108 – Again, the adventure of an empty house (2)

Mycroft’s brother was attacked.

No, it was actually an inaccurate expression. Sherlock Holmes, the exact report she heard was that someone had attacked Mycroft’s brother’s home with a firearm.

Therefore, I had to remain calm. I had to kill my feelings of disgust, think rationally, and think about the background of the incident and what would happen in the future.

But Holmes could not do that. The emotion-filled sentence that her brain had created, just about her brother Mycroft being attacked, shook her mind.

Mycroft Holmes was considered an important figure in the British government, to the extent that Her Majesty the Queen personally appointed Sir Alan Quartermain as her bodyguard. Of course, he was not officially known, but this was natural considering the nature of the work he was responsible for.

So, when Holmes and Watson went with Inspector Lestrade to Scotland Yard headquarters to report on the series of violence and testify about Tidkin’s arrest, it was by chance that they were informed of the attack on Mycroft Holmes’ mansion. It was close.

However, as Mycroft had participated in or received help from the police investigation with the help of Mycroft’s older brother, more people than expected knew about the relationship between Holmes and Mycroft Holmes, and someone carefully informed them of this.

When he came to his senses, he found himself shaking off people who tried to stop or stop him and starting to run towards Mycroft’s brother’s house.

He realized too late that he was acting irrationally. Normally, he would have ridiculed himself for this mistake, laughed at his immature attitude, and tried to correct it, but at that moment, Holmes couldn’t do that.

At that moment, his breathing began to become difficult and difficult. His heart, which he always thought would be cold, began to beat rapidly.

It was a strange thing. It was truly a strange thing.

He said that the only time he had a reaction similar to this was because he had only known or encountered something related to Mr. Moriarty.

But later, Holmes was able to realize once again how precious the family he left behind was.

It felt as if that terrible fateful day from 10 years ago was repeating itself in my head.

He thought he had forgotten. But that was like a lie to myself. How could he forget what happened that day?

No matter how much the past was forgotten and his memories turned into faint impressions, Holmes himself could not do that.

Her excellent memory and brain, which sometimes seemed cursed, never allowed such a blessing of oblivion.

She was still able to vividly picture each and every scene from the gunshot that day, to meeting her teacher immediately afterwards, and the day when everything changed from her teacher.

Why does the events of that day come to mind now?

Holmes tried hard to pretend not to know, but he already knew. When he heard of an unidentified gun attack, he couldn’t help but think of the tragedy of that day.

Why didn’t she know something like this could happen?

No, that’s not it. Therefore, Holmes had no choice but to act even more emotionally. Didn’t she already expect it?

Why did he complain to the unreliable Lord Quartermaine and worry about Mycroft? It was out of fear that an attack like this might occur.

But he was at most anxious, and only now was he able to realize, too late, that he should have done something more.

Of course, only she knew who was behind her attack. Therefore, when she unconsciously lost her speed and fell halfway down, Holmes had no choice but to bite her lip and reveal her complex feelings towards the man.

Mr. Moriarty was a villain. Why is she still unable to properly analyze that obvious fact?

Will Mycroft be safe? No, he had to be safe. He was one of the two people who supported Holmes to keep him from falling apart completely.

If she hadn’t had her older brother and younger brother, she might have been broken by the guilt of causing her parents to die before she could capture Teacher Moriarty and achieve her mission of falling into hell together.

And only then did my breathing slowly return to its original speed and my vision returned. More than anything, I felt a familiar hand supporting me and lifting me up.

“Holmes, calm down!”

“Wow… Watson! Me… “I have to go, I have to make sure Mycroft is okay!”

“So calm down! You’ll be fine! And it’ll be faster to take the carriage than to run like this. I’ve got you, so come quickly!”

“… I’m sorry, Watson. “He behaved in a disgraceful manner.”

Watson was barely able to catch Holmes, who ran out with an unusual emotional reaction.

Fortunately, my friend didn’t seem to be injured other than a brief emotional reaction. Because psychiatry was still underdeveloped, no clear conclusion could be drawn, but Watson simply thought that his friend was showing some symptoms of hysteria.

However, I couldn’t help but notice that the news that my family was attacked was something unusual for my friend. Of course, it was natural to be surprised by the family’s attack, but the way Holmes showed just now was a bit excessive.

However, as a doctor, Watson prioritized the patient’s stability. He couldn’t help but feel anxious as he watched Holmes moving to the carriage, obediently supported by him, without pointing out his attitude as usual.

If it were a normal friend, he would have sarcastically mocked Watson for being arrogant, and then stabbed his chest jealously with his finger.

The carriage quickly began to drive towards Mycroft Holmes’ home, and Watson opened his mouth with an awkward smile to break the awkward silence.

“Trigram… It will be fine. “From the beginning, you just said that your home was attacked.”

“… Yes, that’s right. “Watson is better than me at times like this.”

However, Watson had no choice but to keep quiet again due to the un-Holmes-like reaction. Holmes’ attitude of laughing at himself and not ridiculing himself was so awkward.

‘Seo… Could it be that I secretly enjoyed Holmes’ ridicule?’

Watson thought for a moment that it was close to the truth, but he had no choice but to focus on Holmes’ words as he spoke again.

“I’m sorry, Watson. I remembered what happened to my parents…… “I think I was hysterical for a moment.”

“Trigram… It’s okay, Holmes. He… If it’s hysteria, it’s something we women can’t help. Me… Everything can be resolved if you get married later, even doctors say that! Oh, but don’t try to solve it with cocaine.”

Watson, who as a doctor gave advice based on the medical common sense of the time, had no choice but to keep quiet about Holmes’s words.

Actually, everyone would have done that.

“I’m sorry. “Actually, my parents died in a gun accident about 10 years ago.”

“Ah… …. That… “Sorry about that!”

He couldn’t help but feel embarrassed in front of his friend who was calmly talking about his parents’ death. In fact, Watson was even more embarrassed because Holmes rarely brought up his personal stories.

Even when introducing Mycroft Holmes, only formal conversations were exchanged. It was Holmes who dismissed his relationship with Professor Moriarty simply by explaining that he was a former student.

“There’s no need to apologize, you didn’t say anything rude in the first place. Anyway…… “You should quickly laugh at Mycroft. He will make fun of you and say that if you exercised regularly, you would have been able to dodge bullets quickly.”

“… Okay.”

The two women remained in awkward silence until the carriage stopped.

Fortunately, upon realizing that Mycroft was safe, Holmes was relieved, but belatedly cleared his throat and tried to cover up his somewhat foolish behavior.

After confirming the most important thing, I had to confirm the next steps.

“I’m glad you’re safe, brother.”

“… “Thank you for your concern, Sherlock.”

“Why worry! I know better than anyone else that a person like you would never be hurt by a bullet. “A bullet would bounce off my brother’s stomach, right?”

“Ha… ….”

“Do… Mr. Mycroft, Holmes was actually very worried too—”

“Watson, as a noisy doctor, please check to see if anyone is hurt.”

What was most surprising after hearing what had happened was that Lord Quartermaine was not just an old man with dementia.

Holmes approached the old man, who was still calmly holding his opium pipe in a corner, and first bowed his head in courtesy.

“Huh? What’s going on with a hairless girl like you? “She will live a long life.”

“… I just want to thank you, Lord Quartermaine, for saving my brother Mycroft. “We are truly grateful as a family.”

“…… So? What do you want to discuss? By the way, how long is a grown girl going to walk around with her legs like that, huh? In my time-“

“I would like to discuss this incident regarding the attacker.”

At that moment, Holmes was able to see once again that the man in front of him was not just a senile old man, but a seasoned hunter.

With sharp eyes shining, Sir Alan Quartermaine opened his mouth.

“b*tch, no, she’s still hunting. This time, it was literally just for fun. And the goal is… That must be the Duke of Bohemia, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. And that’s why I’d like to discuss it.”

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