Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 230.

Snarling, Dr. Bruce Banner, already physically occupied by the Hulk's personality, did not hesitate to charge at the Zithari Behemoth before him. Covered in sturdy technological armor, the Zithari Behemoth also had a viciously long mouth full of sharp teeth after seeing the insect named Hulk rush towards him.

Then, he knew he was wrong.

The angrier he became, the stronger he became. The Hulk's strength instantly increased several times as he took a heavy blow and became furious from the pain.

The armor of technology was as fragile as a layer of paper in front of the Hulk, and just as the Avengers were feeling lucky, disaster struck once again.

More than one, countless mechanical life forms emerged from the space portal over New York, and even the space portal was crowded due to its massive size.

This caused Tony to knit his brows.

"No, if this continues we'll run out of energy sooner or later! We need to get to the root of the ending problem! Close the portal and terminate their troop replenishment, or we'll be facing a Starfleet!"

Hearing Tony's words, Captain America and the others at the side nodded their heads in a curt manner. But they soon realized that it was somewhat difficult to achieve.

"No, the device that maintains the portal is difficult to close once it's open. And..."

While they were carrying on a conversation, suddenly, the mechanical life forms that kept wandering in the sky suddenly roared miserably.

Unbelievably, with their bodies constantly shattering, these mechanical life forms were like pathetic insects that had crashed into an antimatter wall, looking at the portal in the sky, and Hydra couldn't help but twist her neck.

"Next, it's my turn!"


I saw a bookie say that E has ten times the power of a normal person....

That's a rumor! It's a rumor!

If you have 1 power level, E level is 10, and then you can increase it by 10, and A level is 50.

If you can imagine that E is 10 times more powerful than normal people, then Hercules is said to have lifted the world.

Obviously isn't it....

In fact, even the Nasshroom didn't tell us what this 1 was...

Also, Team America is more than just twice as fit as a normal person, you know, in Civil War, Team America once helped Worm block a full-force hit from the Hulk.

Volume 2: Extra - 33 - The Arrival of the Exterminator

Unspeakable, an unmappable force enveloped the sky, not destroying, but restoring everything to its most basic form in the city.

The behemoths of Zithari continued to roar miserably, their semi-mechanized bodies unable to allow even the slightest attenuation of the pain they bore.

The starry-eyed giants that had dazzled in the air again and made a group of avengers see them as nightmares now seemed as if they were just fish on a case to be slaughtered.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Neither Bruce Banner nor Captain America on the side had the slightest understanding of Hydra's existence. There was no other reason, because the US government as well as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s news blockade of Hydra could be said to have reached an extreme point, in fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Tony had the technological ability to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s archives, I'm afraid that even now Tony's knowledge of Hydra would be blank.

With a glance at the crowd beside him, Thor silently withdrew his hammer.

"There's no need to look around, we can pack up and rest..."

"What do you mean?" Hearing Tor's words, the American captain at the side frowned in confusion. "The battle isn't over, and the portal isn't closed. Zithari's army will be transported in a steady stream. Leaving now would be the same as surrendering this world to the world!"

Upon hearing that, Thor faintly looked at Captain America beside him and did not get angry at Captain America's words. Because Thor knew that this guy wasn't even to what kind of existence Hydra actually was.

Taking a breath, Tony, beside him, patted Captain America's shoulder.

"Nah, do you remember the big tsunami the other day? It was the giant tsunami that was over five hundred feet high and covered half of the New York coastline. Remember it."

"Remember, how..." as he said that, Captain America's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he looked incredulously at the figure in the sky: "You mean?"

Nodding his head, Tony spoke softly.

"That's right, just like you thought, that's the guy who started the big tsunami here the other day. And that biggest tsunami in the history of the world was in fact just the aftermath of him flicking his finger..."

After a moment of silence, Captain America turned his attention to Tony at Shibonang.

"It's not funny."

"I'm not lying to you," Tony said bluntly, "You can apply to S.H.I.E.L.D. for information on Hydra if you want, and while you wouldn't normally be able to see it at all, if it's after this might be able to see a scale. Besides S.H.I.E.L.D., of course...Thor Junior should know something about it, right?"

At the words, the aside, Thor nodded.

"Of course I know. When Hydra first appeared in Asgard, his goal was the Infinity Gem as well as the Exterminator. In fact, it was because we provided him with a space beacon that Hydra was able to come to this world~"

Shrugging somewhat helplessly, Thor continued.

"Hydra's power has surpassed any knowledge you can imagine, and according to my father's speculations, has even surpassed this world. In fact, my father has used all his resources to detect Hydra's true origins, but everything seems as if it's a mudblood, and Hydra is like... a creature from outside this universe..."

As he said that, Thor turned away.

"Without being to resist, it's no wonder that Loki guy did what he did, if everything was at Hydra's behest, then we're powerless to resist..."

As he drifted away, Tor's back looked inexplicably sluggish. For the high-minded Tor, an incredible monster like Hydra....

On the other side, Zithari's main battleship was having a heated discussion with the previous generation.

"Elder, the star giants were all worn down by an inexplicable force in an instant!"

Upon hearing this, the Zitari elder at the side narrowed his tiny eyes. The Zithari clan was a very famous war race under the hands of the Exterminator, and could be considered a sharp knife in the hands of the Exterminator. When they first chose to submit to the Exterminator's hands, the Zithari tribe had thoroughly developed their talent for war. Countless planets, countless races, and countless lives had been reduced to a pile of flying ashes or became a member of the Extermination Tyrant's army.

Among these races, there was never a shortage of powerful beings.

After a moment of silence, the Zitari elder on the side said coldly.

"The space gate is still too narrow to allow our main warships to pass through. Go inform Lord Exterminator, being able to easily sweep away dozens of giant beasts, compared to Lord Exterminator will also be slightly interested in this guy."

Upon hearing that, the Zitharis soldier on the side quickly nodded his head before linking up with the exterminator.

As expected of the Zithari elder, there was also a touch of interest on the exterminator's face when he heard that there was a guy giant that could easily sweep away dozens of Zithari giants in a single sweep.

"This tiny planet actually breeds such strong people? Interesting..."

As he said that, the Exterminator flew in the direction of the space portal in his steel throne.

"And you guys wait here, I'd like to see what kind of wonders can be bred on this backward planet."

Saying that, the Steel Throne still sailed through the void and arrived in front of the spatial portal.

The spatial portal was like a pond of water, and on the other side of the pond was a different kind of world. Backward and inferior.

Looking at the seemingly smiling figure on the other side of the spatial portal, the exterminator couldn't help but squint his eyes.

For no other reason, the figure on the other side of the portal was just too weird, didn't he fear himself? Was it because he had limited his vision? Called the King of the Universe, Exterminator has enough power to be proud of. The races that have perished at the hands of the Exterminator have surpassed the sum of the human race on Earth.

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