sure.’

Luckily, I only felt one familiar gaze, but there was nothing else. At least there was no excuse that the professor might leave at any moment.

So, Porok calmly exhaled and fired a single spark towards the direction where he felt his gaze threatening.

“Hey… hehehe!”

From noble mtl dot com

Of course, since it was meant to be a threat, he was not roasted alive, but one of the rats that had been watching Porok just moments ago collapsed on the floor in fear.

It was fortunate. If I had tried to run away, I would have had a hard time chasing him. I already felt like I was getting older little by little.

It was a begging boy, a common sight on the streets, but Porok mercilessly grabbed the boy by the collar, lifted him up, and whispered threateningly.

“If you don’t answer the question straight, I will turn you into roast beef. “Don’t even think about lying. You know that wizards can mind-read, right?”

It was a lie. But there was no way the innocent child could have known, so the child cried and nodded her head.

“Holmes, Sherlock Holmes. “The woman who hired you, right?”

Nod your head in the affirmative.

Porok looked around once again and opened his mouth.

“To that woman… Tell him I’d like to talk to you for a moment. After all, it’s your job to report periodically on what I’m doing, right? If you understand, get out of here!”

The beggar boy who was thrown to the floor disappeared as if running away. Left alone, Porok quietly lit a new cigarette again and cursed.

“Life, Mr. Ipaal.”

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