169 – Division (1)

Unlike his usual leisurely manner, Mycroft Holmes was out of breath and running at a fast pace that did not suit his heavy body.

Of course, the expression ‘heavy’ was a euphemism to save his face, so even considering his age, his belly fat, which was quite serious, was distorted to an unsightly degree, showing to himself just how much he lacked exercise. There was.

Above all, given that he rode a carriage to the hospital building, the distance he actually walked was only a short distance, not even a small walk.

Nevertheless, he was rushing somewhere, ignoring the surprised looks of people passing by or the surprised greetings of people who knew his identity.

It was probably one of the five fastest running moments in his life. He knew rationally that it was not necessary, but he was also human and could not control his emotions.

More than anything, it was difficult for even Mycroft Holmes to maintain his cool when it came to the news of a sore finger in the family and perhaps his favorite brother.

Thanks to this, the coachman, who had earned an extra ten pounds in return for running at breakneck speeds along the London roads, was showing his teeth and showing satisfaction, Mycroft Holmes arrived near the hospital room on the floor where he had heard his brother was staying, and before his eyes, I stopped for a moment at the sight I saw.

He was clearly a cool-headed person that his younger brother Sherlock recognized. Even though I was quite surprised to hear the news that my younger brother was injured and the exact reason, I was able to get a cool-headed report on what happened on the way here and make a decision.

Miraculously, his younger brother was safe, to the point where he is still offering prayers of gratitude to the Lord from the bottom of his heart. No, the friend who was with his brother was not in danger of life, and the police officers who were mobilized to arrest the Thames Torso killer today were also safe.

Of course, in the latter case, Mycroft may seem cold, but in fact, it is not that important. If it was a death in the line of duty, I would pay a little more attention, but the most important thing about working in this job was that I often had to treat people as numbers on paper.

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Sherlock would have sighed to his brother that he couldn’t find out everything from the documents because they didn’t contain information that could only be obtained on the spot, but he could tell just from the reports that came up on paper that this incident was definitely wrong.

In fact, Microsoft couldn’t help but regret it even now. When his beloved brother asked him to be a police officer on some business matter, he thought his brother’s request was too much.

Of course, he accepted his brother’s request as is, and even Sherlock himself thought that the quantity and quality of the police officers mobilized this time might be excessive, but for his brother, that was not important.

He was so complacent. Of course, he was in charge of public affairs for the country, so he should not be swayed by personal feelings toward his family.

Still, if she had used better judgment, if she had been more concerned about her brother’s safety, she would have added more people, or at least asked her brother to reconsider her thoughts. Maybe.

But fortunately, the worst situation was avoided. The Torso Killer reported was an unregistered wizard who was stronger than anyone could have imagined, and had long since turned into a cold corpse. His younger brother was at least unharmed, except for fainting from fatigue and minor wounds.

But at the same time, Mycroft Holmes was not simply Sherlock’s brother, but a person responsible for the nation’s public affairs, and had to talk to the man in front of him.

Professor James Moriarty, who must have noticed his presence, was standing still in front of the door of Sherlock’s hospital room, observing his own palm.

And according to Mycroft’s memories, a maid named Sebastian Moran, who always assisted the professor, was loyally guarding his side like a guard dog.

Professor James Moriarty, who happened to spot Holmes while passing nearby, followed him just in case, and upon discovering that the half-subdued dead criminal was trying to harm Sherlock Holmes, he shot and killed the killer.

That was the report Mycroft Holmes received from the officers on the scene.

It was an overly neat and accidental report.

Looking at that man, the teacher who had once taught him, Mycroft Holmes was able to realize that he could have dual feelings for one person.

Thank you for protecting his family as an older brother.

But at the same time some doubt and confidence.

James Moriarty couldn’t help but notice that look, but he ignored it because he had just finished a short conversation with his student who had just woken up.

Instead, he silently observed the palm of his hand that held his gun. Of course, nothing would change just because you had someone’s blood on your hands for the first time.

If he had been an ordinary human being, things might have been a little different. But at best, if that issue had changed, it would have already changed 10 years ago on that day in the first place.

Of course, I was not worried about feeling guilty about committing murder. But he couldn’t help but ask himself why he had done something that, in retrospect, could only be described as stupid.

But until now, no satisfactory answer has been found. But the price for that mistake was clearly being paid now.

James Moriarty lowered his hand and turned his attention to Mycroft Holmes, who was slowly approaching him. A small smile slowly appeared on his expressionless face, as if he was acting out an expression about meeting an acquaintance.

But there was arrogance in it.

Maybe I made the mistake of doing something stupid. But what good does that do?

He could be confident that his kingdom would not be toppled by something like that at best.

The arrogant king happily handed the disciple to his disciple.

“Microft. “It’s a good thing that Holmes has just woken up.”

“It’s been a while, Professor Moriarty.”

“Are you upset? “If you are my student, you are also my student, and it is okay to call me teacher.”

“… Could we talk a little bit more than that, Professor Moriarty? “Just the two of us.”

As expected, it seemed difficult to deceive Mycroft. Moriarty cast a sidelong glance at Moran, his loyal maid watching the backs of her own master and enemy as she slowly trotted off somewhere.

The two remained silent until they went down to the first floor, and then to the deserted promenade behind the hospital, where James Moriarty offered his disciple a cigarette box full of high-quality cigars, and the disciple accepted it without a word.

Soon, the two began to light cigarettes, and for a moment they began exhaling smoke as if they were silently competing with each other.

The first to speak was Mycroft Holmes, the younger sister’s older brother.

“Sherlock, thank you for saving that child, sir. “I definitely won’t forget this favor.”

“… Because it was the right thing to do. Saving people… Yeah, isn’t that the gentlemanly thing to do, as people say? Above all, that child is me… Because he is my favorite disciple. Oh, Mycroft, I don’t mean you don’t.”

“I see.”

Microft answered briefly in a voice without much emotion. Then he again concentrated on smoking a cigarette in silence.

Of course, his sharp eyes, as if they could cut a person down at any moment, were observing the man in front of him.

Moriarty, who probably did not know what this meant, smiled and opened his mouth first.

“So…… If it’s just to say thank you, I don’t think there’s any need to talk like this. “You know, Mycroft, that it’s not efficient.”

“Most people wouldn’t necessarily think that way, Professor. Me, Sherlock, and…… “I don’t think you would know.”

“Is that so? “I don’t know if the three of us have much in common.”

“That won’t necessarily be the case.”

“… Okay?”

Silence again. No, a search for each other.

Mycroft Holmes spoke again as an administrator in charge of national affairs.

“Anyway, I think I was really lucky in this case, Professor. By chance, Sherlock, the professor happened to be near the child, and he happened to head to the scene and save her child… …. I can’t help but thank the Lord, I feel like He literally took care of me.”

“Yes, it was a terrible coincidence. “People like us often hate it, but the world is a place full of terrible violence, where anything happens under the guise of coincidence.”

“Well, you may have already gone through a simple investigation, but you don’t have to worry too much. I assure you, Professor Moriarty. Although a conclusion has already been reached internally, there is no need for the public to criticize the professor’s actions. No, they won’t announce it properly. “It was definitely a heroic thing, and it was something that could not be helped.”

“… That’s a good thing. Well, it was the right thing to do, but since I have a social position, I don’t like being talked about.”

“Yes, you don’t have to worry. “There will be very few people who will doubt the professor because of this incident.”


Moriarty laughed as if mocking him. However, rather than being intimidated by this, Mycroft lightly shrugged his shoulders in response.

“Well, not everyone always thinks the same way, you know?”

“Yes, that’s right. Even if it’s just math, it’s similar, Mycroft. As with all studies, we mathematicians have different opinions. Of course, the most important thing is the absolute proposition that only those who prove it are correct.”

“However, if it has not yet been proven, various hypotheses… I think reviewing is also good for academic development, professor. Now Sherlock, that kid has been proposing an interesting theory for a long time, but to be honest, I haven’t really been paying attention. But as an older brother, no, as a person, I may have to reflect.”

“Holmes’ hypothesis? “I don’t think it’s the kind of thing I need to know about.”

“Yes, it’s a shame, but that’s the case for now.”

“Well, I’m not really curious, so it doesn’t matter. But, Holmes, if the child has been insisting for so long, it must be interesting in itself.”

“Oh, very interesting, Professor Moriarty.”

Even if Mycroft Holmes had not been familiar with the hypothesis from his brother, he would have had doubts about this incident.

However, through various investigations, they may have soon concluded that James Moriarty was indeed an unfortunate victim of chance, and their suspicions may have been lifted.

However, when his brother’s hypothesis was added to the phenomenon, even Mycroft Holmes, who had not paid attention to his brother’s hypothesis for which there was no objective evidence, could not help but have some doubts about the man in front of him.

Of course, it was still clearly just a weak probability. But in London, where tens or millions of people live, how many people would have even such a slight chance?

I won’t act any further right now.

More than anything, the other person also opened his mouth first, as if there was no point in talking anymore.

“What I want to say is…” I guess that’s the end. “Shouldn’t I go to my brother?”

“… Yes, that’s about to happen. “I hope we have a chance to have a proper conversation next time.”

“Yes, I hope so.”

Moriarty laughed. She smiled arrogantly.

It was good that more people believed in the hypothesis. Because no one will ever reach proof. This was his confidence, his rationality, and his arrogance.

However, Moriarty could not know that his arrogance had created an unexpected variable.

A few days later, Fred Forrock, who might fit that variable, was sipping drinks with his colleagues.

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