140 – Resolution

A few days have passed since the robbery of Charles Augustus Milverton’s mansion.

Of course, it was Holmes’s own feeling. She couldn’t tell exactly how many days had passed. If you check her calendar you might be able to count, but Holmes, she often became indifferent to the world.

Life has to be used efficiently, and there is not enough time to worry about everything. Right now, she also has knowledge of heliocentrism and basic astronomy, but sometimes it’s as if she doesn’t have any problems living without worrying about whether the sun revolves around the earth or vice versa.

I no longer cared about Charles Augustus Milverton. Although he couldn’t see it in person, Holmes could tell that Mr. Moriarty had already taken action and had stopped playing with Milverton.

Luckily, I never heard that Milverton had died or that his mansion had burned down in a mysterious fire. No, thought Holmes, maybe it was just bad luck.

But the reason she couldn’t pay attention to these trivial things and her surroundings was entirely because of Watson. Of course, there were no side effects from the medicine.

Unlike her brother’s nagging, who often worried about her brother’s intemperate life, Sherlock Holmes herself always handled medicine with precision and just enjoyed a little stimulation in moderation.

But even for such a cool-headed detective, she couldn’t help but worry about her only friend.

Jane Watson.

Her own…… Friend.

Holmes hesitated for a moment in front of that awkward expression, but she coolly admitted her truth. Yes, clearly Jane Watson was her own friend.

To begin with, Holmes himself was not a cold-blooded person without blood or tears. She was a little eccentric, had her own world, and sometimes had the slightest flaw of being overly cold-hearted, but there was still something about her that made her look like a 10-year-old girl.

Many of Holmes’ own problems actually stemmed from his relationship with James Moriarty and his evil deeds, so it was difficult for Holmes not to have some feelings for Watson.

Jane Watson.

If Watson had known, he might have grumbled that Holmes was even more strange, but in Holmes’s opinion, Watson was a truly unique person.

Of course, I could have made a cynical expression as usual.

She is a woman who lacks tact, is a destruction lover who enjoys danger and thrills excessively, and is a regrettable woman who lives with the vain delusion of daring to seduce Mr. Moriarty with her vulgar body.

But at the same time, although it started by chance, within a few months she was able to treat the strange witch as innocently as her old friend.

In fact, Holmes knew that he often spoke harsh words and ridiculed Watson. However, she had no choice but to do so because she seemed to relax in front of Watson without realizing it.

It was truly bizarre. It was as if she was reliving the happy days when she was about ten years old, when she met Mr. Moriarty for the first time.

Of course, the feelings Holmes had for Watson and the feelings he had for Moriarty were completely different types of feelings in quantity and quality.

Still, it could not be denied that Watson had become as important to Holmes as Moriarty.

In fact, Watson’s sociability also played a role. She was clearly an attractive witch who everyone could get along with, but she also got along with the eccentric Sherlock Holmes, whom everyone was reluctant to get along with, and above all, the two were able to feel harmonious together, as if they were a prepared detective and his assistant.

She was often belittled as a goldfish, but Holmes was careful to think that comparing Watson to an animal would make her closer to a loyal hunting dog.

‘No, it would be closer to a dog that protects its owner than a hunting dog.’

It was difficult to imagine Watson following her master’s orders and ruthlessly attacking someone. The werewolf that stayed by her teacher’s side was better suited to a hunting dog.

In Watson’s case, isn’t he a big, furry dog? It was clear that Watson was a dog that was always happy to see people and would often give its owner headaches by wagging its tail even at thieves or strangers.

That’s why even Holmes couldn’t help but be concerned about the fact that Watson had been depressed and wouldn’t come out for the past few days.

Of course I could understand.

Because he was like that himself once.

‘No, it’s different for me and Watson.’

Soon, Holmes shook his head.

In Watson’s case, it would be closer to a broken heart.

In his case- At that moment, Holmes hesitated without even realizing it. Because he couldn’t think of how to express the emotions and pain he felt from what happened with his teacher.

‘No, it’s not like a broken heart. There’s no way I would do that to Mr. Moriarty, right? More than anything… The issue between me and the teacher does not involve such a trivial love affair. ‘It’s a fateful relationship in which only each other exists and only each other can respond.’

Then, even though he was walking alone to Watson’s boarding house, Holmes unconsciously gave a small chuckle as usual, as if showing off to someone.

However, he soon felt a little disillusioned with himself.

Ordinarily, he might have done so to ridicule Watson, who dared to dream of an absurd future with Mr. Moriarty in front of him, and to correct the truth, but now he was visiting to comfort such a friend.

To stop her thoughts from going any further, she hurried her steps.

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Watson, who she met for the first time in a few days, greeted Holmes and herself as if he was surprised at first. Observing her Watson, Holmes could tell that she was really having a hard time.

“Are you okay, Watson? “If it were you, you wouldn’t have skipped breakfast.”

“…… I didn’t eat at all. Still, I ate a pot of oatmeal. Please wait a moment. “I’ll bring some tea.”

As Watson answered helplessly, Holmes felt her heart ache. She felt even more so as she watched Watson casually use a simple spell to bring tea.

The current Watson seemed to be okay with forgetting a few of her trivial memories, as if she was showing what a gambling addict who literally threw away half of her life was like.

The two women were silent as they placed teacups filled with warm tea in front of each other.

In fact, Holmes had never comforted anyone, so she had no choice but to be immature. Unlike usual, this silence was uncomfortable and I cleared my throat.

But she had no choice but to get help from her friend this time too. Watson opened her mouth first.

“My worry is… Don’t do it too much. “It’s okay now.”

“Watson, I’m sorry. If I knew it would be like this… “You should have told me earlier.”

But Watson shook her head.

“No, I wouldn’t have believed you back then, Holmes. I’m serious, actually…… At that time…… Professor… Even when I visited you, I was half suspicious of you, Holmes. For sure… Holmes, you have already experienced similar pain as me, right? Sorry.”

Watson was assuming that Holmes had also experienced a broken heart, but Holmes did not bother to point it out.

More than anything, I couldn’t even think of such a thing as Watson’s burning eyes and the gaze of my friend who seemed to have come back to life.

“Professor James Moriarty…… “Are you a villain, Holmes?”

Holmes simply nodded his head as if deciding on something. This was something Watson had already asked several times, but this time it felt different.

Watson continued speaking, his eyes sparkling like a knight trying to fight a great evil.

“I…” To be honest… I don’t know. You probably still have feelings for that person. But if he really is a villain, I will stop him.”

“…… I still don’t know how big of an organization he leads or how many evil deeds he commits, Watson. After all, what you and I have is only a hypothesis. I still can’t fully convince even Mycroft. But this much is clear. Sir, yes, you are the Napoleon of criminals. Imagine a giant spider web stretching out in all directions, Watson. Each of those webs is connected to various crimes in London, across the UK, and perhaps even in Europe. And at the center sits the person who commands it all. “It’s an uphill battle, and it may be an impossible goal.”

“… It’s okay, I’ll help you from now on.”

Holmes laughed at those words without realizing it. After all, Watson is a good friend. And with Watson, I was confident that we would have a lifelong friendship.

But I didn’t forget anything important.

“Yes, that sounds reassuring. But Watson, keep one thing in mind. Judging that person… It’s my job. “My goal is to drag that person down to hell.”

“…… I want to pay the price for playing with someone else’s innocent feelings……. Well, okay, wouldn’t it be better to think about it later? “What exactly does dragging you down to hell mean?”

“That’s… “I don’t know yet.”

“What, are you saying you’re going to rape that person?”

Holmes did not respond to Watson’s joke that was not a joke.

But it starts now. The detective was so confident with her own assistant. The match clearly started now.

The next day, London newspapers began talking about the torso body discovered in the Thames.

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