Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 202.

Hearing Hydra's words, Coulson's good man's face stiffened abruptly. Then with some deliberation, he said, "Um...Hydra?"

Nodding and looking at Coulson's cautious gaze, Hydra narrowed her eyes. Apparently, the "Hydra" in this world seemed to represent something bad....

"I don't know what you're on guard against, but I'm new to this world and have nothing to do with the Hydra you know."

Upon hearing that, Coulson was relieved, then his face once again put on a good old-fashioned expression.

The key was taken out of the suitcase, and Coulson said harmlessly: "This is a map of Queens, New York, and your residence is ready, here is the key. If you need anything, you can call our dedicated phone line, and we'll send you your ID later. I hope you have a good time, and don't forget to compliment me if you are satisfied with my service~"

Nodding, Hydra pointed casually overhead.

"Don't forget to go back and tell your boss that you'd better move the satellite up there, or don't blame me if it breaks."

As she said that, Hydra took Black Chastity and the others into the car they had already prepared as a matter of course....

As he watched Hydra and the others leave, Coulson wiped the cold sweat from his temples.

"And lying to me about not using the satellite..."


The comic book storyline would go to Avengers 1 or Doctor Strange.

It's the movie universe, the comic book universe is too messed up....

Volume 1: Text-191 - Jeanne Enters, Gabriel Descends

Holding the holy banner blessed by the Lord in her hand, Jeanne's eyes were filled with determination.

Standing on the mountain rock, Jeanne looked cautiously at the poisonous fire raging in the sky.

"Is this the scourge of extinction that Prophet Hyde spoke of... It really is just as the Prophet-sama said, so terrifying..." as she talked to herself, Jeanne drew the sword at her waist. Beside her stood the attendant from the Stormwind City King Varian's order, or Varian's son, Anduin.

Anduin could be considered a perfect prince in people's minds by any measure. But Anduin did not want to be a great warrior like his father, for when he was a boy, Anduin Urien had peace as his ultimate goal.

Although he did not inherit his father's warrior bloodline, Anduin's mastery of magic is far superior, as evidenced by the fact that Anduin learned that "under the holy light, the shadow walks".

Appointed as Jeanne's guard, Anduin looked at Jeanne with admiration in his eyes.

It was almost perfect.

This was Anduin's evaluation of Jeanne.

As the vicegerent of the God of Resurrection, Anduin could see almost all the goodness of humanity in Jeanne.

Never caring about her status as a holy woman, willing to eat cold, hard dried food in the wasteland with the common generals. No pride in one's status.

Although it could be seen that Jeanne was from a shallow background, once she encountered a problem Jeanne never went along with it, but would ask for advice like the people around her. Miner is so modest and unashamed.

Willing to sacrifice herself for the majority, but won't protect the mistakes of the majority. Determined and never wavers.

Anduin thinks he can't be a sage like Jeanne....

"If it was my old self, I would have envisioned becoming someone like Jeanne..."

Thinking about it, Anduin was shocked when he saw Jeanne pull out the sharp sword at her waist.

"Sovereign Lady?! What the hell are you doing?!"


"That's too dangerous to..."

Shaking her head, Jeanne spoke firmly.

"By order of the Prophet, I will not sit by and watch the devil destroy this world! Before the Virgin, I was a warrior!"

As she spoke, Jeanne waved the holy banner, irises of gold on a white background fluttering in the wind.

Leaping down, Jeanne charged into the battle group with a steel sword in hand.

Seeing Jeanne rushing past, Anduin swallowed his saliva.

It looked like there was one more to add to the previous merits.

"Never fight cowardly!!!"

As he said that, Anduin also drew the sword at his waist.

His current status was that of Jeanne's guard, if father knew that he was cowardly before he fought, he would definitely be laughed at!

"Holy light, bless me!"

While the battlefield was fighting fiercely, Hydra was also the angel's divine right to make things happen right under his nose.

With the passage of time, the entire Vatican City had been under Hydra's control.

Relying on Hydra's energy, Lina's father's Chamber of Commerce power had also completed spreading. In order to ensure the integrity of the information, the chambers of commerce in every town had become Hydra's points of information at Hydra's behest.

But Hydra's actions had also attracted the attention of certain people.

Located in the Celestial Realm, Gabriel was constantly listening for the sound of mortal prayer.

In recent days the prayers seemed to have taken on something else, and from this jumbled stream of information, Gabriel became acutely aware of one name: the Prophet of Hydra.

Prophet, a name that represented the times, a name that represented the leaping sages.

"Has the Prophet been born? Why am I not called by the Father?"

With this in mind, Gabriel decided to go to earth himself to see what kind of person...or freak...this guy named Prophet Hyde really was.

Turned out to be a fine-looking woman, Gabriel was covered in gaudy clothing.

As stated earlier, angels are products of God, and as heavenly messengers, angels do not have traditional gender distinctions. For the angels themselves are not required to perform the physical reproduction that comes from the domination of desire.

There are even many times when warriors do great feats there will be angels transformed into beautiful women to go to bed.

Of course, that's mostly what first rank angels need to do. As one of the seven angels, Gabriel, who represented judgment and justice, naturally didn't need to do something that would tarnish his reputation.

After all, no matter how hard mortals worked, they would only be at the "Holy Son" level at most, which was the middle angel. Most of them could only stay at the level of "Holy Spirit"... the lower angels.

Even for a surrogate like Saint George, at most, he would only be at the level of a middle "wise angel", which is the level of an upper level angel....

But if that Hyde really was the Prophet, then there was no doubt that Gabriel wouldn't be able to refuse if he wanted to....

There is no shame in communing with a prophet; on the contrary, it is an honor for most people for a prophet to be one who has been "enlightened" by the Lord. In a sense, it is like some big-headed monks who use their lower body to enlighten women....

To be precise, the victims all think alike, one is close to the "Lord" and the other is close to the "Buddha".

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