Meet the principal

Act 199. Utilitarianism

After the "pleasant" dinner, Lysa made two cups of black tea for the two of them, then took Akko upstairs to play, leaving the two men in the living room.

Percival subconsciously took out the pipe from his clothes, but quickly put it back. It seemed that his wife did not allow Percival to smoke at home.

"This black tea tastes good."

Reiner took a sip of the black tea in the cup. The tea was fragrant and had just the right sweetness, which was in huge contrast to the red cabbage soup.

"This is the tea that my father-in-law brought back from the Asla Kingdom in the east of the continent. The climate there is very suitable for the growth of tea. Almost the best quality tea in the entire continent is produced in the Asla Kingdom. Think about it in the ancient magic empire era. This kind of tea can only be drunk by the powerful upper class. Nowadays, even ordinary people can taste it as long as they spend a little money, which is really sad."

Percival explained, he took a sip of black tea and leaned on the sofa, looking very relaxed.

"Ah, by the way, Lysa's father is a professor at the Astor Academy of Advanced Magic. Although he has stopped teaching in recent years, he still has a good reputation. This villa was also left to us by an old man who likes to travel. .”

"This is truly a magical family."

Reiner responded that he was thinking about Percival's intentions. According to Igor, the reason why Percival served as the director of this paper review committee was mainly to accumulate capital in the Magic Association and obtain a higher position. , thereby increasing the probability of advancement.

Judging from Percival's relatively straightforward persuasion to Reiner not to cause trouble in the morning, as well as the review of Duravin's perpetual motion machine in the afternoon, it seems that Percival is indeed a person who is proficient in politics, and he has a good level of magic. , rising to the top of the Magic Association doesn't seem to be a difficult thing.

Being in a magic association, although you cannot directly increase your magic power, you can have access to more resources, make more high-level mages, and assist in advancement from the side. Moreover, working in the magic association comes with a generous salary, at least , mages don’t have to worry about not being able to afford a house.

"Liner, what happened this morning may be that my words went a little too far. Here, I apologize to you, but you have to understand that I am not doing it for myself, but for your own good."

Percival said quietly, while Reiner did not speak casually, but listened quietly.

"I have seen many talented mages who thought they were omnipotent because they were young. As a result, they fell into a pit for no reason and could never get up again. In the end, they disappeared from everyone. Reiner, the achievements you have achieved now, to be honest, Being much taller than me, you have a great starting point.”

There seemed to be some envy in his words,

But the conversation changed and Percival continued.

"But to be honest, not everything in this world will go smoothly. You need to think about the future. In this institution, you can have access to cutting-edge papers and have enough personal time. You should focus on Improve yourself instead of wasting time on some trivial paper.”

He should be referring to the meeting that was extended in the morning due to Reiner's repeated objections.

"If our review committee has enough weight to influence the passing or failure of a paper, then maybe it is reasonable to spend time carefully checking every detail, but the fact is that this is just an experimental institution, and the reviews produced are Opinions have no impact on the vast majority of papers, so I trust you, Reiner, to know what to do.”

What Percival is talking about is actually a situation that many people have encountered. When their actions don't matter, whether they should take everything seriously or not.

According to Reiner's observation in the afternoon, except for Big Bear Bear, who was somewhat interested in the paper, almost everyone else in the paper review committee came here to fish in troubled waters.

Not to mention Igor, Roger was almost out of the office all afternoon and was busy with his students in the laboratory. The paper in front of Hannah's desk was spread out for an hour without even turning a page. I don't know what I was reading. What, as for Savros, he simply put the paper on the table next to him. There were dozens of cards with written words on his desk, and he didn't know what he was doing.

In such a comparison, Reiner, who pursues the truth, seems a bit out of place.

"Sorry, Mr. Percival, I think that although it is an insignificant matter, it does not mean that it does not need to be done seriously."

Reiner answered directly.

"Maybe a paper is worthless in the eyes of most people, but if it is really innovative and inspiring, then we need to convey this fact even if we are light-hearted."

Hearing Reiner's words, Percival's face darkened.

"What's more, maybe the author of the paper may have major flaws in the paper that cannot be proven, but his ideas are correct. After getting a fair evaluation, he can rearrange his ideas and finally get the correct conclusion. Although we here cannot single-handedly change the overall evaluation of the paper, it is not difficult to point out the highlights.”

After Reiner finished speaking, he saw Percival put down the teacup in his hand.

"Liner, you think well, but this is the illusion your series of successes have given you. In fact, most of the papers we receive here, just like the papers in the hands of those at the gate of the manor, are nothing. Some of the results are difficult to verify with current methods, and the situations you mentioned will not occur."

Percival shrugged, but he didn't necessarily have to convince Reiner. To Percival, Reiner would only come here a few days a month, which was nothing.

"Forget it, I just want to remind you not to waste time on meaningless things, but use it to improve your own magical strength. In the past, when I was in the law system, I used to indulge in chasing some It was an illusory thing, but later I discovered that I was wrong. Only by becoming stronger can we get what we want and protect what belongs to us."

Percival glanced at the stairs leading to the second floor and said calmly.

"Thank you, but I may have my own plans, Director Percival."

Reiner was neither humble nor arrogant, and said equally calmly that Percival's statement was actually not wrong, but was too utilitarian and even violated some principles. Of course Reiner would not do that. Through the incident with Fina's father, he knew that, No one should be looked down upon, and no one should stop shouting just because their voice is small.

It was already dark, and Reiner stood up from the soft sofa and bowed to Director Percival to say goodbye.

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