139 – Professor Moriarty, can you prove it? (2)

I had to run away right away.

‘Then run away! How? From myself?’

Even in this terrible nightmare, a line from Shakespeare appeared in my mind for a moment, as if the past that I was a professor, no, I was a professor, was imprinted on my body.

In order to live as an intellectual in British society and care about my reputation with others, I always had to remember a few appropriate quotes.

Of course, Moriarty himself could remember most things just by seeing them, so he could simply recite most of Shakespeare’s works with his eyes closed, unlike Shakespearean actors who write and practice.

I had no great hobby in literature. Of course, Moriarty didn’t have much interest or interest in most things during his life, so it wasn’t particularly unusual for him.

Because even mathematics, which he promoted as his main social occupation, was semi-mandatory. In the nightmare, it was already a thing of the past.

However, the enormous profits he earned from leading the criminal advisory organization gave him enough wealth to last his entire life, and dozens of accounts under various names existed throughout Europe.

I naturally enjoyed small luxuries from time to time, like good cigarettes and alcohol, and I often went to the theater as a social activity, but naturally, there were plays I enjoyed quite a bit and actors I admired.

‘Richard III’ was the play that Moriarty himself loved the most and occasionally quoted mockingly.

Moriarty would never admit it, but he may have identified with Richard III, who committed evil deeds to prove himself a villain.

But at this moment, he could not help but unconsciously identify with Richard III, Duke of Gluster.

The monologue he came up with without realizing it was the one spoken by Richard after waking up from a nightmare that predicted his own destruction.

‘No, I’m still dreaming. I didn’t lose.’

But soon Moriarty calmly collected his thoughts. Unlike Richard, who woke up from a nightmare, he realizes that he is only dreaming. It was a painful, hellish time, but if I endured it, there was a small hope that I would wake up someday.

At least he thought so.

But since he was having a nightmare, he was clearly not allowed to run away from himself.

Still, he sat in his chair, strangely nailed, unable to lift a finger. There was silence. And there was noise at the same time.

It felt like his sense of self was wrong for a moment. Somewhere in his sleep, he could hear the children in his dream, specifically the girls between Watson and himself in his dream, squealing, and he could also hear Jane Watson singing a lullaby to put them to sleep.

Then his heart began to beat like crazy with fear, and his breathing began to become short of breath. Why is he so afraid?

This is a strange thing. Unlike Dodgson, who was proud of his virginity to this day because he disliked adults, he was not particularly concerned about such things as purity or s*xual desire.

But soon he found out.

This nightmare was truly terrible. In reality, there was no joy in living in London, which was full of mysteries, and it felt like he was forced to live an ordinary and boring life like a prisoner.

‘Holmes, I’m glad the boy doesn’t know this.’

At the same time, the arrogant Moriarty was impressed by his own brain without even realizing it. This was inevitable because of his nature, but he was impressed nonetheless.

Holmes, that child will never find out this truth. Only he could dare imagine the terrible punishment he could inflict on himself.

Moriarty saw her vision distorting little by little as if she was drunk on drugs, and he secretly rejoiced, thinking it was a sign that she would wake up from her dream.

Without realizing it, she prayed to someone that she would wake up quickly before Watson came.

Of course, he was not the Lord whom the people of his time sought. He was cynical about its existence. Of course, since he was reborn, he left room for his thoughts that a transcendent being might exist.

Still, he never intended to serve the transcendent.

That’s why she mocked Jane’s ghost that suddenly appeared before her eyes.

It was not Jane Watson. But since Moriarty happened to have the same name as her Miss Watson, she decided that her brain had concocted nonsense.

At one point, the ghost of her own dead sister, Jane Moriarty, was before her eyes, staring at her in silence.

This is why I hate dreams. In that it is difficult to distinguish from reality. She knew it was her dream, but like her drugged fantasy, the vision before her eyes did not disappear even when she closed her eyes, disturbing her own vision.

But she did not last long. Moriarty woke up the moment she realized that she had lost her mind again.

“… “It’s okay, professor.”

“…… “It’s still a dream.”

“A dream? Really, what should I say to Holmes! “I need to stop using medicine now, Professor, because if you keep doing this, you’ll be in big trouble!”

Moriarty did not respond to Watson’s nonsense in the dream. She looked like a doctor, no, she definitely was a doctor.

Anyway, thanks to her doctor’s skills, Watson seemed to be accustomed to Moriarty’s silent behavior and began to look around his body.

I could also see that the hand movements were not simply those of examining a patient. But Moriarty only felt her shame and self-destruction, and she could not resist, as if she were a submissive dog.

She was just trying to hide the fact that Watson’s hand secretly caressing her thigh had touched her neck without her knowledge.

But even her sense of blood rushing to her lower body could not be deceived.

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So he decided to hang out with this foolish dream in order to escape a little longer.

“Anyway… Phew! Ha…… Ha… …. Magic… It’s okay to use it like that… Go, Miss Watson? Losing your memories… Two… I’m afraid… I think I did……. Even that… Pfft! Did you forget?”

“It’s okay. Even if I don’t remember, you will remember for me. And we also have children. “My children will remember it for me.”

Even though it was in a dream, he was like an ordinary witch. No, just like the Porok he knew was always using magic even for trivial things, burning her fingers and swearing, when she took the children away, she opened her mouth as if mocking Watson, who was still using various magic.

But Watson skillfully removed Moriarty’s own pants, still sitting still as if bound to her chair.

Limply, Moriarty could do nothing. However, his penis was already stiff and erect, and the size of a man that some would say was a waste for a professor who was a monk revealed his existence, accustomed to pleasure.

“Ha… summer solstice… “Tsk!”

However, Moriarty could barely hold back the pleasure, biting his lip until it bled without realizing it.

At that moment, starting from the bottom of the testicles to the back of the glans, Watson licked provocatively with his warm, wet tongue as if he was all too familiar, then swallowed and savored what belonged to her ‘husband’ with his mouth.

“Chuck! Big… Chuuup!”

The body in the nightmare fully felt Watson’s fellatio as if it had already become a slave to pleasure, but its mind was being destroyed as if it had violated Moriarty’s own brain.

In the end, Moriarty groaned awkwardly and tried to twist his body, and finally sighed softly at the feeling of the ejaculation being pushed harshly.

But as if he had been waiting, Watson released his penis and gently grabbed both testicles with his hands as if to control ejaculation. He didn’t mean to cause any pain.

But Moriarty’s stupid body was distressed at not being able to ejaculate, and his mind was already half broken by the sight of his pleasure, but he opened his mouth, breathing heavily, as if trying to preserve his last bit of dignity.

“Wow… Watson… …. Do not be like this….”

“Professor, do you know what? “Every time you say something like that, I get more excited?”

“You… you are a good person do not be like this. Car… Rather send me to prison, no, send me to death… …. Please!”

When Watson stopped moving for a moment, Moriarty let out an unsightly sigh of relief without even realizing it.

However, when he realized that Watson was just doing it to take off his clothes, he soon despaired.

Watson approached him as if sitting on top of him. The white naked body was certainly as beautiful as that of Holmes or Moran in his dreams, but like their bodies, it struck him with fear.

Watson quietly pressed his body against his crack, as if caressing and tickling the glans covered in Cooper fluid, and Moriarty, with his face buried in the huge chest, was able to realize that a person could die from being crushed by his chest.

But even in those moments, his body craved pleasure.

And Watson answered with a smile.

“Professor, can you prove that I am a good person?”


At the same time, Watson began to savor the professor’s food by swallowing it with his lower mouth, and Moriarty moaned softly.

Watson kept whispering.

“You know just by looking at Henry’s work, right? Even though you killed my brother for me, I didn’t even feel any resentment. I’m definitely a bad person, Professor. So, I always go around gambling like this. You’re a bad mother to your kids…….”

“Do… gambling… Hmm… “What do you mean?”

“Today is dark… Hmm…… Is it safe or not? Even though I gave up my first child to Holmes, I honestly wanted to have my first son myself. If possible, twins again! So hurry… “Choose, Professor.”

“Ha… summer solstice… Tsk… mind!”

It was a nightmare. Yes, it’s a nightmare.

Although they continued to mate like dogs, and at the end of it, Holmes and Moran appeared and they were able to wake up from the dream, but it was all a nightmare.

James Moriarty was confident.

He says he never loses.

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