Meet the principal

Act 198. New dishes

The decoration of the restaurant is very simple, with a decorative wine cabinet and a transparent window on the other side. A rectangular table is covered with a lace tablecloth, surrounded by four mahogany chairs, and three sets of cutlery are neatly placed on the table. , waiting for the meal.

In the center of the table, toasted bread sprinkled with garlic powder, a small bowl of butter, a large pot of steaming beef stew with potatoes, and a colorful vegetable salad were placed.

Reiner washed his hands and sat on a chair.

While still thinking about the weird cooking method of Percival's wife Lesa just now, Reiner felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

"Are you Mr. Thief?"

A child with a milky voice was lying against the wall, looking at him.

She has chestnut-colored curly hair and looks quite similar to her mother. The child is wearing a small skirt with a bear pattern. She is holding a cloth toy in her hand and staring at Reiner warily.

"Yes, I am a heart-stealing thief who specializes in stealing the evil in people's hearts."

Reiner felt a little amused, so he joked with the other party.

"Stealing, heart-stealing thief! I always feel so powerful!"

The child's face was full of shock. It seemed that this was a setting she had never heard of before.

"Can I also become a heart-stealing thief? How can I become a heart-stealing thief!!?"

She asked again. Just as Reiner was thinking about how to fool this little guy, he saw Percival walking in with a set of tableware in his hand.

"Ako, don't scare the guests."

Percival put down the tableware, then picked up his daughter Akko and put her on the chair opposite Reiner.

"Dad, I have paid six taxes and am an adult. Don't always treat me like a child."

Akko was quite unconvinced and puffed up his chest and said.

"Yes, yes, you are already six years old, so you need to be polite like an adult, do you understand?"

Percival's tone of voice at this time was completely different, gentle and gentle, as if he was carefully protecting some treasure.

“Ready for dinner.


Lysa also walked into the restaurant carrying the pot of food she had just stewed, and placed it on the table mat in the center.

Reiner saw that it was a pot of red soup. Some vegetable branches and leaves could be seen in it. There was a faint white liquid floating on the surface of the soup. Judging from the smell, it should be some kind of sweet and sour soup. But thinking about Lysa's weird cooking methods just now, he frowned and felt that things were not that simple.

"This is Stanley red cabbage soup. Chop the red cabbage, onions and carrots from Stanlia, add several kinds of peppers to make it, then add it to the stewed beef soup, and finally add some ham cubes and cream. Just stir it evenly.”

Lysa smiled and explained for Reiner.

"At the last exchange meeting, Mrs. Parmar brought back some local specialty red vegetables from her trip to Stanlia. I made them according to the recipe. I don't know how they taste."

Stanlia is exposed to the cold north wind all year round, and the people there have also developed a tough folk custom. It is said that every Stanlian will be thrown into the cold forest when they reach adulthood, until they can hunt a brown bear with their bare hands. Back home, it is said that due to the very low temperature in Stanlia, people can only rely on drinking to stay warm. The common drink for people there is hot wine, and even a seven-year-old child can drink a large glass.

All in all, Stanlia’s dishes should be the type that use spicy flavors to soften the harsh winter weather.

This was indeed cooked in strict accordance with the recipe, which can be seen by stirring the soup with a timer pocket watch.

Reiner thought to himself when he saw Lysa filling four bowls of beetroot soup with a wooden spoon and distributing it in front of everyone.

Taking a look at the bowl, which contained deep red, blood-like soup, a mixture of boiled red cabbage and onions, clear-textured beef and minced ham, Reiner swallowed and secretly glanced at the handkerchief beside him. Sibal.

I saw the director sitting up straight, picking up a silver spoon and taking a sip of beetroot soup.

Percival's expression did not change at all. He scooped another spoonful of beef, put it into his mouth, chewed it, and then swallowed it.

Still no expression.

"Well, since this is my first time making it, I'm still worried about whether the seasoning is correct."

Lysa looked at her husband expectantly, as if there was a light shining in her eyes.

"Well, it tastes good, full of exotic flavor."

Percival said firmly, showing a smile.

"real or fake?"

Reiner thought to himself, picked up the spoon and put a mouthful of soup into his mouth.

For a moment, Reiner felt countless fireworks exploding on his tongue.

According to Lesa, the combination of several kinds of chili peppers creates an extremely spicy taste, which penetrates into the soup and brings an extremely exciting experience. Among them, the addition of cream makes it enough to instantly change people from cold winter to summer. The spicy soup went a step further. Just a few seconds after the soup was in his mouth, Reiner's face turned red and he felt a wave of heat rising from his stomach, causing sweat to break out on his back. It felt like he was in a scorching desert.

To put it simply, this pot of soup is not unpalatable, but the simple spiciness has covered up all other flavors. This is not a red cabbage soup, but a pepper soup, a party of peppers!

"How about it?"

Lysa looked at Reiner expectantly.

"Well, the taste is a little, a little bit pungent to me."

Reiner silently put down his spoon and quietly pushed the soup bowl away from him.

"it's a pity."

Lysa was still smiling. She picked up the spoon and fed her daughter Akko a mouthful of red cabbage soup.

"This is so awesome!"

Akko drank the red cabbage soup with a smile on her face, showing no sign of discomfort.


Reiner glanced at Percival again and saw that he had finished the beetroot soup in the bowl one mouthful after another, leaving not even a trace of residue.

And her wife Lysa immediately served him another bowl of beetroot soup with a smile on her face.

Are all this family monsters?

Reiner couldn't help but sigh. He and Percival looked at each other, saw the slight helplessness in the mage's eyes, and immediately understood the reason.

Being the head of a family is really tough.

Reiner felt some sympathy for Percival. Afterwards, he gingerly took a piece of garlic powder bread, spread some butter on it, and put it into his mouth with a somewhat heroic aura.


Surprisingly, the bread tastes quite good.

Reiner cut another small piece of beef stew with potatoes. The taste of this dish was quite normal.

As for the green salad, there is nothing to say about the taste, it just tastes like a regular salad.

This comparison further highlights the weirdness of the Stanlian cabbage soup at the beginning.

So, how is this pot of beetroot soup made?

Reiner didn't understand again.

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