Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 201.

The corner of his eyebrows twitched slightly twice, but after considering rather than equalizing the difference in strength Xiao An instantly turned into a face of approval plus a dog's leg.

"Yes, yes, Big Sister is the strongest, long live Big Sister!"


Avatars were forced to change....

Zee, read that the review standards for book visitors have gone up again....

I'll send you the review criteria in a bit.

Jolly Booker Review Criteria 20?17 Edition

Volume I: Text-1. It is forbidden to deal with politics, religious and ethnic issues, or to write about sensitive current events.

Vol. 1: Text-2. Direct exposure and depiction of human sexuality/parts. [No direct writing of sexual organs, and sexually provocative body parts] 3. Textual content that shows straightforward sexual acts, sexual/implicit, and sexual/provocative content.

Vol. 1: Text-4. Contents that are naked, sneak peeks, and leaks that violate personal privacy. In the system stream, some evil tasks, such as the requirement to steal underwear, etc.].5. Content that attracts clicks with vulgar and provocative headlines. It is often said that the "title party" is not good, especially the chapter name prohibits pornography, appear sensitive words] 6, spread a / night / love, change / wife, sex / abuse and other harmful information. This is a very important part of the process, but it is also a very important part of the process. This is the first time I've ever been in a position where I've had a chance to do something like this. For example, no names identical to those of movie stars can appear, especially if the other party is involved in a negative incident that could lead to legal action.

In short, the scrapbook, the post-apocalyptic text, and the brother-sister-sister-mother text are going to die on a batch....

Volume 2: Extra-4-Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Rainbow Bridge, the bridge in Norse mythology that connects the Atrium to Asgard, where the watchman Heimdall has eyes that can watch over the nine realms.

Most of the descriptions of the Rainbow Bridge appear in the Prose Edda, but there are some references in the Poetic Edda as well. Some scholars believe that originally in the Poetic Edda, Bifrost referred to the "Milky Way", while the author of the Prose Edda, Shlory Sturlason, reinterpreted it as a rainbow.

But regardless of the legend, Hydra and his crew relied on the Rainbow Bridge to reach the world called the Atrium.

That is, Earth....

With some emotion, a touch of nostalgia rose in Hydra's eyes as she looked at her surroundings.

It wasn't the one she knew, but there was no doubt that this was indeed Earth. The same polluted air, fading mystery and hooked society.

Seeing people again was not as joyous as Hydra had expected, but instead, it was like seeing a bug....


Hydra couldn't help but skim over it, and Black Chastity on the other hand felt the same way. The mystery of this world was not as pure as that of the Moon World, but mixed with some strange things....

Just as Hydra descended, on the other side, S.H.I.E.L.D., full name, Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Directorate, their duties were similar to the United States of America of their original memories. Both acted as world police.

Located 10,000 meters above the sky, the rainbow bridge transmission was the energy generated, and was quickly detected by the monitoring station.

"BOSS, an unidentified energy body has descended on the outskirts of eastern New York."

At the words, the black man with an eyepatch on his face raised an eyebrow, then turned and asked, "Turn the satellite view on."

Upon hearing that, a bird's-eye view of New York instantly appeared on top of the virtual screen, and then, relying on the powerful positioning system, the satellite quickly targeted Hydra's group.

Either way, the three of Hydra were striking enough.

A young man covered in tattoos and exuding malice, a woman who looked like a delinquent girl and a squinting young man who looked very gentle but was somehow cold.

Sensing the prying eyes, Hydra also looked up towards the satellite.

Returning a smile, the satellite, located outside the atmosphere, was instantly distorted by a force just as Nick Fury felt something bad.

Looking at the screen, which was instantly covered in snowflakes, Nick Fury stopped Coulson, who was preparing to mobilize the second satellite, in his tracks.

"No need to waste energy," said Nick Fury as he narrowed his eyes. "The warning is clear enough, evacuate the surrounding population and then try to negotiate with him. Try not to use force if you can, I'm sure you don't want to be suddenly crushed into a pile of pieces~"

It was light-hearted, even a little relaxed, but anyone could hear the caution in Nick Fury's voice.

With Fury's orders, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. was up and running.

"Set this incident as a priority, and by the way, warn those military idiots not to do anything rash. They've already broken a lot of things. Also Coulson you get ready, I think you're the best man for the job from a negotiation standpoint alone. Also, Hill you don't forget to shield the other private satellites to save them more trouble."

On hearing that, Hill nodded quickly. Coles, on the other hand, sighed bitterly.

"Why do I have to do something so dangerous...?"

"Those who can~"

At Fury's teasing, Coles shrugged his shoulders helplessly, then picked up a pile of papers and went down to prepare for the negotiations.

Unaware of what was going on among the sky motherships, Black Chastity stood on a small hilltop looking out for a moment.

"Where are we going next? It's not like it's downtown here~"

As she said that, Black Chastity tilted her head rather bored.

The United States and China are different, many rich people in the United States will choose to live in the suburbs. The reason for this is that, if you live in the suburbs, the traffic jam can take up to two hours, while in the United States, the land is sparsely populated and privatized, so many rich people will buy one or more sets of houses in the suburbs.

Of course, in the suburbs there are just "a lot" of rich people, but in the city center... it's the same in any country. It's all rich people who can buy a house in the city center....

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra sat lightly on the grass.

The soft dirt was slightly damp, and it looked like it should have rained lightly not long ago.

"Why are you sitting here? It's not much to look at, is it?"

As he did so, the black chaste bear childishly kicked up a rock.

Shaking his head, Hydra faded in.

"There's no rush, someone will be here soon."

While the crowd was still in doubt, several heavily armed helicopters had quickly appeared in the sky.

Landing a short distance away, the strong wind from the propellers caused the surrounding grass to spread out in circles.

A very silly looking Hundred Man with a suitcase in his hand trotted over.

"Hello, I'm an agent with the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, you can call me Coulson."

"...for a simple name."

", S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Coulson."

Nodding, Hydra turned her attention to the good-looking Coulson.

"What brings you here?"

Nodding, Coulson pulled out a pile of papers and some pictures from his suitcase.

"Sir must be new to this world, right? For the sake of sir's safety, we have come to deliver some of the necessities of life to him. Oh, by the way, we haven't asked for sir's name yet..."

"My name is Hydra."

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