107 – Again, the adventure of an empty house (1)

The street thugs who appeared out of nowhere were, of course, caught off guard by kidnapping the two women. Of course, their lethargy was not without grounds.

In fact, it may have been a common-sense judgment, and it was also clear that if the opponents had been ordinary women, it would have gone as they intended.

Anthony Tidkin, who commanded them, also thought so. Of course, the seasoned London villain did not forget to send out quite a few of his minions for a little extra caution.

Did James Moriarty give him the right information? It was pointless for him to doubt this, so he didn’t think much about it.

She only remembered that her woman named Sherlock Holmes was the culprit in burning down her beloved mansion.

Above all, Tidkin, who still did not give up his rebellion against James Moriarty, was always keeping an eye on James Moriarty, and the name of the woman, Sherlock Holmes, was a familiar name.

Recently, she was a girl who was receiving attention from James Moriarty.

From noble mtl dot com

He was said to be a childhood student, but most of those in a position to approach Moriarty in the organization, including Tidkin, did not know the reason for the professor’s obsession.

In fact, even if Moriarty had told them the truth, he would not have understood them, so he did not need to know.

Moriarty’s intention was clear as he confidently told Tidkin the name of the culprit and the name of the person he was interested in.

Tidkin felt it was another provocation directed at him. He couldn’t have known. He took away everything he had achieved at a young age, and that bastard who caused his downfall was always like that.

That’s why he sent a dozen quite useful guys. To make everything clear, and to laugh at Moriarty for laughing at him.

Will Moriarty be able to laugh at himself even if the woman named Sherlock Holmes sends his head or fingers?

He was a cold, snake-like man who sometimes made you wonder if he had any emotions, but Tidkin could clearly see that this was also an opportunity to give the professor a blow.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to cut off his ears, salt them, and send them in a parcel box.

With such pleasant thoughts, the cruel criminal in London waited for his men to kidnap the girl.

However, this was obviously his mistake, as well as the mistake of Tidkin’s men who were trying to kidnap Holmes and Watson.

Seeing her Holmes, who at first did not run towards them, but rather rushed towards her station, laughed at them and stretched out her arms to catch her.

Of course, it was unexpected that there was a witch, but they thought that it would be enough to suppress the attacking girl and take her hostage or at least take out a gun.

Seeing this, Holmes laughed at their ignorance, but at the same time, he could understand the cause of that ignorance itself.

Because it was very rare to encounter wizards and witches in real life, one could often be mistaken about their power.

Also, since there were few people like him who had fairy blood mixed in, he might not have known that he was a little different from the norm of an ordinary person.

But ignorance is a sin, and that sin soon became their punishment.


“Poem… f*ck you, club! Swing it with a stick!”

A strong arm tried to catch him as he rushed, but he quickly swatted him away, grabbed his sleeve, and threw him straight into the wall.

Of course, it was a difficult movement for even an ordinary man to do, but it was a meaningless restriction for Holmes himself.

People often mistakenly thought that those with fairy ancestors were simply born as handsome men or women, but there were also some people who were born with a certain resemblance to wizards and witches, including Holmes himself.

Because magic originally belonged to fairies.

In terms of strength, it may not be as good as the wolf that was fidgeting next to the teacher, or Watson, who even pretends to be a trembling girl and doesn’t hesitate to punch and break the jaw of someone who runs at him, but he is far from the ordinary. It was only a comparison with them.

Naturally, Holmes himself had long since surpassed the average human’s strength, and it would have been easy to break his bones with just a light punch. No matter how rough the gangsters who lived in the rough world of the streets were, they were equal before Holmes himself.

Of course, a weakling like Mr. Moriarty could be pinned down at any time given the opportunity.



“This…” Don’t do this! I… I’m really going to scream, go… Don’t come any closer! “Don’t come, hey!”

– Puck

At first, the gangsters thought they were simply kidnapping women, and instead smiled sinisterly at the fact that the people they were kidnapping were rare beauties. But they soon realized for themselves that the people they were kidnapping were wild beasts.

Someone quickly tried to pull out a pistol, but was hit in the stomach by Holmes’ fist and vomited. Another person pretended to be scared and cried while trying to avoid Watson, who was swinging his fist, and someone else fell to the floor and was kicked by Watson. W: I fainted.

“Watson, stop being so pretentious and quickly swing your fist. Ah, be careful with your legs!”

“aaah! Like… Holmes! “What are these people?”

“Even if you pretend to be a lady now, it won’t be of any use to these guys. Enjoy it like you did when you caught a back alley tramp! Oh, is it because you don’t have a medical hammer?”

It took less than 10 minutes for all of the gang trying to kidnap the fairy and witch to be neutralized and fall to the floor. If Watson hadn’t been acting like a weak lady, the time would have been reduced by half.

“Uh… How to! “Dress, your dress is frayed!”

“Why don’t you just wear pants like me now, Watson?”

“That… I hate that even more! You’re such a pervert, Holmes! “Even Professor Moriarty will think I’m a b*tch right now!”

“What a cheeky idea on the subject of Watson.”

Clicking his tongue at Watson’s reaction, Holmes quietly grabbed the leader by the collar and slapped him on the cheek to bring him to his senses.

Of course, I couldn’t help but worry a little about whether Mr. Moriarty would really find it strange that I wore pants.

“Kaaak, hehehe! Get out, you whores!”

I wanted to interrogate him.

But for a street thug, it was clear that he was quite trustworthy. He tried to scold them nicely, but instead he spat and swore at them.

Holmes, who leaned back to avoid being stung, sighed and began to relax his shoulders again.

“What… “What are you doing, Holmes?”

“If you don’t want to tell me, you have to make me want to tell you. Isn’t that right, Watson?”

“And… Are you going to torture me?”

“I would like you to correct me that I am asking you a gentlemanly question, Watson. Oh, in our case, are we asking like ladies?”

No matter how bad guys were trying to kidnap them, Watson couldn’t help but be disgusted by his friends who would calmly torture them.

Of course, after gathering her thoughts for a moment, Watson remembered that her favorite dress was worn out and secretly whispered to Holmes:

“There is nothing wrong with hitting this bone first, but it will only hurt.”

“…… “For the first time, Watson, I can’t believe you’re a medical student.”

As the humane information search continued under the doctor’s observation, in less than 5 minutes he cooperated and told me all the facts, saying that Anthony Tidkin had sent him.

Holmes got what he needed, so after hitting the guy again and knocking him out, he had no choice but to think for a moment.

And Watson carefully asked his friend again.

“What are you going to do now? Female… After all, I guess I should go to that man named Tidkin’s mansion, right?”

“I think so, but if you look at me, Watson, aren’t you enjoying it too much?”

“Z… Enjoying it! That… I’ve never done that, I… “I’m just trying to solve a problem—”

“Okay, so let’s call the police and attack them quickly, Watson. “He’s probably letting his guard down because he’s waiting for us.”

Holmes did not press further on Watson’s violent tendencies. Because I knew well the difficulties that would arise if those types of people eventually accepted their own tendencies.

Moving quickly was the priority above all else. I had to do some illegal work and possibly get caught up in a legal dispute.

Under the assumption that Anthony Tidkin could be captured and no evidence could be obtained.

But Holmes and Watson had their own advantage above all else.

“We are ladies, Watson. Of course, even if it isn’t in reality, it may seem that way to others. “This is very useful.”

“First of all, I want to ask you what you think of me, so? “Why is that, Holmes?”

“If we were gentlemen, even if the two of us stormed into Tidkin’s mansion, there would be a high possibility that the police would come, because it would be a violent situation. But there’s no way the police will come in a hurry just because you’re getting beaten up by women. “There will be plenty of time to search for evidence.”

And it happened as he said.

There is no need to describe the long process of rushing into Anthony Tidkin’s mansion in a carriage, then stunning Tidkin as he tried to escape in a sudden surprise attack, and searching his safe and study.

Above all, it was enough to secure documents that matched the evidence already obtained from Professor Knox and evidence that Tidkin was still carrying out the body smuggling business as a Resurrection Man.

The unfortunate thing is that no evidence related to the Suicide Club or Mr. Moriarty was found, and Holmes didn’t have high expectations for that in the first place.

The police officers who arrived belatedly looked at the mansion in disarray and the numerous thugs who had fainted due to the two ladies with bewildered expressions, but they could not hastily touch the two women.

Above all, Inspector Lestrade, a familiar face, also arrived, so we were able to receive considerable help.

But Holmes could not move leisurely.

Belatedly, a police officer told me that my brother’s home had been attacked. At that moment, a nightmare from 10 years ago came back to her mind.

From noble mtl dot com

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