Meet the principal

Act 221. Collapse

"He doesn't deserve it."

This short sentence made everyone present fall silent.

Originally, the mages only conducted research to understand the unknown world at the beginning. When analyzing the nature of the world, they obtained many results, making people's lives more comfortable.

But I don’t know since when, gaining fame and fortune in the secular society has become the ultimate goal of some mages. On the spot, it is understandable to seek a better life for themselves and improve their magic power along the path of their predecessors.

But there are many people who enjoy the achievements of their predecessors, climb to high positions, and enjoy themselves in money and fame, but instead they mock those who are still working hard to make the world a better place.

They think it is meaningless, futile, and the behavior of a fool.

You are so talented, why don't you use it to make more money, climb to a higher position, and seek more benefits for yourself, instead of studying questions that may not be answered in your lifetime?

These people asked, but they didn't know that everything they had now was the result of countless people they had ridiculed in the past.

Therefore, they are not worthy.

Percival's face was ugly. He knew that Reiner was referring to him. Percival clenched his fists and trembled slightly.

"...You were just lucky enough to pick up a few research results and publish a few papers."

Suppressing his emotions, Percival looked at Reiner and said.

"You have no idea how difficult life is in this world. Indeed, mages studying magic is the right path, but mages are also human beings and need to eat and sleep. Do you know how much energy I have spent to be able to live the life I have today?"

Facing Percival's questioning, Reiner remained expressionless and responded coldly.

"Sirius was immersed in his own theory and lost everything. What does this have to do with me? In fact, the application of imaginary numbers was only realized ten years later. At that time, it was a useless theory, even if Sirius did not propose this theory at that time, but today, ten years later, others will propose the same theory."

"But perhaps, if Siris's paper had been affirmed and passed to the High Council ten years ago, the Newington-Holland equations might have appeared ten years earlier."

Reiner's words made Percival feel as if he was choked.

His face was ashen.

"No, Director Percival, I am not criticizing your behavior. After all, in those days, there were very few people who could see the role of imaginary numbers. As an ordinary mage, it is normal that you do not have enough knowledge and understanding."

Speaking in a seemingly comforting tone, Reiner then changed the topic.

"I want to ask about Sirius's death ten years ago."

His words shocked the other judges, and they all turned to look at Percival.

"I met Sirius's mother in the hospital, and then, fortunately, because Baifan Hospital was established very early and is a medical place directly affiliated to the Immortal Throne, it has a complete medical record system. After getting the doctor's permission, I was fortunate enough to Saw the death report of Sirius and brought it here."

Reiner took out a document from his storage bag and placed it on the table.

"The report shows that although Sirius's cause of death was failure due to organ damage, the doctor's examination results tell us that the cause of Sirius's organ damage was not disease, but an external blow, the impact of which was much higher than What normal people would encounter is the effect of magic.”

Percival was stunned and looked at the document blankly.

"I learned from some people at the school that Director Percival you once served as an assistant professor at the Astor Academy of Advanced Magic for a period of time. During this period, Sirius often promoted his thesis to others in the school. , someone has witnessed you having more than one argument."

Of course, it was impossible for Reiner to investigate in such detail. He only had some clues, and the rest was his own inference. Of course, the more important purpose of these words was to arouse Percival's emotions.

"Although you have gained the favor of Vice Principal Portordo, are moving forward on the road of magic, and have won the heart of Mrs. Lysa. You have a happy career, family, and life, but there is still a nightmare lurking in your heart."

Hearing Reiner's words, a trace of shock flashed in Percival's eyes.

"You seem to be arrogant, but what you fear the most in your heart is Sirius. You are worried that he will suddenly have an epiphany and overturn everything you have worked hard for many years in an instant. Under your seemingly arrogant appearance, you actually have an extremely strong heart. An inferiority complex!”

As if a bolt of lightning struck Percival, he stood up, slammed the table, and roared.

"You don't understand anything at all. I have completely defeated Sirius and taken away everything from him. I am the winner. His ending is his own fault. He was the one who started it..."

Before Percival could finish speaking, he heard a muffled sound from the door.

He turned his head and saw his wife Lesa, falling to the ground.

"Lisa...when did you?"

How much of what he just said did his wife hear?

Percival then looked at Reiner, full of anger.

"It's you, you plot against me!!?"

"I just told Mrs. Lysa a little bit about Sirius. The rest is all your own."

Reiner shrugged. He came to the thesis review committee in advance and it was not just as simple as copying the paper. He also wrote a letter to Mrs. Lysa, informing her of Sirius's condition and asking him to come to the thesis review committee in the morning.

"Lisa, please listen to my explanation..."

Percival was extremely anxious. He did not expect that the life he had worked so hard to manage would be broken by Sirius. That guy would haunt him even after his death.

"Percival, is this true?"

Lady Lysa looked very weak. She had always thought that Sirius was still alive, but now she learned that Sirius had died long ago, and the culprit of everything was her husband Percival, who she had been with day and night.

The sweet memories of the past were suddenly stained with blood. She didn't know what else Percival had deceived her, and how sincere he was.


Percival was speechless. He felt that the splendid tower in his heart fell apart in an instant and collapsed.

He looked at Reiner, and the spell he originally constructed in his hand slowly dissipated. In the end, Percival did not take action. He knew that if he attacked Reiner out of impulse, the final result would only be his own ruin.

Lysa cannot live without a husband, and little Akko also needs a father.

"It seems I'm late."

At this time, a deep voice came from behind Mrs. Lysa, causing Reiner to turn his head in surprise.

A figure in a formal gown appeared at the door.

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