Me, Hydra

I, Hydra. Chapter 231.

"Ridiculous, does he still think he can beat me?"

With a cold snort, the Purple Potato-like Exterminator sat on the steel throne and entered the portal with a relaxed face.

The first thing that happened was that a large man with a chin similar to a scrub board appeared from the portal, and when he looked at it, Tor stood up in shock.

After a moment of silence, Thor shook his head helplessly and then there sat down quietly.

"What the hell is this guy Loki up to again, to actually involve so many monsters..."


Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra-34 - The Quiet Before the Storm

"Submit to me and I can give you anything you want."

The Exterminator's tone was incomparably flat, as if he was simply saying to Hydra, "Would you like a cup of coffee?" as casually as he could. It seemed that in his eyes, no matter what it was, as long as it was something he wanted to do, it would be a matter of course.

This caused Hydra to raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Oh? Really? Then I want all of the Infinity Gems. Bring them to me~"

Looking at Hydra in front of him, the expression of the Exterminator did not change in the slightest. With eyes that looked as if they were examining Hydra, the exterminator said indifferently, "Are you... provoking me? Do you really think that I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

"You can try~"

The tone of voice was equally flat, but the words no longer revealed a tit-for-tat all the time. This tone that could be described as a long time apart for Exterminator caused Exterminator to develop subtle emotions.

"Do you know how long it's been since I've heard that phrase? I've lost track of it all. Ever since I destroyed the third race that had disrespected me. No one has dared speak to me like that since. This foolish planet has limited your vision after all."

As he said that, the Exterminator shook his head with some regret or pity.

Because in the eyes of the Exterminator, the fact that Hydra was able to grow up on such a foolish planet to the point where he was able to kill several Zithari beasts in a single strike was a testament to his talent.

But unfortunately, this planet wasn't able to fully unearth his talent.

"I've run out of patience." Saying so, there was already a little more impatience in the eyes of the Exterminator.

In the time of conquering the universe, the Exterminator had witnessed one race after another head genius countless times. Some of them were low-key, some were arrogant. Some acted rudely, and some treated others modestly.

But when they were faced with the Exterminator, they only had two ways. One was to submit, and the other was to follow their race into extinction with them!

In order to please the Goddess of Death, the Exterminator had destroyed countless creatures, races, and geniuses. And Hydra, in the eyes of the Extermination Tyrant, would be one of them.

Without saying a word, Hydra just looked at the Exterminator in front of her with a smile, her gaze filled with obvious blandness, as if everything had nothing to do with Hydra.

With a cold snort, the exterminator opened his palm, and a beam of energy so strong that it began to gather in the center of the exterminator's hand.

This caused Tony, who was standing on the ground having a gathering, to perk up.

"Jarvis, survey the energy values."

Although it could be guessed that it would be a scary number, the curiosity of a scientist was powerful.

"Excuse me, sir. That is an unsurveyed energy."

"A ballpark value would be fine."

Tony seemed to take it for granted, and Jarvis gave an extremely inaccurate answer based on the fluctuations that came from the air molecules.

"Based on incomplete measurements, perhaps it will be three times the equivalent of the Khrushchev bomb. And the values are rising, making it difficult to determine the ultimate destructive power."

Upon hearing that, Tony, who was drinking, sprayed the beer in his mouth directly at Captain America beside him.

If it wasn't for the timely erection of Captain America's shield, she would have been covered in Toni's spit-covered liquor by now.

But Tony's disorientation wasn't unwarranted. You know the Khrushchev bomb, also known as the Tsar bomb, the actual equivalent of 50 million tons of TNT, when this thing exploded but created a lot of noise.

According to the records of the time, the fireball explosion produced at that time was as long as 4600 meters in diameter, far more than the height of the detonation, so the fireball quickly swept the earth; then spread almost to the height of the bomber just dropped, and nearly 1,000 kilometers away are still visible. The muscovite cloud from the explosion was nearly 40 kilometers wide and 60 kilometers high, more than seven times higher than Mount Everest.

The hot winds from the blast can cause third-degree burns even to people 170 kilometres away, and the flash of the blast can cause severe pain and burns to eyes 220 kilometres away, even cataracts and permanent blindness.

As for the entire blast can even be seen and felt in Finland, because the local houses caused by broken glass; blast generated by the storm pressure is as high as 21.11 kg per square centimeter force, enough to send nearly 1,000 kilometers away. Although this test explosion was in the air, but the shock waves transmitted to the Earth was detected by the United States Geological Survey to cause an earthquake of 5 ~ 5.25 Richter scale.

All the wooden or brick houses in the Severny Colony, 55 kilometers away from the test site, were destroyed; all the wooden houses within a few hundred kilometers were destroyed, except for the remaining brick or stone houses, which had no windows, doors or roofs; the electromagnetic pulse from the explosion created a one-hour radio communication window; the atmospheric disturbance caused by the explosion circled the Earth three times. It shifted the entire continent of Asia and Europe southward by nine millimeters.

And this was just an aerial test storm, for fuck's sake!

"Jarvis, you better do the math on your own. Or I'm going to go back and absolutely format you."

"Yes, sir. The energy intensity is now about four times that of the Khrushchev bomb."

After a moment of incredulous silence, Tony spoke up.

"Why? Did it not open the portal just to get the planet?"

Just as Tony was incredulous, an upright and handsome figure slowly emerged from the ruins on the side.


Ignoring Thor's exclamation. Loki calmly joined the gathering then pointed at the exterminator in the sky and said, "You're wrong about one thing. He came to this planet in order to get the Infinity Gem. To be frank, the conquest of this planet is actually just a passing thing. And now that the original is here, of course, the Exterminator will choose a simpler and more violent method."

As he said that, Loki picked up a pizza in front of Tor's face. With a somewhat provocative wink at Tor, Loki said somewhat helplessly, "By the way, whether it's Mr. Hydra or the exterminator big brother, both of them are staying on this planet for the Infinity Gem. If the Infinity Gem had been given directly to one of them... maybe it wouldn't have happened at all~"

"You guys should still understand such things as the innocent in a horse's mouth."

On the other hand, looking at the constantly flickering energy pillars in the hands of the Exterminator. A smile also rose at the corner of Hydra's mouth.

Then, the scales began to spread on Hydra's surface.

It was vast, and full of vitality.



Update pushed to night.

As a question, I went to the hospital today to change my meds and didn't have my computer with me. I'll make up for it later in the evening.

Also, the recent 50-50 incident is really dripping with fire, this engage, watch his fancy self-destruct is better than movies, TV shows!

And his godawful PR team, my goodness. This kind of ups and downs and now it involves lyf and wyf. definitely a 2017 show of the year!

As a person who's been watching the show for a long time, I can't wait for the fire to get bigger.

Volume 2: Extra - 35 - Star Wars

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