Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 263.

As he said that, pale green clouds of mist rose around Hydra's body, and as Haruhibe Yew breathed, the wounds on its surface quickly returned to their original state. There wasn't even a scar left.

Incidentally, Hydra also treated the dark wounds within Haruhibe Yew's body.

After a while, Kyuubeyo and the others rushed over, looking at that Haruhibe Yew in Hydra's arms who had even disappeared without a trace of blood, the birds and the others were also relieved....

"It's really a lot easier with Mr. Hydra..."

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra spoke softly.

"It's all flesh wounds, and the reason Haruhibe Yew is unconscious is more due to the deficit in her body itself. By the way, I saw that orc named Jald, and even if he was enhanced, his strength was hovering in the six figures at best. And because it's an external force, the amount of combat power he can actually exert isn't as much as you'd think... Even a plucky guy has to fight for so long, I personally think you guys should work on your abilities afterwards."

As she said that, Hydra looked over at the lean figure of Haruhibe Yoh and the burgundy-colored fluttering bird in a burgundy suit.

"And your bodies..."

Shaking her head, just as Hydra was about to say something, the window on the side of the room was suddenly cracked open for an instant.

In response, Hydra's face was filled with a smile.

"If I remember correctly, you should be that proto-demon, the current owner of the Perseus Community, Leticia, right?"

As she said that, Hydra turned her head with a smirk.

It was none other than the blonde girl that she had only encountered on her homeward journey today.

When she was the one who was broken by a bark from the black rabbit, Hydra remembered his face in her mind. Because at that time Hydra thought it might come in handy later. But never thought that this chance to use it would come so quickly....

Looking at Hydra in front of her, the girl nodded hesitantly, looking behind her at the black rabbit and the others, Leticia was tempted to go over there but her identity was firmly restricted....

Himself was no longer a part of Arcadia, Arcadia was destroyed, and she had become the property of the other communities....

With pursed lips, as the girl tried to say something, the black rabbit suddenly moved, but instead of pink in a fighting stance, he walked towards Leticia in his original normal form.

"Don't come any closer! Now I'm here to declare war on you!"

At the news, the black rabbit shook his head.

"No kidding! Leticia you'll never do anything to me!"

As he said that, the black rabbit eventually walked up to Leticia's face.

Faced with Black Rabbit's direct gaze, Leticia stubbornly turned her head away from looking at her. Suddenly, the black rabbit's gaze flickered, and then the black rabbit's hand was pressed firmly against Leticia's chest. By the time the black rabbit returned to his senses, a dark red card had been added to his hand....

"Sure enough... you no longer have a Godhead! All that's left is the ghost species! You don't even have a tenth of the power now that you had in the beginning!!!"

Hearing the black rabbit's words, Leticia also shook her head bitterly. But soon, Leticia was in a once over. But despite that, Leticia's expression was still incredibly low.

"I was sent by the Perseus Community to crush the Nameless..."

"If you want Nameless to continue to exist! Just win the game of grace with Me!"

"We're partners! Between partners â€"

Before the black rabbit could finish, Hydra stopped her.

"Never mind that for a moment, the Perseus Community has put a restraint on you, hasn't it?"

At the words, Leticia nodded bitterly.

"I can't help it, after all, I'm no different than a slave..."

"That's good enough!" Hydra's face was filled with an indecipherable coldness.

"As long as there is still something constrained about you, I can take the opportunity to act like Perseus - and then everything will be resolved!"

As I was saying that, the Reverse Sixteen Nights on the side also stepped forward.

"Since we're here to fight, leave it to me!"

"The Nameless now, is not the Nameless of old!"


Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 18 - Malice knows no boundaries....

There was nothing absolutely useless in the world, even a fallen leaf had its own value. Of this point, Hydra was convinced.

Holding a huge horned spear in her hand, Leticia's lips suddenly spread into a smile.

Seemingly sensing the confusion of the Black Rabbit and the others, Leticia explained, "The tiger man from before was actually reinforced by me because I wanted to see how the new member of the Nameless was doing. I'm relieved to see you guys like this now..."

"We'll get you back already!"

Black Rabbit's voice was so loud and clear that no one would doubt whether Black Rabbit could do it or not. Because even if the Black Rabbit didn't do it, others would still finish it....

At least Hydra would definitely do it, but Hydra wasn't doing it for Leticia, and more... it should be for the great rewards that would come after Nameless was powerful.

Not even a merchant would do business at a loss....

"I've been wanting someone to practice with for a long time, but since you're the original Demon King, come on! The terms are yours to set!"

Looking at the warlike looking Reverse Sixteen Nights, Leticia also smiled and nodded.

"It's simple, we'll compete in a throwing gun, knowing that one side can't catch it!"

As he said that, the golden grace document fell from the sky.

"Organizer:Leticia; Participant:Reverse Sixteen Nights; Rules of the game:Throw horn guns at each other, no other physical contact is allowed; Victory condition:The other party is unable to catch the horn gun; Failure condition;Unable to catch the horn gun; Penalty for failure:Nameless dissolves; Prize:None."

Unlike any of the previous Enchantment games, this one was somewhat simple and straightforward: win, and Nameless would not disband. And if you lost, the last trace of that Arcadia Grand Community would also disappear completely.

Neither side had any opinion on this.

"I'm the organizer, so I'll be the one to start the opening shot!"

As she said that, a pair of wings made of shadows suddenly appeared behind Leticia's back. Flying up into the sky, Leticia raised the horned spear high in her hand.

Black magic power sprang out from Leticia's body like horsepower, pouring over the horned spear, black magic hideously terrifying.

The black rabbit and the others on the side also clenched their fists tightly after seeing this scene, as Leticia's former partners, they also knew something about Leticia's power.

Leticia could be said to be the old man of Hakutei, just like in the other works, but despite her loli-like appearance, Leticia's age was already difficult to estimate.

In the ancient times, when the Hakotei was just beginning, the twelve-year-old vampire princess Leticia reached the rank of "Dragon Knight" and led the "Knights of the Hakotei" to protect the city. "The emergence of this system was inextricably linked to Letizia.

At the height of her power, Letitia even acquired the sovereignty of the 13th house of the Zodiac, the "Serpent" Sun. However, the opposition within the vampire community, seeking to gain control of the Sun, the planet that had been tormenting them for so long, unleashed civil unrest when Letitia went to defeat the evil king and opened the curtain of the Court of Boxes to kill the vampire princes with the Sun.

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