131 – But then Holmes burst in (4)

‘Secret marriage, this really sounds like Watson.’

Holmes thought while feeling displeased that his flow of thoughts and words had been cut off without his knowledge by his foolish friend’s shouting.

It was clear that Watson had inherited stupidity, as if someone had belatedly recognized that he was breathing or blinking and started to pay attention to it.

Marriage and James Moriarty were clearly the most unsuitable combination in the world. Above all, Mr. Moriarty was a celibate and a villain who had no interest in stupid relationships and love.

Of course, looking back, there was an unpleasant wolf cub nearby and Watson, who was secretly aiming for the seat next to the teacher with a list of stupid thoughts right in front of my eyes.

At that moment Holmes realized that he was displeased and a little worried. Then he was confused.


Why did she become displeased without realizing it when Master Moriarty imagined such a foolish idea of marrying someone?

What does that have to do with what that person does? In any case, he only had that man for him, and Holmes himself planned to make the man focus only on himself.

Of course, that was a noble and terrible task that could not be compared to something like a trivial love affair. Because he had to face James Moriarty as a detective who always confronts villains.

Yes, that’s it.

Holmes struggled to break the flow of his thoughts and refocus on what he wanted to say. Of course, I felt a little displeased with Watson, who was still showing off his foolish imagination, so I did not forget to subtly poke at that unpleasant lump of fat with my finger.

Although he screamed and resisted his friend’s sudden action, Watson was nothing more than a hunted animal in front of Holmes.

He stabbed it out of anger, but because he unconsciously felt that it was soft and satisfying, Holmes got a little angry and continued.

“Ho… Holmes, uh… How long are you going to stab me?”

“Be quiet, Watson. Damn, it’s so f*cking big. Watson, are all your thoughts going here?”

“Ugh… …. Me… Bad words-“

“Anyway, it’s clear that Professor Moriarty has a weakness for Milverton. Not long ago, Charles Augustus Milverton was invited by Miss Moriarty to visit her mansion.”

“How do you know that, Holmes?”

At that moment, Watson had no choice but to ask with a straight face, even forgetting the feel of his chest. Of course, in response to that, Holmes, who had quietly stopped his fingers, did not avert his gaze and simply remained silent with his meaningless smile.

It was still a Watson-like question.

The answer was very simple and self-evident. Because I was always watching Mr. Moriarty.

Of course, Holmes himself did not directly monitor the teacher. She had spare manpower she could mobilize from the City of London and Baker Street. Of course, she could most trust direct surveillance, but Holmes was a man who valued efficiency in his own way.

Isn’t James Moriarty also aware of this to some extent? I’m sure it will. So it may have been meaningless.

There was no way that Holmes could have discovered Moriarty’s fatal secret with the people he could mobilize now.

But in order to properly confront her teacher, she couldn’t neglect even such things. Because I actually found out about Milverton.

James Moriarty was clearly an arrogant person. He is so arrogant that he does not dare to look only at himself. So such arrogance will definitely be the man’s weakness.

And Holmes himself was planning to drag him into hell by somehow finding that weakness.

There was absolutely no selfish interest on the part of Holmes in spying on the teacher and finding out who he was meeting with.

All of this was just a means of confronting Mr. Moriarty. At least Holmes could make that excuse.

Holmes therefore ignored Watson’s questions as usual.

“I don’t think that’s an important question, Watson.”

“Am I important? West… Could it be that you were spying on Professor Moriarty?”

“What is important is that Milverton, a famous charlatan, met Mr. Moriarty. Well, she doesn’t know what weakness the teacher has. Of course Watson, your stupid idea is wrong, it is absolutely impossible. Let me make this clear. So? Are you going to help?”

Of course, there was no way someone like Milverton could truly deal with the teacher with James Moriarty’s ‘weakness’.

Because the only person who could deal with the teacher was Holmes himself.

Above all, as soon as I heard the report about the contact between Milverton and Mr. Moriarty, I expanded my surveillance on Milverton, and as a result, significant events surrounding the charlatan came into view.

From those events, Milverton’s nervousness, and even Milverton’s visit once again, the meaning of this was clear.

James Moriarty, like a cat playing with its prey, found a new playmate and was enjoying a little play.

But that was important.

I also heard it through my brother Mycroft, but it was most likely that Milverton was hiding his valuable evidence in his home.

Looking at Mr. Moriarty’s pranks, there was a strong possibility that Milverton still had the ‘evidence’, as if mocking him.

That is what Holmes wanted to aim for. Of course, it may be such trivial evidence, like when he tried to make a ‘deal’ with his teacher regarding the Suicide Club.

But at least there was a possibility that it was enough evidence to make people suspect that James Moriarty was a villain.

Holmes could now understand that in order to deal with him, he had to use any means possible.

“… “Doing it together, what on earth?”

“What can I say, Watson? We need to retrieve that evidence from Milverton. “I’m going to go find Milverton first. Will you join me?”

“That… But first, let’s talk to Professor Moriarty first—”

“Watson, please don’t be stupid. Watson, would you tell me? Of course, don’t have wild imaginations. At most, it would be a letter related to minor tax evasion. Of course, even that amount would be a pretty fatal social weakness for an Oxford professor. So, Watson, are you going to participate in ‘helping’ Mr. Moriarty?”

I had no choice but to mix lies.

Although he even promised Watson he wouldn’t lie anymore, he had to do it just for now. Regardless of some evaluations of Watson, Holmes clearly thought of the witch in front of him as a friend.

Confronting James Moriarty was his duty, and it was something only he could do.

Although Watson could have been a helper in the process, he was still reluctant to let his friend find out the other person’s true identity.

Holmes still couldn’t understand why Moriarty was developing a friendship with Watson, so he had no choice but to be cautious.

If Watson finds out the truth, will James Moriarty leave this friend alone? Holmes wasn’t sure.

Fortunately, Watson seemed to be more focused on helping Mr. Moriarty. Although he was a little offended by his friend’s reaction without realizing it, Holmes still nodded and took Watson to see Milverton.

Of course, as Charles Augustus Milverton, if he wanted to live well, he had no choice but to refuse the demands of the two strange ladies who suddenly came to him and threatened to hand over letters and materials related to Professor James Moriarty.

It was not because they were people whose identities were unknown.

In fact, if it were not for the situation he was in, Milverton was confident that he would always treat people who pay the right amount as customers, even if he was not Moriarty.

Although he made a fatal mistake by threatening Moriarty, Milverton was also essentially a villain.

But things have changed.

Instinctively, Milverton knew that the letter that mentioned Professor Moriarty was his lifeline, and he had no intention of handing it over to anyone.

“Keck! Chaff… police! The police-“

– Mate!

Naturally, Holmes’ ‘interrogation’ continued for a while. Watson doubted whether it was right to do this, but Holmes silently applied a slight physical shock to Milverton’s cheek or face and asked for the documents.

But the interrogation did not last long. In the first place, Holmes himself did not have high expectations, so he had no choice but to stop.

No matter how reluctant Milvert was to even call the police at the moment, he seemed to be calling the police anyway.

Watson came out, leaving Mill Button with a broken nose and a disfigured face as if he had been kicked out, and had no choice but to ask his friend who took out his pipe to leisurely smoke a cigarette.

“Ho… Holmes, of course you have a plan, but wasn’t it reckless from the start? Big… “How on earth are you doing this?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Like this, Milverton will stay home for his own safety.”


“So Watson, we’re going to rob Milverton’s house.”


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