132 – Phantom Thief vs. Phantom Thief (1)

“Are you ready, W?”

“Ah, of course, S.”

Watson also had no choice but to act seriously in response to his friend who was jokingly talking to him while doing the final check before the goal.

It was a truly strange feeling.

After three days of various preparations, Watson was able to realize that Holmes had an unexpected side. This ‘child-like’ nickname was like that.

“But calling Holmes and Sherlock “S” And Watson “W” Is a bit… “Isn’t it childish?”

“Watson, you are uncharacteristically cocky.”

“Hi! Ruler… “Stop stabbing me in the chest!”

No matter how little Watson’s knowledge was, simply taking initials from names and calling each other that way like characters in an adventure novel seemed like a game that only children would enjoy.

Of course, Holmes, who was pointed out this, could only get angry because it was true. It was as if the girl from her days playing with Teacher Moriarty had been scolded for not growing up yet.

He struggled to avoid Holmes’ fingers, but Watson’s resistance was useless.

Why did this happen?

Obviously, this started with Holmes’ absurd proposal to rob Charles Augustus Milverton’s mansion.

Watson considered herself a good and ordinary woman, so of course she was shocked at first by the suggestion.

“Mi… Are you crazy, Holmes? That’s a crime! “What are you going to do if you get caught?”

“Watson, just to remind you, what we did when we visited Milverton just now is technically a crime. “It’s called assault and threats.”

“That… that… but… ….”

“Are you planning on kicking me out now, Watson? Just for your information, if you get caught, Watson, Scotland Yard will tell you that you were there too. I’m sipping tea from stupid Inspector Lestrade. Watson, I’ll meet you again at London Metropolitan Police headquarters. Maybe we’ll all be in the same cell because we’re all accomplices. “Please take care of me when that time comes.”

Watson could not help but stutter in response to Holmes’ logical point. Actually, if you think about it, Watson herself had already enjoyed a little escape from everyday life by helping Holmes for a long time.

However, in Watson’s common sense, unlike her use of petty violence, breaking into someone’s mansion and robbing it seemed like the work of criminals.

Watson, who had always thought of herself as an ordinary lady, could not help but hesitate for a moment.

Of course, Watson couldn’t help but yell at her friend who was telling her mischievous joke while watching her own reaction.

“You… “That’s too much, Holmes!”

“Watson, you need to react a little more differently. Aren’t you tired of always shouting that it’s too much? Well, Watson, with your goldfish-like memory, there might be something new every moment. Oh, I’m not kidding, Watson. Actually, if I were you, I think life would be fun. “It’s not going to be something new every moment.”

“You… too bad!”

Watson had no choice but to repeat similar words in the face of Holmes’ prank. In fact, Holmes could not help but react in that way.

This eccentric, eccentric, pants-wearing nymphomaniac friend in front of you obviously has no friends except Watson himself.

Of course, Watson did not bother to point out that fact.

It was not at all because I was worried that Holmes would once again express his anger by pointing his finger here and there.

Holmes then asked back in a serious tone that seemed to shake Watson.

“So, are you going to do it? “It’s about helping Mr. Moriarty.”

“… I have to do it. No, did I have a choice in the first place?”

“It can’t be. “It’s common sense that Watson doesn’t have that freedom, right?”

However, Watson could not completely deny Holmes’ words. It wasn’t because I had no choice but to always be dragged around by Holmes.

No matter how dangerous it was, it was about helping a precious person in trouble. Perhaps this is an opportunity to sincerely repay Professor Moriarty for the help he received when he first met him.

‘Of course, I don’t want anything in return, but honestly, if you do this much, wouldn’t it be common sense to at least propose to me?’

At that moment, a thought that Holmes would have frowned upon if he had known passed through his mind.

But Watson wanted to solve his own questions first. He knew he would hear sarcasm from Holmes, but he couldn’t help it.

“Anyway, there is another way… hmm… …. “Is there nothing there?”

“You’re not trying to make a deal with Milverton, are you, Watson? “If you could pay thousands of pounds, I wouldn’t bother you, but is it possible for Watson, who lost money in horse races in a row just this morning?”

“That… Still, you could win big in reverse dividends tomorrow – wait a minute, how did you know that?”

“Watson, it is as natural for you to lose a horse race as the sun rises in the east. There is no need to observe. Anyway, I’m not the person to negotiate with in the first place. “As I said, he is a vulgar person by nature, so there is no guarantee that he will return the letter in its entirety even if he receives money.”

“… But if we were going to rob the mansion, was there a need to go looking for it like this?”

“Think of it as a hunt, Watson. It will be kept in the original mansion, but there is a possibility that it will not be. But now I’ll be stuck in the mansion.”

Mr. Moriarty was already playing with it, so he was going to be locked away soon.

Holmes swallowed his words.

I thought about the possibility of leaving London, if only at the slightest chance, but I quickly shook my head. There was no way the teacher would have tolerated something like that in the first place.

It was truly bizarre.

They are moving like this to confront that person, but coincidentally, thanks to that person, some of Milverton’s escape routes have also been blocked.

After that, things went smoothly.

Although Watson would never admit it, she couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pleasure from the moment she made plans to rob someone’s mansion.

Even Watson, who was hesitant at first, started to actively express her opinion at some point, and she was a little embarrassed by the surprising sight that sometimes she thought of a better plan than herself. I had no choice but to do so.

“Watson, the mask you asked me to make is—”

“Here! hehehehe, it’s made of black silk. “How are you?”

“… That’s amazing. “Watson, you also have talent.”

“Look, if you do this, your face will never be exposed! Oh, and Holmes, the shoes we’ll be using. The ones you brought are fine, but how about these?”

“… Do tennis shoes have rubber soles? It’s a simple idea, but it’s definitely more sophisticated. “Watson, maybe you have a natural talent in this area.”

“hehehe, let’s shake it all off quickly!”

Of course, from the perspective of others, both ladies had a natural talent for theft, and in fact, they were moving so skillfully that it was natural to suspect that they were robbers for a living in the first place.

The two started preparing step by step, even enjoying the act of calling each other by their initials.

Of course, it was Holmes’ responsibility to collect important data.

“I was lucky that Milverton’s maid was quite chatty. “It’s interesting that a charlatan who used other people’s servants and maids to threaten him couldn’t properly manage his own maids.”

“Anyway, what on earth did you do to tell me everything about the inside of the house?”

“He disguised himself as a man and seduced me. It was really difficult to please the maid by taking a walk with her. Hanging out with stupid people is also inefficient. Oh, Watson, I’m not talking about you, so don’t worry. “Watson is a bit different from a simple-minded beggar.”


“Anyway, don’t worry, Watson. Because I was just a well-paid plumber who could have been her ninth lover. Anyway, Milverton is shaking with anxiety, but it seems like she hasn’t been able to change her daily habits. “They say once she falls asleep she never wakes up, so we’re lucky.”

Watson wanted to ask this and that, but she could barely hold back. Her friend, who was just wearing her pants, was showing off the feminine curves that her makeup couldn’t hide, and it seemed impossible for Watson to crossdress her as a man, according to Watson’s common sense. Although she was poor compared to Watson herself, her friend also had an above-average, or, as Holmes put it, ‘vulgar boobs’.

But because it was Holmes, the doubts disappeared.

Instead, I had to point out another important point.

“Shouldn’t I take an anesthetic with me just in case?”

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“If Milverton is awake, it would be quicker to just hit her and knock her out, Watson. “You know my skills, right?”

“Hmm, that’s right. Still, shouldn’t we also prepare homemade bombs? “If you’re going to rob him, it’s a sure thing to burn the entire mansion down to destroy all evidence.”

“Oh my God, Watson. Looks like you’ve finally lost your mind, that’s a crime. “Our goal is only to break into safes, not arson.”

“What we are doing is a crime in the first place. Still, I think it would be better to make sure beforehand.”

At the same time, Watson had to secretly hide behind her the medicine cabinet containing gunpowder powder that she had personally obtained, as if she was feeling sorry for her.

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