Mercenary War

Chapter 484

Mercenary War chain 鏂 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 枃锲涚栌鍏崄锲涚珷瓒呯骇宸ㄥ槾楦 椋
Gao Yang 瀵 愮壒浣 愮壒浣 愮壒浣 愮壒浣 愮壒浣 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 涓︻溂鑹诧纴闅忓悗 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱呯偣鍗¤ 涓婇兘 涓婇兘 変簺浠 涔堜笢瑗 涔堜笢瑗 涔堜笢瑗 涔堜笢瑗 € €

Gao Yang 娌°C湁璺熺潃娓呯偣杞<笂镄勮澶囷纴浠栧湪鎷垮嚭浜嗙数璇濆悗锛屽井绗戠潃瀵绗戠潃瀵偅涓︻湅璧偅涓︻湅璧楂 叴鎺ュ簲 叴鎺ュ簲 叴鎺ュ簲 叴鎺ュ簲 叴鎺ュ簲 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘 滆兘涓嶈兘

鈥滀竴闂ㄤ簩鍗佷笁姣背楂桦皠镣纴浜岀栌浜斿崄鍙戠偖寮癸纴涓夐棬 81姣背mort 锛屼竴锏句竴鍗佸叚鍙戠偖寮癸纴涓ゆ尯14.5姣背楂桦皠machine gun 锛屽洓鍗冧袱锏锛屽洓鍗冧袱锏彂瀛愬彂瀛愬彂瀛愬pg-7锛屽洓鍗佷竴鏋氱伀绠锛屽洓鍗佷竴鏋氱伀绠澶栨湁杩樻湁涓€涓囦竴鍗冨彂姝ユ灙瀛愬涓囦竴鍗冨彂姝ユ灙瀛愬涓囦竴鍗冨彂姝ユ灙瀛愬NUMX姣背镄勩€傗€

Yang界劧璇皵涓嶅杽锛屼絾鎺ュ簲Gao Yang 镄勯偅涓ご澶村嵈鏄蹇殑璇村嚭浜嗕粬浠媺鏉ヤ 澶 澶 澶銆

Gao Yang 绗戦 锛 锛 滃 滃 滃 ソ ソ ソ ソ ソ ソ ソ

鈥滆 宸茬粡鏄垜浠殑鍏ㄩ儴浜嗭纴瀚屽皯锛屼綘鍙 宸茬粡鏄垜浠殑鍏ㄩ儴浜嗭纴瀚屽皯锛屼綘鍙 宸茬粡鏄垜浠殑鍏ㄩ儴浜嗭纴瀚屽皯锛屼綘鍙 宸茬粡鏄垜浠殑鍏ㄩ儴浜嗭纴瀚屽皯锛屼綘鍙 宸茬粡鏄垜浠殑鍏ㄩ儴浜嗭纴瀚屽皯锛屼綘鍙

鎺ュ簲 呯殑澶 呯殑澶 ご鐪嬭捣鏉ラ潪 ご鐪嬭捣鏉ラ潪             ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig van 瑁呯粍缁囩殑澶村效锛岃€岃伞涓瑁呯粍缁囩殑澶村ご涓嶅彲鑳戒镊﹄笌镊﹄笌Gao Yang 浠栦滑鎺ヨЕ锛屾墍浠ヨ璺濈Gao Yang 浠栦 链 杩戠殑镆愪 杩戠殑镆愪 杩戠殑镆愪 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I €佸嚭鍏ㄩ儴阅峸eapon 镄勫嵈鏄伞涓潵鎺ュ簲镄勪涓潵鎺ュ簲镄勪浜嗐

鎷夋潵镄勪笢瑗 兘 兘 夌敤锛屼絾鏄 夌敤锛屼絾鏄 熀鏁 熀鏁 熀鏁 瘮娌 瘮娌 瘮娌 ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Gao Yang 瀵 帴搴旇 呯殑鏁屾剰骞 呯殑鏁屾剰骞 呯殑鏁屾剰骞 湭鏀 湭鏀 湭鏀 湭鏀 绗戜箣钖庯纴杞诲 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳 阆掳濄€傗€

寰匓ig Ivan 鎺ラ 氢 氢 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 鐢佃瘽钖庯纴 Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang 锛屾嬁鍒 锛屾嬁鍒 锛屾嬁鍒 锛屾嬁鍒傛帴搴旀垜浠殑浜 銆 銆 笇 涗綘鑳 涗綘鑳 粰浠栫殑 粰浠栫殑 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 佹澘 鐢佃瘽銆傜 鐢佃瘽銆傜 鐢佃瘽銆傜傗€

鈥 煡阆 煡阆 煡阆 锛屼笢瑗垮鐢ㄥ悧锛熲

Gao Yang 姣笉瀹(二)皵锛岄死锛气€粷瀵粷瀵 Visit 笉澶熴€傗€

涓岖瓑Gao Yang 璇翠粬杩橀渶瑕佷粈涔堬纴 Big Ivan 灏 澹 澹 澹 澹 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳 沧垜宸茬粡鍦ㄨ仈绯讳タ浼Hydrogen interchain 蹇殑阃熷 蹇殑阃熷 阃佸幓锛岀瓑浣犱 瀹夐 瀹夐 涓嬫潵涔嫔悗锛屾墦鐢佃瘽 涓嬫潵涔嫔悗锛屾墦鐢佃瘽 涓嬫潵涔嫔悗锛屾墦鐢佃瘽 涓嬫潵涔嫔悗锛屾墦鐢佃瘽 涓嬫潵涔嫔悗锛屾墦鐢佃瘽竴 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 槻绌哄寮 箣钖庣粰浣犮 箣钖庣粰浣犮 箣钖庣粰浣犮 鏋沧 鏋沧 鏋沧 鏋沧鍏凤纴鍏ㄩ儴鏄惃濮 7锛屽瀷鍙锋瘮杈冭€侊纴浣犲厛搴斾粯涓€涓嬶纴钖庣画镄勫緢蹇镄勫緢蹇鍒鍒纴闄やFried ridge

钖埌浜嗗叚鍗佸叿阒茬┖瀵 钖埌浜嗗叚鍗佸叿阒茬┖瀵 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏 瓧锛孏岄 锛 锛 滈槻绌哄寮 滈槻绌哄寮 滈槻绌哄寮 滈槻绌哄寮 叾浠栫殑 叾浠栫殑 叾浠栫殑 叾浠栫殑 叾浠栫殑 叾浠栫殑 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹鍐岖粰浣犳墦鐢佃瘽濂 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗

Big Ivan 娌夊0阆掳细鈥淯ri Yangke 宸茬粡涓娄 椋炴満锛屼粬鍒 椋炴満锛屼粬鍒 椋炴満锛屼粬鍒 涔嫔悗浼氲仈绯讳綘锛孯 锛岃鍧氭寔浣忥纴涓 锛岃鍧氭寔浣忥纴涓 锛岃鍧氭寔浣忥纴涓鍒囧 ammonia鎷沧墭缁欎綘浜嗐€傗€

鎸傛柇浜嗙粰 Big Ivan 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 璇濆悗锛孏 瀵 瀵 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一濆凡缁忔墦浜嗭纴浣犺缮 chain effect 悧锛熲€

鎺ュ簲 呭喎鍐 呭喎鍐 殑阆掳 殑阆掳 殑阆掳 鈥 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 瓑鎴戞帴鍒 佹澘镄勭 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗 銆傗

涓や汉璇璇瘽闂瘽闂纴Keyboard 洖浜咷ao Yang 镄勮韩杈癸纴阆掳细鈥滀竴闂╯u-23-2鍨嬮珮灏勭偖锛岀湅璧锋潵寰堟棫锛屼絾搴旇鑳界敤锛屼笉杩囩偖寮敤锛屼笉杩囩偖寮お灏戜お灏戜銆傗

Gao Yang 鍙 鍙 鍙 皵阆掳 皵阆掳 皵阆掳 皵阆掳 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴 涔埚ぇ鐢ㄧ殑锛岄珮灏刴镙凤纻鈥

Key 愮壒鎽囦 鎽囧ご锛岄 鎽囧ご锛岄 渮 渮 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 皠 皠 皠涓婏纴涓涙滠 屽熀       杩樻槸涓嶅銆傗 杩樻槸涓嶅銆傗 杩樻槸涓嶅銆傗

Gao Yang 鑻》瑧阆掳细鈥滃瓙寮鈥滃瓙寮殑纭垏鏁殑纭垏鏁瓧鏄洓鍗冧袱锏瓧鏄洓鍗冧袱锏彂锛岄兘鏄崟绠¢珮灏刴achine gun 锛屽€掓槸澶熶袱涓 熀鏁 熀鏁 熀鏁 熀鏁 熀鏁

Key 愮壒娌夊0阆掳细鈥滆槠鐒堕兘鏄竴浜涚牬鐑傝揣锛屼絾鏄湁镐诲ソ杩囦簬娌°C湁锛岃呖灏戝鏋滃啀阆囧埌浜嗙┖涓墦鍑 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣 涔熶笉鏄竴镣

su-23-2楂楂皠镣殑寮皠镣殑寮皠镣殑寮嵂鍩嵂鍩暟鏄袱鍗冨洓锏ao彂锛孏 浠栦滑鍙湁涓ょ栌浜斿崄鍙戠偖寮癸纴zpu楂皠 皠 machine gun 镄勫 熀鏁 熀鏁 熀鏁 槸涓 鍗冨彂锛岃 鍗冨彂锛岃 鍗冨彂锛岃 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 掓槸澶熷熀鏁 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 machine gun 鍜岄珮灏勭偖閮睘浜庢 睘浜庢 睘浜庢 璐 璐 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴 闂ㄩ珮灏刴変 鍩 鍩 鍩 暟镄勫 暟镄勫 暟镄勫 〔 〔 〔

铏 劧 劧 変 楂 楂 楂 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴 岄珮灏刴嶈 GGao Yang 寰堟€€鐤戦珮灏刴achine gun 鑳 湁浠 湁浠 涔埚ぇ浣 涔埚ぇ浣 敤锛屼笉杩囷纴褰掓牴缁揿簳杩樻槸闾 敤锛屼笉杩囷纴褰掓牴缁揿簳杩樻槸闾 彞璇濓纴 彞璇濓纴 彞璇濓纴 彞璇濓纴 夋 夋瘮娌 瘮娌 ° ° 湁寮 湁寮 纴鍗 纴鍗 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛岃€愮壒鎸囩潃涓€杈嗗崱杞”锛气气滈偅涓︼ splashing 涓婏纴瑁呯殑鏄珮灏刴achine gun 镄勫瓙寮癸纴14.5姣镄勫瓙寮癸纴锲涘崈澶 镄勫瓙寮癸纴锲涘崈澶 镄勫瓙寮癸纴锲涘崈澶 彂瀛愬 镄勯 忓 忓 忓 忓 忓 忓 忓 叕鏂わ纴濡傛灉鎴戜 叕鏂わ纴濡傛灉鎴戜 叕鏂わ纴濡傛灉鎴戜 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠寮勮繘杞《棤娉曞紑杩涚殑涓涙滠棤娉曞紑杩涚殑涓涙滠岋纴瀛愬岋纴瀛愬[€[€

Gao Yang 鑻 瑧阆掳 瑧阆掳 鈥沧垜 鈥沧垜 夊缑锛屽簲璇ヤ笉浼 夊缑锛屽簲璇ヤ笉浼 夊缑锛屽簲璇ヤ笉浼 夊缑锛屽簲璇ヤ笉浼 啀 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 鸿 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠 皠婏纴鐪熺殑娌°C硶寮€杞<简锛屽Ammonia 二(二)帀濂戒銆傗 銆傗€

灏卞湪Gao Yang 鍜岃€愮壒鍦ㄤ竴鐩树绠澹 氦璋堢殑镞跺€欙纴闾d 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 涓︻ 涓︻ 涓︻涓婄殑琛ㄦ儏濂界湅浜嗗緢澶泛纴浠栧镌€Gao Yang 鎸ヤ简涓嬫落锛岀涓锛岀涓娆娆娆甫涓娄甫涓娄绗戝锛岄绗戝锛岄绗戝锛岄锛€渨eapon浜ゆ帴宸茬粡瀹屾垚锛岄櫎浜嗛偅读屼袱杈呜娇杞】纴鍏朵粬镄勮繛杞>甫镣叏缁欎綘浠简锛屽鏋沧病夊叾浠栫殑闂锛屾垜浠 Umbrella 灏 灏€傗€

Gao Yang 鎸囩潃浠栦 鏉ユ椂寮 鏉ユ椂寮 镌 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 阒燂纴阆掳 阒燂纴阆掳 镄勮 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ 湁鐢ㄤ綘浠彲浠ュ紑鍑犺 璧 璧 璧 €

闾d 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 呮樉寰楀緢鏄珮鍏 纴阆掳 纴阆掳 鈥沧槸钖楋纻闾 澶ソ浜嗭纴璋 澶ソ浜嗭纴璋 澶ソ浜嗭纴璋 澶ソ浜嗭纴璋 澶ソ浜嗭纴璋 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

杩欐椂 愮壒鍦ㄥ璁 愮壒鍦ㄥ璁 満 満 岄 岄 岄 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 沧妸涓嶉 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四€

Key 愮壒涓嬩 愮壒涓嬩 ngel mercenary group 镄勪 罐 罐 罐 嚭浜呜 嚭浜呜 嚭浜呜 嚭浜呜 嚭浜呜 浜旇 浜旇 浜旇 浜旇 杞胯 杞胯 杞胯 杞胯 杞胯 篃涓岖煡阆撴槸镐庝箞 篃涓岖煡阆撴槸镐庝箞 篃涓岖煡阆撴槸镐庝箞 篃涓岖煡阆撴槸镐庝箞鏉ョ殑锛岀湅涓婂幓閮 尯鏂 尯鏂 尯鏂 纴涓嶈 瀹屽叏涓嶉 瀹屽叏涓嶉 瀹屽叏涓嶉 悎鍦ㄦ 悎鍦ㄦ 悎鍦ㄦ 悎鍦ㄦ镄勪汉鏄剧劧涓嶅湪涔庤劧涓嶅湪涔庤涓纴鍗佸嚑涓﹄涓纴鍗佸嚑涓﹄楂橀珮鍏楂橀珮鍏叴镄勭寮叴镄勭寮浜嗗紑鏉ョ殑鍗¤浜嗗紑鏉ョ殑鍗¤鍜岀毊鍗纴铡诲潗An简 Angel mercenary group 璁╁嚭鏉ョ殑杞胯 銆

鍙屾 閮 閮 閮 緢楂 緢楂 緢楂 緢楂 緢楂 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾 镄勪氦鎹纴鍙屾勬帴搴旇€咃纴搴旇鏄粠浠栫殑咃纴搴旇鏄粠浠栫殑咃纴搴旇鏄粠浠栫殑佹澘闾噷寰楀埌浜嗕粈涔埚ソ澶勶纴鍐嶅姞涓婃剰澶栫殑寰楀埌浜呜噷寰楀埌浜嗕粈涔埚ソ澶勶纴鍐嶅姞涓婃剰澶栫殑寰楀埌浜呜充 杈嗗 杈嗗 杈嗗 鏂 鏂 殑杞胯 殑杞胯 殑杞胯 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺 锛屾镞跺

濈潃Gao Yang 鎸ヤ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 锛屽崄鍑犱 锛屽崄鍑犱 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 鎺ュ簲 涓 涓 涓 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 杈呜 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈 浜嗭纴涓嶈镄勬楠钖戞槸 chain濈潃40鍙峰叕璺幓镄勶纴Key屼笉鏄疓ao Yang 浠ヤ负镄勬槸瑕佹部镌€灏忚矾钖戜笡鏋楅噷铡汇€

绛夌潃鎺ュ簲 呯殑杞 呯殑杞 槦璧 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏 嚭浜嗕竴娈靛悗锛孏佸佛鍏矾钖楋纻鈥

Resistance characteristics nodded, said: “Return to the forty road, but we wait a little while, my people are looking for a new camp to be captured, there should be results soon, we confirm that we want to go there again… …”

“Wait, what is this sound?”

After the talking Nate was interrupted, after listening to the ear for a while, his face changed greatly and he bit his teeth: “Propeller, this is the sound of the plane, a lot of planes.”

Gao Yang They are in a location with a lot of trees around. Although they are far from being the jungle, the sight has been greatly affected.

When Knight’s voice just fell, Gao Yang, looking up at the sky, saw at least five or six planes passing by in the gap over the road.

“Fak, super toucan, enemy plane! Be careful!”

Gao Yang refused to wait for Nate to order, immediately shouted in the intercom, and while Gao Yang shouted, four planes swept past the airspace above the 40th road, and this time, it was four. Transport aircraft.

“All the vehicles enter the woods to escape, all the people get off the car, spread the anti-aircraft guns, prepare for the battle, fast!”

When Knight was making an order in a hurry, Gao Yang pointed to the sky and said: “The plane is back!”

Six super toucans have already flown through the path that Gao Yang has stopped, but when the super toucan hovered in the air, he took it back, just in the time of Gao Yang, the super toucan in the sky. Open fire.

Gao Yang saw clearly that the two super touans swooped in turn, and the rocket nest of the belly launched a series of rockets. At the same time, the two 12.7 millimeter machine guns on the plane turned toward the team along the path. Sweeped down.

When the two planes passed over the team and pulled up the nose and climbed again, two super toucans swooped and fired at the team, but the two super toucans were using rockets. At the same time as the bombardment of the team, two bombs were dropped.

The team was hit by a big fire in an instant, and at least seven or eight cars were blasted and ignited in this momentary attack.

When the two super toucans swooped down and attacked for a round, there was no car in the team that could still be started.

The good news for Gao Yang is that the team that was attacked was the one who had just left, and the bad news was that the plane found them.

The respondent was a dead ghost. If there was no team driven by those who were attracted to attract firepower, Gao Yang would not dare to think how many people would die under the air strike.

Although they avoided the first round of blows, the convoy’s team was less than two kilometers away from them. The super tou attacked the convoy’s team, but they also found Gao Yang’s team.

Fortunately, there are dead ghosts, it is really good to have a ghost, Gao Yang, their team has already rushed into the woods at this time, although many cars have fallen into a situation after leaving the path, but more than a dozen The car finally left the unobstructed path.

Gao Yang’s face is green, and he screams out loudly: “The ammunition cart, drive into the woods and drive into the woods!”

At the time of Gao Yang’s aunt, Nate also yelled in the intercom: “There are people who operate high-speed machine guns and launch anti-aircraft guns, and no one can hide.”

When the Super Toucan attacks the ground target with the machine gun and the rocket, it needs the nose down and attacks in a dive posture. After attacking the convoy’s fleet, they can’t attack Gao Yang immediately, but the speed of the super toucan. Very slow, it takes a very short time to enter the attack posture again. The super-large mouth corner that has been pulled up has been hovering in the air, and once again swooped over, and this time, the goal of the Super Toucan is Gao Yang and their team. (To be continued.)

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