Mercenary War

Chapter 485

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the body of the four hundred and eighty-five chapters how to play, floating astronomy
Gao Yang’s legs are soft and scared.

Gao Yang is not afraid of being killed by the plane. He is now worried about Frye and Lucica, and Ivan and Sergey. These people have no operational ability at this time. If they stay in the car, they can’t move. Become a living target.

Naite is the commander. If it is not necessary, Gao Yang pays attention to avoid issuing commands in the public frequency of the joint operation. But this time he has not taken too much, and he shouted in the intercom: “Let the wounded get Get off the car, hurry up.”

The first aircraft has been adjusted to an angle and has been rushed at a height of up to two hundred meters.

The Su-23 anti-aircraft gun is not too bulky, but it must be set up when launching. It can be fired from the marching state to the launching state. At this time, it is obviously too late to launch the anti-aircraft gun. Watching the plane has begun to dive, Nite shouted: “Leave Road, go into the woods to escape!”

The machine gun that evades the fixed-wing aircraft and the rocket bombing are relatively simple. As long as the trajectory of the aircraft machine gun is sighted, it is enough to avoid both sides. Although the rocket’s landing point is unpredictable, at least it is flying. The trajectory is suitable for machine gun parallel.

Two pickup trucks with high-fired machine guns rushed into the woods. One of them had just entered the woods and hit a tree less than ten meters away. The other one was walking far away, in one place. The thicker canopy stopped, but the truck with the anti-aircraft gun had not left the road, and fell into the mud pit. The driver desperately stepped on the gas pedal, and the rear wheel of the truck just idling in the mud.

Nate waved his hand and shouted: “Leave. Leave the car!”

Gao Yang has never experienced a scene of air strikes, although he knows how to hide. But it was true that I couldn’t hide from my heart, and Knight stood by Gao Yang, staring at the plane that swooped toward them.

After looking at the direction of the nose, the truck that was holding the anti-aircraft gun, Nite said: “Run!”

Gao Yang ran with Nate and ran away, and they just ran away. The bullets from the machine gun on the plane hit two lines on the ground, sweeping over the place of Gao Yang and Nite four or five meters behind.

Then, the machine gun bullet hit the truck body holding the anti-aircraft gun. Then the two rockets flew toward the anti-aircraft gun with a whistling sound.

There are still six cars on the road, four of them are from Gao Yang. The members of the car feel that they have not driven the car into the woods and abandoned the car. Two of them are small anti-aircraft guns. Truck, and a small truck with a rifle bullet.

The pilot’s primary target is obvious, that is, toward the anti-aircraft gun. However, his machine gun hit the truck with the anti-aircraft gun, but the two rockets were somewhere far from the anti-aircraft guns. The two rockets exploded one after the other, and there were four or five meters on each side of the anti-aircraft gun. .

The first aircraft did not achieve the results, but after the second aircraft followed the dive, the machine gun’s barrage swept over several cars on the road. Finally, when he left the attack area, he dropped an ordinary bomb, which exploded near the truck full of rifle bullets. After the shock wave knocked the truck over, the boxed bullets of the bucket were scattered.

For Gao Yang, they are all. Fortunately fortunately, there were times when the dead ghosts suffered the first wave of blows from the air, and they had time and opportunities to escape. Although the time is only a few tens of seconds apart, this is the distance between life and death.

Nate stopped and said loudly: “They used fixed machine guns in the wings, no cannon pods, and no laser-guided bombs.”

Gao Yang panted and said: “Is this good news?”

Nite loudly: “Crap, organic cannon pods, they can adjust the ballistics at any time, we will be chased by the cannons, look at the plane behind, do not give us any surprises.”

Nate’s voice just fell, and two super toucans flew over, but the plane did not dive.

Gao Yang glanced into the woods, everyone was running deep into the woods, and Ivan, some of their seriously wounded, were also hugged and were carrying them to the depths.

Gao Yang, who was still at the edge of the path, looked at the sky and muttered to himself: “I don’t think the situation is good. Are we starting to run now?”

Nite loudly said: “Don’t run, wait and see.”

Because the area to be attacked is relatively small, the six super toucans cannot be fully deployed, so they are attacked in turn, and the target that has been hiding in the woods is difficult to find on the plane. This is for Gao Yang. It is good news.

绗簩 繘鍏ョ殑涓ゆ灦椋炴満娌 繘鍏ョ殑涓ゆ灦椋炴満娌 繘鍏ョ殑涓ゆ灦椋炴満娌 °C湁 啿锛岃 啿锛岃 啿锛岃 璇 璇 槑涓ゆ灦椋炴満镄勪 槑涓ゆ灦椋炴満镄勪 槑涓ゆ灦椋炴満镄勪 瑕佹敾鍑 瑕佹敾鍑 瑕佹敾鍑 瑕佹敾鍑 娈 娈笂镄勫浐瀹歮achine gun 鍜岀伀绠 锛岃 锛岃 愮壒 愮壒 愮壒 愮壒 愮壒 愮壒

Gao Yang 彲浠ヨ嚜宸辫窇寮 镄勶纴浣嗘槸鐪嬬潃 镄勶纴浣嗘槸鐪嬬潃 镄勶纴浣嗘槸鐪嬬潃 key key 钖婅傧镄勯櫔 key 愮壒鐣欎 涓嬫潵銆

绗簩    粓浜庡紑鐏 粓浜庡紑鐏 粓浜庡紑鐏 粓浜庡紑鐏 粓浜庡紑鐏 粓浜庡紑鐏 笉鐢ㄤ 笉鐢ㄤ 笉鐢ㄤ 笉鐢ㄤ 笉鐢ㄤ 鍐蹭篃鑳 鍐蹭篃鑳 鍐蹭篃鑳 鍐蹭篃鑳Negative chain 兘锷犺浜嗘満镣悐鑸憋纴 兘锷犺浜嗘満镣悐鑸憋纴 屾満镣悐鑸 屾満镣悐鑸 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮 殑寮

瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熸槸鍙屽骇鏀诲 链 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑 纴鍦ㄤ笓闂ㄧ殑笂镄勫浐瀹歮 笂镄勫浐瀹歮 achine gun 楂 浜嗐 浜嗐

涓 鏋 鏋 鏋 秴绾 鍢撮笩涓婄殑 鍢撮笩涓婄殑 鍢撮笩涓婄殑 偖鍑嗙 偖鍑嗙 偖鍑嗙 偖鍑嗙 镄勬墦鍦ㄤ 镄勬墦鍦ㄤ 镄勬墦鍦ㄤ 镄勬墦鍦ㄤ 楂 楂 楂 楂Key 屽彟涓 鏋堕琛岄珮搴 鏋堕琛岄珮搴 ◢楂樼殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷彧鏄湪绌 腑鐩樻棆锛屽嵈杩熻繜娌 腑鐩樻棆锛屽嵈杩熻繜娌 ° °鏀诲向銆

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛孏ao Yang 鍦ㄨ 満 満 満 屽惉鍒 屽惉鍒 屽惉鍒 湁浜哄ぇ澹 湁浜哄ぇ澹 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 滀腑镙 纴楂 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠傗€

杩 笉绛夎 愮壒涓嬩 愮壒涓嬩 愮壒涓嬩 愮壒涓嬩 愮壒涓嬩 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 鐏殑瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦熷湪椋炶穬 ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao ao笅浜嗕竴涓︻偢寮广€

镣 镄勪笅钀 镄勪笅钀 镄勪笅钀 熷 熷 熷 熷 寰埚揩锛屽湴闱笂镄勪 寰埚揩锛屽湴闱笂镄勪 寰埚揩锛屽湴闱笂镄勪 鍏跺疄鏄緢闅 敤 敤 敤 敤 敤 敤涓嶉敊锛屼粬鐪嫔埌浜呜惤涓嬬殑镣稿銆

鈥 偢寮癸纴鍗 掞紒鈥 掞紒鈥 掞紒鈥

澶у惣浜嗕竴澹板悗锛岃€愮壒鍜孏ao Yang 钖戠潃镙戞滠阅岃窇浜嗕袱姝ュ悗锛屽厛钖庢墤 chain掑湪浜嗗湴涓婏纴鐒跺悗锛孏ao Yang 灏卞惉 愮壒鍦ㄥぇ澹 愮壒鍦ㄥぇ澹 愮壒鍦ㄥぇ澹 愮壒鍦ㄥぇ澹 殑锽冨杻镊︼阆掳 殑锽冨杻镊︼阆掳 殑锽冨杻镊︼阆掳 嗘潫镣 銆傗 銆傗

绱ф帴镌€灏灏0槸涓ゅ0锛孏ao Yang 鍙 鍙 娓呮 镄勬劅 镄勬劅 夊埌韬笅鍦熷湴镄勫 夊埌韬笅鍦熷湴镄勫渿棰ゃ€

鐖嗙偢缁撴潫涔嫔悗锛岃 愮壒鍏堟槸闀胯垝浜嗕竴鍙 愮壒鍏堟槸闀胯垝浜嗕竴鍙 皵锛岄殢鍗 皵锛岄殢鍗 皵锛岄殢鍗 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴 鈥滈珮灏刴鎶婇 chain rainbow 粰鎴戞墦涓嬫潵锛佹眹鎶ヤ 浜 ° °

澶 惣瀹屼 惣瀹屼 惣瀹屼 愮壒瀵 愮壒瀵 愮壒瀵 愮壒瀵 愮壒瀵 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 潃 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠娌°C湁浠湁浠涔堢敤镄勶纴鐜 湪鍙︼兘绂诲紑姹 湪鍙︼兘绂诲紑姹 姝ヨ浜嗭纴骞镐簭鏁屼 姝ヨ浜嗭纴骞镐簭鏁屼 斾笅镄勫彧鏄櫘阃氱偢寮癸纴 斾笅镄勫彧鏄櫘阃氱偢寮癸纴 斾笅镄勫彧鏄櫘阃氱偢寮癸纴 斾笅镄勫彧鏄櫘阃氱偢寮癸纴 斾笅镄勫彧鏄櫘阃氱偢寮癸纴鍙竾涓 鏁屼 鏁屼 鏁屼 宁 〈 简 简 简 简 简 嗘潫镣 嗘潫镣 嗘潫镣 锛屾垜浠瀹 锛屾垜浠瀹

Gao Yang 镐ュ0阆掳细鈥滃掼浼《瘮浜氱┖鍐涙湁板嗘潫镣稿钖楋纻鈥

Key 愮壒鑻 潃鑴 锛 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ 沧湁镄勶纴鍝ヤ X X X X X X X X X X X X X ㄦ垜鍙笇 涘掼浼 涘掼浼 瘮浜氱殑绌哄啖瀚岃 瘮浜氱殑绌哄啖瀚岃 瘮浜氱殑绌哄啖瀚岃 娌 娌 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮 湁鑸嶅缑鎶婇泦鏉熺偢寮

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