Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 262.

"The best way to rise is to follow Arcadia's old path. Against Ra's al Ghul! Although Arcadia is dead, even its banner and name have disappeared. But just by its deed of "defeating the most Demon King in the history of mankind", it can be kept in the Box Court. So, fight the Demon Kings and let those who think Arcadia is dead know that Nameless is still alive."

"But if the Demon Kings..."

"If the Devil comes let him come to me~"

Hydra, on the other hand, shrugged her shoulders, her eyes full of nothing.

"But not without strings attached. I'm not the Red Cross, and I don't want to do business that loses money. Even in other universes, the Red Cross exists to make a profit."


Jen's expression began to change as he wondered what Hydra's terms would actually be.

Seeing this, the Reverse Sixteen Nights on the side patted Jen's shoulder.

"Don't get so excited. Actually, I've already discussed it with Hydra."

Nodding her head, Hydra also spoke.

"That's right, in fact, I had already discussed this with the Reverse Sixteen Nights before negotiating with you. My power is among the top three digits in the Box Court, and relying on the power of the simulated star creation map, unless it's a group of spiritual powerhouses who are also three digits, or two digits who are proficient in spiritual attacks. Otherwise absolutely no one can kill me. When I have mastered the method that allows me to revive myself at any time, even a two-digit existence will be unable to do anything to me. I can be the barrier to your development, but accordingly, you will have to pay the price."

"Then... what is the price?"

Looking at Jen's serious expression, Hydra almost poured out a cup of green solution....

"It's simple, attention-grabbing."


Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra spoke softly.

"In the Box Chamber system, the community is the key unit of value. I will assist your community to become bigger and stronger. But relatively speaking, you must also attract enough attention to make something big. I need to know the truth about the Box Court, the power of the Sixteen Nights is around four figures, and relying on the special nature of the Enchantment, I don't need to worry at all when facing a Demon King of average strength. The Demon King's targets are all community, do your best to preach "Down with the Demon King"! Leave it to me if something goes wrong!"

As she said that, a smile appeared on Hydra's face. And after deep thought, Jen Serral on the side also sighed helplessly.

"Since Sixteen Nights has already made such a decision, I can't say anything else... I hope Hydra-san won't go back on his words."

Nodding, Hydra patted Jen's shoulder with a faint smile on her face.

"I would never do anything that would betray my trust."

After saying that, he sat down on the chair beside him.

After a moment of silence, Hydra suddenly seemed to remember something and asked.

"By the way, do you know what the black rabbit said about Leticia today?"

Hearing Hydra's words, Jen's spirits immediately perked up.

"You have seen her?!"

Nodding, Hydra spoke softly.

"Saw her to be exact, though the black rabbit called out to her, but she saw us and quickly disappeared around the corner."

At the news, Jen's look fell lonely, then explained.

"Leticia is a former companion of ours, and before joining Arcadia he was once a Demon King...a pureblood vampire and the King of Vampires. In human history, he is known as Dracula. A powerful being who possesses both the Godhead and the Demon Seed...but we haven't seen her in a long time since the events of three years ago..."

As she said that, Jen couldn't help but clench her fists.

"It is said that because of the loss of her power, she is now being treated like a commodity and has become the property of a certain cadre in Chisame... and even before that, she was used as a prize for the Enchantment Game.... "

At the news, Hydra raised an eyebrow with small interest.

"That cad? Tell me about it."

Nodding, Jen explained.

"It is said to be a community called Perseus, owned by the grandson of Perseus Perseus of Greek mythology..."

Upon hearing that, Hydra suddenly fell silent, and then a gloomy smile rose on her face as well. Just by looking at it, it gave one a shuddering feeling .

"Then, without thinking, let's start with this Community called Perseus (Perseus)..."


Jen looked confused, while Hydra spoke coldly.

"It's simple, reclaim your former partner. And, being a snake, the old clumsy hated the Greek gods swarm..."

"Perseus's grandson? The last Perseus who ran into me is nowhere to be found..."


Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 17 - Lysidia Attacks

Everything was running slowly on Hydra's pre-installed tracks.

Just like the name, the Community was a collective, not an individual. Jald's provocation of the nameless Hydra wasn't going to make a move, not even to reverse back sixteen nights.

A hothouse flower that did not weather the storm could no longer survive in the Box Court, a world where profit was the main focus, so Jald's business was picked up by Kyuubi Fyre and Haruhibe Yoh.

One just, Hydra didn't have the original Demon King, the vampire named Leticia, to do the standing behind Jald.

Instead, it was the guy who claimed to be Perseus' grandson that Hydra was positively interested in....

Usually, if you're a snake, you don't have a crush on Greek mythology, right?

From the serpent-haired demoness, her sister Medusa, to her predecessor, the hydra... the snake in Greek mythology is similar to the dragon in Christian mythology, both representing evil existence. Even the story of Hercules, Hercules is a baby when he strangled a serpent sent by Hera to kill him ... ...

It could be argued that a preternatural dislike of Greek mythology made Hydra not to look at him.

Perseus is a relatively famous being in the Community of Thousand Eyes, and the leader of the Community, Luos Parthios, is the grandson of Perseus. If you want to make a name for yourself, you can't just shout "Down with the Devil". Hydra doesn't intend to be the kind of idiot who only shouts slogans. With a stepping stone, Nameless can enter the recovery period more quickly.

Only when Nameless regained the strength of the Arcadia Community, Hydra would receive the most generous reward.......

Although the Box Court wasn't as good as that world on the world level, some of the rules of the Box Court were far beyond its original world.

This should also be the peculiarity of the Third Observation Universe....

As I was thinking, the door on the side was suddenly pushed open. The black rabbit, whose hair had turned pink, ran in with a frightened look on his face, holding Haruhibe Yoh, who was bleeding all over his body.

After picking up Haruhibe Yew, Hydra stopped the black rabbit who was trying to say something.

"It's just a minor injury, don't worry about it."

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