Meet the principal

Scene 222. Unexpected Visitor

The man looked to be no more than thirty years old, with slightly unruly long brown hair. He was wearing the latest style of dress robe, and the cuffs only had a gold edge.

But no one would think that this was a first-level mage, because the gold rim that represented his rank was much thicker than ordinary ones, like a flowing belt, surrounding the cuffs.

This is the mark of a legendary mage.

Legendary mage! ! !

Almost as soon as they recognized each other, everyone present who was still sane immediately bowed their heads and saluted.

No one could have imagined that a legendary mage would come.

"Your Mightiness."

Of course, Reiner knows the other person. Although the two have not had any communication, he has long heard rumors about this Excellency from various channels, especially when people always compare Reiner with this person.

"I interrupted my experiment and came here not to watch this kind of family ethics drama."

The other party sneered at the emotional dispute between Percival and Lesa and mocked mercilessly. Then he looked around at the people present and his eyes fell on Reiner.

"Linard Ian Gray, where is the paper mentioned in your letter?"

Upon hearing the other party's inquiry, Reiner immediately presented Sirius' thesis. Everyone present fell silent. Even Lysa, who was crying, suppressed her tears. Everyone stared at the legendary mage, not daring to breathe.

After all, this person's temper is notoriously unpredictable in the mage world, and he is good at tit-for-tat and speaking without scruples.

Once, as a high-level mage, he argued with more than a dozen other high-level mage for three days in the meeting hall of the High Council, and finally won, making him famous.

After becoming a legendary mage, except for Mr. Braggs, the founder of modern magic, he had almost academic arguments with all other legendary mage. He was talented and sharp.

This is Isharis Alberton, the master of the law system. The three laws of kinematics proposed by him have become one of the cornerstones of the law system and have far-reaching influence. As the youngest legendary mage, he has become the worship of many mages. object.

Alberton casually pulled up a chair and sat down, reading Sirius's paper word for word. Sometimes he shook his head and sighed, and sometimes he fell into deep thought. His every move made everyone present tense.


Half an hour later, Alberton put down the paper and sighed with an unfinished tone.

"It's so well written."

Then he added lightly.

"Having the demeanor of my past."

His words made Reiner feel a little embarrassed. It seemed that the rumors that Alberton was extremely conceited were not unreasonable.

"Sir, what do you think of this paper?"

Reiner asked.

"The unification of several major equations of motion has been my wish for many years. I have tried many methods, but none of them are so beautiful, but this paper solves this problem perfectly, especially the definition of imaginary numbers. Although it is simple, it is a breakthrough sex."

Alberton was quite serious when he reviewed the paper, he continued.

"It seems that Mr. Braggs is right. We cannot always use known methods to solve unknown problems. We must explore unknown methods to solve known problems."

After a pause, Alberton looked at Percival again.

"Such a paper, although it is only about mathematics, I think its value is enough to rank in the top ten of all papers in history. I didn't expect it to be rejected. The people who reviewed this paper have already cooked it in their minds. What? A waste, a fool, a fool that could be put on display in a museum!!!"

"Sir Alberton, I actually think that the burial of this paper has a lot to do with the long-standing prejudices of the mages."

Reiner said, his words made several others tremble. They did not expect that he would dare to say these words directly to the legendary mage.

"what you mean?"

Alberton put down his paper. He had been a little interested in Reiner before, but now he could patiently listen to what he had to say.

"Most of our long-term research is just for feedback from the world and for the improvement of our own magical strength. Even high-level mages don't pay too much attention to things that cannot be beneficial. Mathematics is one of them."

Reiner said carefully as he considered his words while observing Alberton's expression.

"For a long time, the research of mathematics has been in a passive state. When mages encountered magical problems that were difficult to solve, they would turn to study mathematical tools, such as calculus. If it were not for the emergence of the derivation of kinematic equations, If you encounter difficulties, I’m afraid you won’t be able to develop calculus.”

Isn't this too bold?

When Igor heard Reiner's words, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He hurriedly looked at Ebdon, but the legendary mage nodded slightly, looking very understanding.

"Indeed, during my research, I became more and more aware of the importance of mathematics. Many topics are difficult to continue due to mathematical problems."

Alberton nodded and motioned for Reiner to continue.

"Just like this paper, because it is a purely mathematical derivation, even if it is recognized, it will not be of much benefit to the researchers. The magical strength cannot be improved, and it is even inferior to some mages who rely on trickery to advance. Over time, People will become increasingly alienated from subjects like mathematics where they don’t see applications.”

In short, what Reiner is saying is that the current academic world is too utilitarian. All research is only for practical applications, while too little investment is made in the research of basic theories. There are even people who ridicule those who study basic theories. Phenomenon.

"Although I know that the mage's philosophy is high-efficiency pragmatism, but perhaps we can give more encouragement to those who are engaged in research that has no immediate practicality, or in other words, what we should reward is what kind of person?"

Reiner asked.

"Those who study magic and create colorful spells, and those who study mathematics and explore the truth, I think they are all worthy of praise. We should not judge the research of mages based on whether it is 'useful' as the only criterion, but should Use it as a criterion to determine whether it is closer to the truth.”

His words made Alberton also think about it. Is it meaningful to devote energy to researching a theory that does not have practical value, or may even have no practical value?

Reiner saw Alberton deep in thought and continued.

"The ancient magician Thales Anakshi summed up the theory of trigonometric functions and conic sections. Eighteen hundred years later, Lord Wilder Regens used this to formulate the laws of the rotation of stars;

"Lincoln Woolthorpe divided the sunlight into seven colors thousands of years ago. At that time, it was just a toy to please children, but it was not until recent decades that mages understood why the light was so colorful;

"As for Sirius Oldman, he proposed the concept of imaginary numbers ten years ago and created the Sirius transformation. It was only ten years later that it was applied in the system of equations describing the electromagnetic field."

After a moment of pause, Reiner continued to speak.

"Who knows, many years later, people will rely on some inconspicuous mathematical formula to reach the stars?"

His words silenced Alberton. These theories were almost all called useless when they were proposed, but time ultimately proved everything.

"Wings that cannot fly have meaning."

Reiner glanced at Savros and then said.

“That’s the foundation for one day being able to soar into the sky.”

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